Convergence and collaboration in translation research
Convergence and collaboration in translation research
In an increasingly globalised world, translation and localisation are becoming more visible as practices which directly affect individual and corporate communication. They are becoming more strategic for companies and brands that care about visibility and the effectiveness of their communication around the globe. This brings new forms of work and practices for professionals, and requires more types of collaboration between the many agents in the broadly understood translation/localisation process. Such collaboration can happen online, for example between translators on platforms, offline, between different departments within an organisation, or between universities and companies that share knowledge and support research. This collaboration can be voluntary or (semi-)imposed, and it can bring opportunities and risks, empowering or impoverishing agents of collaboration, especially those at the end of the supply chain.
Research carried out in the workplace and in professional settings is vital to understanding the nature of the many different types of collaborations, and how they impact processes, products and workers involved. This session brought together researchers that are investigating new practices and forms of collaboration in professional translation, promoting the sharing of best research practices and inspiring new lines of research in this area.

Lynne Bowker
University of Ottawa
Lynne Bowker, PhD, is Full Professor at the University of Ottawa, where she holds a cross-appointment between the School of Translation and Interpretation and the School of Information Studies. Her research interests include translation technologies, terminology, and corpus linguistics. She is author of Computer-Aided Translation Technology (University of Ottawa Press), Working with Specialized Language: A Practical Guide to Using Corpora (Routledge) and Machine Translation and Global Research (Emerald). In 2020, she was elected to the Royal Society of Canada in recognition of her contributions to the field of translation technologies. She is also a certified French-English translator with the Association of Translators and Interpreters of Ontario.

Gökhan Firat
University of Surrey
I am a PhD Student and Postgraduate Researcher at the University of Surrey, Center for Translation Studies and I currently do research in the area of collaborative and cooperative translation on digital platforms. Before joining the University of Surrey, I worked in the publishing and translation industries for more than ten years as a book translator, editor, copy-editor, project coordinator, operations manager, business development manager, technology consultant and trainer. I hold a BA in Translation and Interpreting and completed my MA in Translation Studies with a research focusing on the impacts of the current techno-political transformation of the language industry on translation and its workers. My current interdisciplinary PhD study investigates the collaborative and cooperative forms of translation work in the digital economy (e.g. AI-powered translation platforms, worker cooperatives, knowledge platforms, media platforms, crowdsourcing platforms, etc.) with a focus on their impacts on translation workers. My studies specifically focus on how different types of digital translation platforms work and produce translation, how their work organizations, governance and business models are distinct from each other, how they impact the working conditions, job satisfaction, motivation and wellbeing of translation workers and whether they offer new possibilities for a decent, fair, democratic and sustainable future of the language industry.

Miguel Jiménez-Crespo
Rutgers University
Miguel A. Jiménez-Crespo is director of the MA and BA program in Translation and Interpreting at Rutgers University, USA, and holds a PhD in Translation and Interpreting Studies from the University of Granada, Spain. Professor Jimenez's research focuses on translation technologies, localization, corpus-based translation studies, cognitive translation studies, translation theory, and the didactics of translation.

Joss Moorkens
Dublin City University
Joss Moorkens is an Associate Professor at the School of Applied Language and Intercultural Studies in Dublin City University, where he is associated with the ADAPT Centre, Institute of Ethics, and Centre for Translation and Textual Studies. His research interests and publications are in translation technology, machine translation post-editing, user evaluation of machine translation, translator precarity, and translation ethics. He is General Coeditor of the journal Translation Spaces with Prof. Dorothy Kenny, and coeditor of a number of books and journal special issues. He is also a coauthor of the forthcoming book 'Translation Tools and Technologies: A Practical Guide for Students and Translators' on Routledge. He leads the Technology working group (with Prof. Tomáš Svoboda) as a board member of the European Masters in Translation network and sits on the advisory board of the Journal of Specialised Translation.

Özlem Temizöz
University of Surrey
I am a Research Fellow at the Centre for Translation Studies (CTS) at the University of Surrey. My research focuses on exploring language technologies (the technologies themselves, i.e. their inherent characteristics) and the impact of their use on the translation process, product, and the translator/user. Currently, I am working on the CONTRA project exploring concurrent translation workflows and the impact of cloud-based collaborative translation platforms with concurrent access on the translation process, translated product, and the translator. My research interests also include machine translation (MT), postediting, and technology-enhanced multilingual communication. Before I joined CTS, I worked on projects covering machine translation postediting, cooperation between professional translators and subject-matter experts in contemporary translation/postediting workflows, and cognitive aspects of the translation process and translation into the second language. I worked as a translator and taught English as a second language. I hold a BA in Translation and Interpreting, an MA and a PhD in Translation and Intercultural Studies.
Presentation 1: Distributed, extended and augmented cognition in the age of crowdsourcing: are translators truly “augmented”?
Miguel A. Jiménez-Crespo, Rutgers University
I will critically discuss how crowdsourcing and online collaborative translation relate to recent discussions on “translation augmentation”. These two distinct technology-driven approaches emerged as possible solutions to achieve better, more efficient or speedier solutions to complex problems than those that a single cognitive system can solve on its own, as well as to handle time consuming routine tasks. The introduction of 4EA approaches to cognition in crowdsourcing reframed both translation tasks (both routine and problem solving) towards a distributed and extended perspective that goes beyond the capabilities of the individual mind (Risku, Pein-Weber & Rogl 2016; Jiménez-Crespo 2017; Risku & Windhager 2020). Here, “several cognizing and not cognizing agents”, such as translation technologies, AI driven crowdsourcing platforms or adaptive NMT, “conjointly perform complex tasks, such as translating and producing large digital texts.” (Muñoz 2017: 564). Nevertheless, augmented translation refers to the coupling of human and machines in a “technology-centric approach to amplifying the capabilities of human translators” (Lommel 2020:np). It relates to existing technological integrated systems beyond just the automation brought by TM and MT “that learn and adapt from humans, who firmly remain in the loop and in charge” (Angelone 2023: 62). Some questions that will be discussed is whether (1) existing crowdsourcing technologies presented as AI or IA -driven “adapt” and leave “human translators” firmly in charge, (2) the existing fuzziness in the theoretical and conceptual constructs to discuss AI and translation augmentation and how they relate to the study of crowdsourcing, (3) the possibility of amplifying the capabilities of participants from a physiological, cognitive or social perspective (Lee et al. 2018: 191) or (4) whether following Levy’s (2008, 2013) notion of augmented collective intelligence this area of study should benefit from the introduction of augmented collective translation and what this concept would entail.
Presentation 2: How collaborative is Concurrent Translation? Implications for Professional Practice
Joanna Gough and Özlem Temizöz, University of Surrey
In today’s globalised world, individual and collective multilingual communication is supported by a growing number of translation and localisation tools. These tools enable new forms of work and practices for professionals and require new types of collaboration between the agents in the broadly understood translation/localisation process. Research carried out in professional settings is very important to understanding the nature of different types of collaborations, and how they impact processes, products and workers involved. In this panel, we will talk about researching collaboration in translation as affected by translation technologies. More specifically, we will discuss the case of “concurrent translation” (CT), a form of collaboration in translation production that has been increasingly used on collaborative platforms in recent years. CT is defined as translation production activity carried out for commercial reasons, by multiple, predominantly trained translation professionals, using technologies that enable horizontal and vertical collaboration in a synchronous way, i.e., working on one text concurrently. This way of producing translations has implications for professional practice, translator training and software development, but also raises more theoretical questions about the nature of collaboration in this particular workflow. In this talk we will first discuss where CT fits in other types of collaborative translation activities, and then address the implications of CT for professional practice by sharing the experiences of 804 translators with this workflow (CT) based on the findings of a survey. Along with demonstrating the empowering and impoverishing aspects of Concurrent Translation workflow as represented by the findings, we will problematise the idea of CT being labelled as a form of ‘collaborative translation’.
Presentation 3: Transcooperation in the Translation Industry
Gökhan Firat, University of Surrey
The need for achieving an efficient way of working together and mutually supporting each other has brought a lot of attention to the research and development of new types of collaborative models. This presentation explores these new types of collaboration in translation with a focus on cooperative translation, which has gained more importance as an alternative way of jointly producing and managing translation. This type of translation is usually driven by translation cooperatives, collectives, solidarity groups, translation associations and open-source initiatives that are owned and governed collectively by their workers/producers/members. However, there is a lack of knowledge about how they achieve collaboration and cooperation among their workers and members. In this regard, I will discuss how translation theory and praxis meet with cooperation (i.e., transcooperation) in the form of newly emerged translation cooperatives and where it fits in other types of collaborative translation activities. To achieve this, I will present concrete examples of translation cooperatives available in the translation industry by underlining their main similarities and differences from other types of collaborative actions. By doing so, it is hoped to contribute to the efforts towards ensuring inter-professional and inter-cultural collaboration and cooperation with translation.
Presentation 4: Collaborative research projects: challenges for academia and the industry
Joss Moorkens, Dublin City University
Félix do Carmo, University of Surrey
As research groups and centres, there are expectations to engage with industry and society, and to attract funding from non-exchequer and industrial sources. This can be particularly challenging for academics from the humanities. In this presentation, Félix do Carmo and Joss Moorkens reflect on their experience of industry collaboration, particularly for cofunded projects, in the ADAPT Centre in Dublin and at the University of Surrey. From building relationships to pitching projects and actively negotiating with companies, their experience has included successes and failures. When projects succeed, there can be mutual benefits in terms of research findings, cocreation of knowledge, publications, addressing personal and group performance indicators, and opportunities for follow-up projects. However, building collaborative projects is hard work, that can feel like lost time when projects do not come together.
Presentation 5: Involving User Communities in T&I Technology Research: A Tale of Two MT Projects
Lynne Bowker, University of Ottawa
Translation and interpreting (T&I) technologies have become increasingly embedded in the language professions and in society more broadly. Where there are tools, there are also users. However, at this point, we know comparatively little about tool users and their needs. To rectify this, more T&I researchers are turning their attention towards user studies, perhaps bringing us closer to a “user turn” in T&I technology research. To be effective, user studies must be approached thoughtfully, and rather than seeking to reinvent the wheel, T&I researchers might find inspiration in the methods used in other fields. For instance, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the field of population health became highly visible, as did some of the methods used in this field, such as community-based participatory research (CBPR). This presentation will explore the principles, advantages and potential barriers to uptake of CBPR in T&I technology research, illustrating its potential through two examples of machine translation research projects – one less successful project that did not adopt CBPR and one more successful project that did.

Joanna Gough
University of Surrey

Félix do Carmo
University of Surrey