We have a comprehensive list of all the publications from members of our Institute.
Publications listing
- [Paper] F. De Rango, M. Tropea, A. Serianni, N. Cordeschi, "Fuzzy inference system design for promoting an eco-friendly driving style in IoV domain," Vehicular Communications, Elsevier, vol. pp, 2021.
- [Paper] N. Cordeschi, F. De Rango and M. Tropea, "Exploiting an Optimal Delay-Collision Tradeoff in CSMA-Based High-Dense Wireless Systems," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 2353-2366, October 2021.
- [Paper] A. Kose, H. Lee; C. H. Foh, K. Moessner, "Profiling Vehicles for Improved Small Cell Beam-Vehicle Pairing Using Multi-Armed Bandit," International Conference on ICT Convergence, October 2021.
- [Paper] A. Kose, H. Lee; C. H. Foh, M. Dianati, "Beam-Based Mobility Management in 5G Millimetre Wave V2X Communications: A Survey and Outlook," IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 2, pp. 347-363, 2021.
- [Paper] M. Yang, D. Gao, C. H. Foh, "Efficient Packet Classification with Learned Bloom Filter in Software-Defined Networking," IEEE ICC, 2021.
- [Paper] W. Yu, C. H. Foh, A. Quddus, Y. Liu, R. Tafazolli, "Throughput analysis and user barring design for uplink NOMA-enabled random access," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 20, no. 10, pp. 6298-6314, October 2021.
- [Paper] L. Zhen, A.K. Bashir, K. Yu, Y.D. Al-Otaibi, C.H. Foh, P. Xiao, "Energy-Efficient Random Access for LEO Satellite-Assisted 6G Internet of Remote Things," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 8, no. 7, pp. 5114-5128, April 2021.
- [Paper] S. Almarshed, D. Triantafyllopoulou, K. Moessner, "Deep Learning-Based Estimator for Fast HARQ Feedback in URLLC," IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) 2021, September 2021.
- [Paper] G. Xilouris, M. Christopoulou, H. Koumaras, M.A. Kourtis, M Emmelmann, D. Triantafyllopoulou, Y. Rahulan, I. G. Muriel, A. Díaz Zayas, E. Atxutegi, G. Gardikis, D. Lioprasitis, D Tsolkas, P. Kostakis, E. Aumayr, M Bosneag, O. Alay, V Frascolla, A. Brunström, "Experimentation and 5G KPI measurements in the 5GENESIS platforms," ACM SIGCOMM 2021 Workshop on 5G Measurements, Modeling, and Use Cases (5G-MeMU), August 2021.
- [Paper] K. Nikitopoulos, M. Filo, C. Jayawardena, J. C. De Luna Ducoing, R. Tafazolli, "Non-Linear Base-Station Processing Within a 3GPP Compliant Framework," IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 72066-72077, May 2021.
- [Paper] J. C. De Luna Ducoing, Y. Qin, Y. Xue, K. Nikitopoulos, "Gyre Precoding for MU-MIMO Systems," IEEE Communications Letters, May 2021.
- [Paper] Long Cheng, Guangrong Yue, Pei Xiao, Ning Wei, Shaoqian Li. , "Fast Beam Alignment for Millimeter Wave Time-Varying Channels Using Sparse Codes," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 70, no. 8, pp. 8325-8330, August 2021.
- [Paper] Hongzhi Chen, De Mi, Tong Wang, Zheng Chu, Yin Xu, Dazhi He, Pei Xiao, "Rate-Splitting for Multicarrier Multigroup Multicast: Precoder Design and Error Performance," IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting., vol. 67, no. 3, pp. 619-630, September 2021.
- [Paper] Wanming Hao, Gangcan Sun, Ming Zeng, Zheng Chu, Octavia A. Dobre, Pei Xiao, "Robust Design for Intelligent Reflecting Surface Assisted MIMO-OFDMA Terahertz IoT Networks," IEEE Internet of Things Journal., vol. 8, no. 16, pp. 13052-13064, August 2021.
- [Paper] Chunxu Mao, Long Zhang, Mohsen Khalily, Yue Gao, Pei Xiao., "A Multiplexing Filtering Antenna," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 69, no. 8, pp. 5066-5071, August 2021.
- [Paper] Salman Amlashi, Mohsen Khalily, Vikrant Singh, Pei Xiao, David Carey, Rahim Tafazolli, "Surface Electromagnetic Performance Analysis of a Graphene-Based Terahertz Sensor Using a Novel Spectroscopy Technique," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications , vol. 39, no. 6, pp. 1797-1816, June 2021.
- [Paper] Qu Luo, Pengyu Gao, Lixia Xiao, Zilong Liu, Zeina Mheich, Pei Xiao, Amine Maaref, "An Error Rate Comparison of Power Domain Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access and Sparse Code Multiple Access," IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, vol. 2, pp. 500-511, March 2021.
- [Paper] Hang Ruan, Pei Xiao, Lixia Xiao and James Kelly, "Joint Iterative Optimization Based Low-Complexity Adaptive Hybrid Beamforming for Massive MU-MIMO Systems," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 69, no. 3, pp. 1707-1722, March 2021.
- [Paper] Chunxu Mao, Mohsen Khalily, Pei Xiao, Long Zhang, Rahim Tafazolli, "High-Gain Phased Array Antenna With Endfire Radiation for 26 GHz Wide-Beam-Scanning Applications," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 69, no. 5, pp. 3015-3020, May 2021.
- [Paper] Chunxu Mao, Mohsen Khalily, Long Zhang, Pei Xiao, Yuhang Sun, Douglas Werner. , "Compact Patch Antenna With Vertical Polarization and Omnidirectional Radiation Characteristics," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 69, no. 2, pp. 1158-1161, February 2021.
- [Paper] Zheng Chu, Pei Xiao, Mohammad Shojafar, De Mi, Juquan Mao, and Wanming Hao, "Intelligent Reflecting Surface Assisted Mobile Edge Computing for Internet of Things," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 619-623, March 2021.
- [Paper] Christopher Husmann, Chathura Jayawardena, Amine Maaref, Pei Xiao, Konstantinos Nikitopoulos. , "Low-Complexity SCMA Detection for Unsupervised User Access," IEEE Communication Letters, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 1019-1023, March 2021.
- [Paper] Manijeh Bashar, Hien Ngo, Kanapathippillai Cumanan, Pei Xiao, Emil Bjornson, Erik Larsson. , "Uplink Spectral and Energy Efficiency of Cell-Free Massive MIMO with Optimal Uniform Quantization," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 69, no. 1, pp. 223-245, January 2021.
- [Paper] M. Ghahramani, R. Javidan, M. Shojafar, R. Taheri, M. Alazab, R. Tafazolli,, "RSS: An energy-efficient approach for securing IoT service protocols against the DoS attack," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 3619-3635, 44084 2021.
- [Paper] F. Hoseiny, S. Azizi, M. Shojafar, F. Ahmadiazar, R. Tafazolli, "PGA: A Priority-aware Genetic Algorithm for Task Scheduling in Heterogeneous Fog-Cloud Computing," IEEE INFOCOM ICCN, to appear.
- [Paper] A. Kose, C.H. Foh, H. Lee, M. Dianati, "Beam-centric Handover Decision in Dense 5G-mmWave Networks," IEEE PIMRC 2020, June 2020.
- [Paper] J. B. Porch, C. H. Foh, H. Farooq, A. Imran, "Machine Learning Approach for Automatic Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Cellular Networks," IEEE BlackSeaCom, May 2020.
- [Paper] Q. Wang, D. Gao, C.H. Foh, V.C.M. Leung, "An Edge Computing-Enabled Decentralized Authentication Scheme for Vehicular Networks," IEEE ICC, June 2020.
- [Paper] L. Jin, W. Quan, G. Liu, D. Gao, C.H. Foh, Q. Wang, "DPS: A Delay-Programmable Scheduler for the Packet Out-of-Order Mitigation in Heterogeneous Networks," IEEE ICC Workshop, June 2020.
- [Paper] D. Mulvey, C. H. Foh, M. A. Imran, R. Tafazolli, "Improved Neural Network Transparency For Cell Degradation Detection Using Explanatory Model," IEEE ICC, June 2020.
- [Paper] J. Hall, K. Moessner, R. Mackenzie, F. Carrez, C. H. Foh, "Dynamic Scheduler Management Using Deep Learning," IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 575-585, June 2020.
- [Paper] M. Filo, C. H. Foh, S. Vahid, R. Tafazolli, "Performance Analysis of Ultra-Dense Networks with Regularly Deployed Base Stations," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 3530-3545, May 2020.
- [Paper] S. Almarshed, D. Triantafyllopoulou, K. Moessner, "Supervised Learning for Enhanced Early HARQ Feedback Prediction in URLLC," IEEE International Conference on Communication, Networks and Satellite (COMNETSAT) 2020, December 2020.
- [Paper] M. Filo, J. C. De Luna Ducoing, C. Jayawardena, C. Husmann, R. Tafazolli and K. Nikitopoulos, "Evaluating Non-Linear Beamforming in a 3GPP-Compliant Framework Using the SWORD Platform," PIMRC, September 2020.
- [Paper] Zheng Chu, Pei Xiao, De Mi, Hongzhi Chen, and Wanming Hao. , "Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces Enabled Cognitive Internet of Things Based on Practical Pathloss Mode," China Communications, vol. 17, no. 12, December 2020.
- [Paper] Aijun Cao, Lixia Xiao, Pei Xiao, Chang He, Rahim Tafazolli, "A Tight Upper Bound for Enhanced DCT-OFDM with Index Modulation," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 69, no. 12, pp. 16213-16217, December 2020.
- [Paper] Zheng Chu, Wanming Hao, Pei Xiao, Zilong Liu, Khalily Mohsen, James Kelly, Alexandros Feresidis. , "Secrecy Rate Optimization for Intelligent Reflecting Surface Assisted MIMO System," IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 16, pp. 1655-1669, November 2020.
- [Paper] Lixia Xiao, Pei Xiao, Hang Ruan, Naoki Ishikawa, Lei Lu, Yue Xiao, and Lajos Hanzo, "Differentially-encoded rectangular spatial modulation approaches the performance of its coherent counterpart," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 68, no. 12, pp. 7593-7607, December 2020.
- [Paper] Lixia Xiao, Tao Jiang, Da Chen, Ibrahim Hemadeh, Pei Xiao, "Graph Theory assisted Bit-to-Index-Combination Gray Coding for Generalized Index Modulation," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 19, no. 12, pp. 8232-8245, December 2020.
- [Paper] Lixia Xiao, Da Chen, Ibrahim Hemadeh, Pei Xiao, Tao Jiang, "Generalized Space Time Block Coded Spatial Modulation for Open-Loop Massive MIMO Downlink Communication Systems," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 68, no. 11, pp. 6858-6871, November 2020.
- [Paper] Zeina Mheich, Wenjuan Yu, Pei Xiao, Atta ul Quddus and Amine Maaref, "On the Performance of HARQ Protocols With Blanking in NOMA Systems," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 19, no. 11, pp. 7423-7438, November 2020.
- [Paper] Juquan Mao, Lei Zhang, Pei Xiao, Konstantinos Nikitopoulos, "Filtered OFDM: An Insight into Intrinsic In-Band Interference and Filter Frequency Response Selectivity," IEEE Access, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 100670-100683, June 2020.
- [Paper] Zeina Mheich, Zilong Liu, Pei Xiao and Amine Maaref, "Delayed Bit Interleaved Coded Sparse Code Multiple Access," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 69, no. 7, pp. 8018-8022, July 2020.
- [Paper] Ahmed Almardi, Michalis Matthaiou, Pei Xiao, Vincent Fusco, "Hybrid Precoding for Massive MIMO with Low Rank Channels: A Two-Stage User Scheduling Approach," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 68, no. 8, pp. 4816-4831, August 2020.
- [Paper] Juquan Mao, Lei Zhang, Pei Xiao, Konstantinos Nikitopoulos. , "Interference Analysis and Power Allocation in the Presence of Mixed Numerologies," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 19, no. 8, pp. 5188-5203, August 2020.
- [Paper] Bowen Yang, Lei Zhang, Oluwakayode Onireti, Pei Xiao, Muhammad Ali Imran and Rahim Tafazolli. , "Mixed-numerology Signals Transmission and Interference Cancellation for Radio Access Network Slicing," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 19, no. 8, pp. 5132-5147, August 2020.
- [Paper] Zheng Chu, Wanming Hao, Pei Xiao, Mohsen Khalily, Rahim Tafazolli, "Resource Allocations for Symbiotic Radio with Finite Block Length Backscatter Link," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 7, no. 9, pp. 8192-8207, September 2020.
- [Paper] Manijeh Bashar, Ali Akbari, Kanapathippillai Cumanan, Hien Ngo, Alister Burr, Pei Xiao, Debbah Merouane, Josef Kittler, "Exploiting Deep Learning in Limited-Fronthaul Cell-Free Massive MIMO Uplink," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 38, no. 8, pp. 1678-1697, August 2020.
- [Paper] Wanming Hao, Gangcan Sun, Jiankang Zhang, Pei Xiao, Lajos Hanzo, "Secure Millimeter Wave Cloud Radio Access Networks Relying on Microwave Multicast Fronthaul," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 68, no. 5, pp. 3079-3095, May 2020.
- [Paper] Mahmoud Abdullahi, Aijun Cao, Adnan Zafar, Pei Xiao, Ibrahim Hemadeh, "A Generalized Bit Error Rate Evaluation for Index Modulation Based OFDM System," IEEE Access, vol. 8, no. 1, December 2020.
- [Paper] Zilong Liu, Ping Yangy, Yong Liang Guanz, and Pei Xiao, "Cross Z-Complementary Pairs (CZCPs) for Optimal Training in Spatial Modulation Over Frequency Selective Channels," IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 68, no. 1, pp. 1529-1543, December 2020.
- [Paper] Ibrahim Hemadeh, Pei Xiao, Yasin Isfahani, Lixia Xiao, Vincent Fusco, Rahim Tafazolli, "Polarization Modulation Design for Reduced RF Chain Wireless," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 68, no. 6, pp. 3890-3907, June 2020.
- [Paper] Xiaoran Liu, Xiaoying Zhang, Lei Zhang, Pei Xiao, Jibo Wei, Haijun Zhang, Victor Leung, "PAPR Reduction Using Iterative Clipping/Filtering and ADMM Approaches for OFDM-Based Mixed-Numerology Systems," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 2586-2600, April 2020.
- [Paper] Manijeh Bashar, Kanapathippillai Cumanan, Alister Burr, Hien Quoc Ngo, Lajos Hanzo, Pei Xiao, "On the Performance of Cell-Free Massive MIMO Relying on Adaptive NOMA/OMA Mode-Switching," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 68, no. 2, pp. 792-810, 2020.
- [Paper] Yusha Liu, Lie-liang Yang, Pei Xiao, Harald Haas, Lajos Hanzo., "Spatial Modulated Multicarrier Sparse Code-Division Multiple Access," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 19, no. 1, January 2020.
- [Paper] Lixia Xiao, Pei Xiao, Zilong Liu, Wenjuan Yu, Harald Hass, Lajos Hanzo, "A Compressive Sensing Assisted Massive SM-VBLAST System: Error Probability and Capacity Analysis," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 1990-2005, March 2020.
- [Paper] Wanming Hao, Ming Zeng, Gangcan Sun, Pei Xiao, "Edge Cache-assisted Secure Low-Latency Millimeter Wave Transmission," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 1815-1825, March 2020.
- [Paper] M. Saeidi, A. Moore, F. Perry, M. Shojafar, H. Ullah, J. Synnott, R. Brown, I. Herwono, , "Generation of Realistic Signal Strength Measurements for a 5G Rogue Base Station Attack Scenario," IEEE ESSCA- CNS 2020, to appear.
- [Paper] M. Mukherjee,V. Kumar, S. Kumar, R. Matam, C.X. Mavromoustakis, Q. Zhang, M. Shojafar, G. Mastorakis, , "Computation Offloading Strategy in Heterogeneous Fog Computing with Energy and Delay Constraints," IEEE ICC, to appear.
- [Paper] R. Taheri, M. Ghahremani, R. Javidan, M. Shojafar, Z. Pooranian, M. Conti,, "Similarity-based Android Malware Detection Using HammingDistance of Static Binary Features," Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 105, 43926 2020.
- [Paper] H.O. Hassan S. Azizi, M. Shojafar,, "Priority, Network and Energy-aware Placement of IoT-based Application Services in Fog-Cloud Environments," IET Communications, to appear.
- [Paper] S. Azizi, M. Shojafar, J. Abawajy, R. Buyya,, "GRVMP: A Greedy Randomized Algorithm for Virtual Machine Placement in Cloud Data Centers," IEEE System, to appear.
- [Paper] Wang, Ch. Chen, S. Kumari, M. Shojafar, R. Tafazolli, Y. Liu,, "HDMA: Hybrid D2D Message Authentication Scheme for 5G-enabled VANET," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, to appear.
- [Paper] F. Hoseiny, S. Azizi, M. Shojafar, R. Tafazolli,, "Joint QoS-aware and Cost-efficient Task Scheduling for Fog-Cloud Resources in a Volunteer Computing System," ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, to appear.
- [Paper] Z. Pooranian, M. Shojafar, S. Garg, R. Taheri, R. Tafazolli, , "LEVER: Secure Deduplicated Cloud Storage with Encrypted Two-Party Interactions in Cyber-Physical Systems," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, to appear.
- [Paper] R. Taheri, M. Shojafar, M. Alazab, R. Tafazolli, "FED-IIoT: A Robust Federated Malware Detection Architecture in Industrial IoT," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, to appear.
- [Paper] J. Wang, Y. Ma, N. Yi, R. Tafazolli, "On URLLC Downlink Transmission Modes for MEC Task Offloading," IEEE VTC, May 2020.
- [Paper] L. Liu, Y. Ma, N. Yi, R. Tafazolli, "A Low-Complexity Structure for Multi-user Massive MIMO with Binary Arrary-Receiver Based on Constructive Noise," IEEE ICC, May 2020.
- [Paper] S. Xue, Y. Ma, N. Yi, R. Tafazolli, "On Deep Learning Solutions for Joint Transmitter and Noncoherent Receiver Design in MU-MIMO Systems," IEEE PIMRC, September 2020.
- [Paper] N. Yi et al., "3D Beamforming Technologies and Field Trials in 5G Massive MIMO Systems," IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology, November 2020.
- [Paper] S. Xue, Y. Ma, R. Tafazolli, "An Orthogonal-SGD based Learning Approach for MIMO Detection under Multiple Channel Models," IEEE ICC, May 2020.
- [Paper] Z. Chen, Y. Zhong, X. Ge, Y. Ma, "An Actor-Critic-Based UAV-BSs Deployment Method for Dynamic Environments," IEEE ICC, May 2020.
- [Paper] S. Xue, A. Li, J. Wang, N. Y, Y. Ma, R. Tafazolli, "To Learn or Not to Learn: Deep Learning Assisted Wireless Modem Design," ZTE Communications, January 2020.
- [Paper] A. Quddus, A. Mohamed, R. Borralho, M. Khalily, R. Tafazolli , "Base Station Sector Rotation in Wireless Communication Networks," Patent Filled Application Number 2005722.0 (Intellectual Property Office), to appear.
- [Paper] R. Borralho, D. Duarte, A. Quddus, P. Vieira , "Developing a LTE Localization Framework using Real Network Data towards RAN Optimization through Context Knowledge," IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC) 2020, to appear.
- [Paper] M. E. Morocho-Cayamcela, H. Lee, W. Lim, "Machine Learning to Improve Multi-hop Searching and Extended Wireless Reachability in V2X," IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 24, no. 7, pp. 1477 - 1481, March 2020.
- [Paper] H. Lee, J. Yang, K. Moessner, "Implementation of a Collision Avoidance System To Assist Safe Driving Based on Data Fusion in Vehicular Networks," 11th Int'l Conf. on ICT Convergence (ICTC 2020), October 2020.
- [Paper] H. Lee, S. Vahid, K. Moessner, "Many-to-Many Matching based Resource Allocation to support Multi-Connectivity," 11th Int'l Conf. on ICT Convergence (ICTC 2020), October 2020.
- [Paper] F. Héliot, R. Tafazolli, "Optimal Energy-Efficient Source and Relay Precoder Design for Two-way MIMO-AF Systems," IEEE Transasctions on Green Communications & Networking, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 759-773, September 2020.
- [Paper] F. Héliot, M. A. Jamshed, T. W. C. Brown, "Exposure Modelling and Minimization for Multi-antenna Communication Systems," IEEE VTC Spring, May 2020.
- [Paper] D. Dawoud, F. Héliot, M. A. Imran, R. Tafazolli, "A Novel Unipolar Transmission Scheme for Visible Light Communication," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 68, no. 4, pp. 2426-2437, April 2020.
- [Paper] F. Héliot, M. A. Jamshed, T. W. C. Brown, "A Survey on Electromagnetic Risk Assessment and Evaluation Mechanism for Future Wireless Communication Systems," IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 24-36, March 2020.
- [Paper] T. H. Loh, F. Héliot, D. Cheadle, T. Fielder, "An Assessment of the Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure from A Massive MIMO 5G Testbed," EUCAP2020, March 2020.
- [Paper] B. Dorneanu, M. Abdelwahab, A. Mohamed, H. Ruan, Y. Gao, P. Xiao, H. Arellano-Garcia , "Stepping towards the industrial sixth sense," 30th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE), to appear.
- [Paper] S. Hoseinitabatabaei, A. Mohamed, M. Hassanpour, R. Tafazolli, "The Power of Mobility Prediction in Reducing Idle-State Signalling in Cellular Systems: A Revisit to 4G Mobility Management," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 3346-3360, May 2020.
- [Paper] A. Mohamed, A. Quddus, P. Xiao, B. Hunt, R. Tafazolli, "5G and LTE-TDD Synchronized Coexistence with Blind Retransmission and Mini-Slot Uplink," IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), to appear.
- [Paper] A. Mohamed, H. Ruan, M. Abdelwahab, B. Dorneanu, P. Xiao, H. Arellano-Garcia, Y. Gao, R. Tafazolli, "An Inter-disciplinary Modelling Approach in Industrial 5G/6G and Machine Learning Era," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) workshops, to appear.
- [Paper] B. Dorneanu, H. Ruan, A. Mohamed, M. Heshmat, Y. Gao, P. Xiao, H. Arellano-Garcia, "Towards fault detection and self-healing of chemical processes over wireless sensor networks," Industry 4.0 – Shaping the Future of the Digital World, Taylor & Francis, to appear.
- [Paper] Hongzhi Chen, De Mi, Bruno Clerckx, Zheng Chu, Jia Shi and Pei Xiao. , "Joint Power and Subcarrier Allocation Optimization for Multigroup Multicast Systems with Rate Splitting," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Techology, vol. 69, no. 2, February 2020.
- [Paper] De Mi, Hongzhi Chen, Zhen Gao, Lei Zhang, Pei Xiao, "Massive MIMO in Mobile Networks: Self-Calibration with Channel Estimation Error," ACM, MobiArch, 2020.
- [Paper] Hongzhi Chen, De Mi, Zheng Chu, Pei Xiao, Yin Xu, Dazhi He, "Link-Level Performance of Rate-Splitting based Downlink Multiuser MISO Systems," IEEE PIMRC, 2020.
- [Paper] Hongzhi Chen, De Mi, Zilong Liu, Pei Xiao, Rahim Tafazolli. , "Rate-Splitting for Overloaded Multigroup Multicast: Error Performance Evaluation," IEEE ICC 2020, 2020.
- [Paper] E. Garro; M. Fuentes; J. L. Carcel; H. Chen; D. Mi; F. Tesema; J. J. Gimenez; D. Gomez-Barquero, "5G Mixed Mode: NR Multicast-Broadcast Services," IEEE Transations on Broadcasting , vol. 66, March 2020.
- [Paper] Manijeh Bashar, Ali Akbari, Kanapathippillai Cumanan, Hien Quoc Ngo, Alister G Burr, Pei Xiao, Mérouane Debbah, "Deep learning-aided finite-capacity fronthaul cell-free massive MIMO with zero forcing," ICC, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, June 2020.
- [Paper] Y. Zhao, K. Xu, Y. Zhong, X. Li , N. Wang, H. Su, M. Shen, Z. Li, "Incentive mechanisms for mobile data offloading through operator-owned WiFi access points," Computer Networks, to appear.
- [Paper] G. Zheng, N. Wang, R. Tafazolli, "Geosynchronous Network Grid Addressing for Integrated Space-Terrestrial Networks," IEEE ICNP Workshop onNew IP: New Internetworking Protocols Architectures, and Algorithms, 2020.
- [Paper] I. Selinis, N. Wang, B. Da, D. Yu, R. Tafazolli, " On the Internet-scale Streaming of Holographic-type Content with Assured User Quality of Experiences," IFIP Networking, 2020.
- [Paper] Ning Zili, Wang Ning, Tafazolli Rahim , " Deep Reinforcement Learning for NFV-based Service Function Chaining in Multi-Service Networks ," IEEE HPSR, 2020.
- [Paper] C. Mao, M. Khalily, V. Singh, P. Xiao, "Low-Profile Vertically Polarized Wearable Antenna with Omni-Directional Radiation," IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and North American Radio Science Meeting, to appear.
- [Paper] V. Basavarajappa, C. Mao, M. Khalily, P. Xiao, T. Brown, Y. Gao, "Millimeter Wave Antennas for 5G and Beyond," APCAP 2020, 2020.
- [Paper] Y. Zhou, V. Basavarajappa, S. Alkaraki, Y. Gao, "28 GHz Millimeter Wave Multibeam Antenna Array with Compact Reconfigurable Feeding Network," EUCAP 2020, 2020.
- [Paper] T.Hill, J. Kelly, M. Khalily, T. Brown , "Cascaded Fresnel Lenses for Scan Loss Mitigation in Millimeter Wave Access Points," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, to appear.
- [Paper] K. Alqurashi, J. Kelly, Z. Wang, C. Crean, R. Mittra, M. Khalily, Y. Gao, "Liquid Metal Bandwidth Reconfigurable Antenna," IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2020.
- [Paper] I. S. Zainal Abidin, T. W. C Brown, "Exploitation of Elliptical Polarization for Improved Orthogonal Static Links," IEEE Transactions on Atnennas and Propagation, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, April 2020.
- [Paper] S. Niknam, M. Yazdi, S. Behboudi, M. Khalily, "Numerical Performance Analysis of Terahertz Spectroscopy Using an Ultra-Sensitive Resonance-Based Sensor," Frontiers in Physics, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, 2020.
- [Paper] S. Khan, H. Ali, M. Khalily, S. Shah, J. Kazim, C . Tanougast, "Miniaturization of Dielectric Resonator Antenna by using Artificial Magnetic Conductor surface," IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 68548-68558, 2020.
- [Paper] A. Araghi, M. Khalily, P. Xiao, R. Tafazolli, "Multiple-Beam mmW-Slotted-Waveguide Leaky Wave Antenna with Control on Polarization," IEEE APS/URSI 2020, 2020.
- [Paper] M. Abedian, M. Khalily, S. Danesh, P. Xiao, R. Tafazolli, "Reconfigurable Dielectric Resonator Antenna Using an Inverted U-shaped Slot," IEEE ISNCC 2020, 2020.
- [Paper] S. Danesh, A. Araghi, M. Khalily, P. Xiao, R. Tafazolli, "Millimeter Wave Phased Array Antenna Synthesis Using a Machine Learning Technique for Different 5G Applications," IEEE ISNCC 2020, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, 2020.
- [Paper] A. Araghi, M. Khalily, P. Xiao, R. Tafazolli, "Study on the Location of mmWave Antenna for the Autonomous Car's Detection and Ranging Sensors," IEEE, EUCAP 2020, 2020.
- [Paper] A. Arayeshnia, A. Araghi, M. Khalily, P. Xiao, R. Tafazolli, "Trapped Microstrip-Ridge Gap Waveguide for Standalone Millimeter Wave Structures," IEEE, EUCAP 2020, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, 2020.
- [Paper] C. Mao, M. Khalily, P. Xiao, "Integrated Design of Dual-Band Antenna with Uni-/Omni-Directional Radiations," IEEE, EUCAP 2020, 2020.
- [Paper] A. Araghi, M. Khalily, P. Xiao, R. Tafazolli, "Holographic-Based mmW-Wideband Bidirectional Frequency Scanning Leaky Wave Antenna," IEEE, EUCAP 2020, 2020.
- [Paper] Chun Xu Mao, Mohsen Khalily, Pei Xiao, Long Zhang, Rahim Tafazolli, "High-Gain Phased Array Antenna with End-Fire Radiation for 26 GHz Wide-Beam-Scanning Applications," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, online early access 2020.
- [Paper] Chun Xu Mao, Mohsen Khalily, Long Zhang, Pei Xiao, Yuhang Sun, Douglas H Werner, "Compact Patch Antenna with Vertical Polarization and Omni-Directional Radiation Characteristics," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, online early access 2020.
- [Paper] Long Zhang, Ning Luo, Yuhang Sun, Yejun He, Sai-Wai Wong, Peng Chu, Chunxu Mao, Steven Gao, "A Single-Turn Stacked Spiral Antenna with Ultrawide Bandwidth and Compact Size," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, online early access 2020.
- [Paper] Long Zhang, Yuhang Sun, Yejun He, Sai-Wai Wong, Chunxu Mao, Lei Ge, Steven Gao, "A Quad-Polarization Reconfigurable Antenna With Suppressed Cross Polarization Based on Characteristic Mode Theory," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, online early access 2020.
- [Paper] Chunxu Mao, Mohsen Khalily, Vikrant Singh, Pei Xiao, "“Low-Profile Vertically Polarized Wearable Antenna with Omni-Directional Radiation," 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, 2020.
- [Paper] S. Payami, M. Khalily, T. H. Loh and K. Nikitopoulos, "Hybrid Beamforming With Switches and Phase Shifters Over Frequency-Selective Channels," IEEE Wireless Commun. Lett., vol. 9, no. 8, pp. 1305-1308, August 2020.
- [Paper] S. Payami, M. Khalily, A. Araghi, T. Hong Loh, D. Cheadle, K. Nikitopoulos, R. Tafazolli, "Developing the First mmWave Fully-Connected Hybrid Beamformer With a Large Antenna Array," IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 141282 - 141291, July 2020.
- [Paper] S. Payami, M. Khalily, S. Taheri, K. Nikitopoulos and R. Tafazolli, "Channel Measurement and Analysis for Polarimetric Wideband Outdoor Scenarios at 26 GHz: Directional vs Omni-Directional," EuCAP 2020, March 2020.
- [Paper] G. Georgis, A. Thanos, M. Filo and K. Nikitopoulos, "A DSP Acceleration Framework For Software-Defined Radios On X86 64," ICASSP, May 2020.
- [Paper] C.Jayawardena, K.Nikitopoulos, "G-MultiSphere: Generalizing Massively Parallel Detection for Non-Orthogonal Signal Transmissions," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 68, no. 2, February 2020.
- [Paper] A. Lei, Y. Cao, S. Bao, P. Asuquo, H. Cruickshank, Z. Sun, and M. Huth, "A blockchain based certificate revocation scheme for vehicular communication systems," Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 110, pp. 892-903, September 2020.
- [Paper] Z. Ning, N. Wang, R.Tafazolli, "Deep Reinforcement Learning for NFV-based Service Function Chaining in Multi-Service Networks," HPSR 2020, to appear.
- [Paper] L. Xiao, P. Xiao, Z. Liu, W. Yu, H. Haas, and L. Hanzo, "Compressive sensing assisted massive SM-VBLAST system: error probability performance and capacity analysis," IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun. , to appear.
- [Paper] B. Mouktar, W. Yu, A. Chorti and L. Musavian, "Performance analysis of NOMA uplink networks under statistical QoS delay constraints," IEEE ICC, to appear.
- [Paper] M. Grau, C. H. Foh, A. Quddus, R. Tafazolli, "Preamble Barring: A Novel Random Access Scheme for Machine Type Communications with Unpredictable Traffic Bursts," IEEE VTC Fall 2019, September 2019.
- [Paper] D. Mulvey, C. H. Foh, M. A. Imran, R. Tafazolli, "Cell Fault Management Using Machine Learning Techniques," IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 124514-124539, August 2019.
- [Paper] T. Xu, D. Gao, P. Dong, C. H. Foh, H. Zhang, V. C. M. Leung, "Improving the Security of Wireless Communications on High-Speed Trains by Efficient Authentication in SCN-R," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 68, no. 8, pp. 7283-7295, August 2019.
- [Paper] J. Qureshi, R. U. Khan, C. H. Foh, P. Chatzimisios, "Erasure Coding for Ultra-Low Power Wireless Networks," IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 866-875, December 2019.
- [Paper] A. Kose, C. Han, C. H. Foh, M. Dianati, "Impact of Mobility on Communication Latency and Reliability in Dense HetNets," IEEE VTC Spring 2019, April 2019.
- [Paper] T. Yang, C. H. Foh, F. Héliot, C. Y. Leow, P. Chatzimisios, "Self-Organization Drone-based Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) Networks," IEEE ICC 2019, May 2019.
- [Paper] T. Yang, F. Héliot, C. H. Foh, "Energy-Efficient Boundary-enabled Scheduling in the Downlink of Multi-Carrier Multi-Access Heterogeneous Network," IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, vol. 3, no. 1, March 2019.
- [Paper] G. Georgis, M. Filo, A. Thanos, C. Husmann, J. C. De Luna Ducoing, R. Tafazolli, K. Nikitopoulos Access, vol. 7, pp. 186017 - 186040, December 2019., "SWORD: Towards a Soft and Open Radio Design for Rapid Development, Profiling, Validation and Testing," IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 186017 - 186040, December 2019.
- [Paper] Shujun Han, Xiaodong Xu, Zilong Liu, Klaus Moessner, Pei Xiao, Xiaofeng Tao, Pin Zhang, "Energy-Efficient Short Packet Communications for Uplink NOMA-based Massive MTC Networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 68, no. 12, pp. 12066-12078, December 2019.
- [Paper] Amirhossein Ghannad, Mohsen Khalily, Pei Xiao, Rahim Tafazolli, Ahmed A. Kishk, "Enhanced Matching and Vialess Decoupling of Nearby Patch Antennas for MIMO System," IEEE Antennas & Wireless Propagation Letters., vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 1066-1070, June 2019.
- [Paper] Zheng Chu, Wanming Hao, Pei Xiao, Jia Shi, "Intelligent Reflect Surface Aided Multi-Antenna Secure Transmission”. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 2019.
- [Paper] Wanming Hao, Gangcan Sun, Fuhui Zhou, De Mi, Jia Shi, Pei Xiao, Victor C. M. Leung. , "Energy-Effcient Hybrid Precoding Design for Integrated Multicast-Unicast Millimeter Wave Communications with SWIPT," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2019.
- [Paper] Su Fong Chien, Charilaos C Zarakovitis, Qiang Ni and Pei Xiao, "Stochastic Asymmetric Blotto Game Approach for Wireless Resource Allocation Strategies," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 18, no. 12, pp. 5511-5528, December 2019.
- [Paper] Dias Filgueiras, Hugo Rodrigues, James Kelly, Pei Xiao, da Costa, I. F. and Arismar Cerqueira, "Wideband Omnidirectional Slotted-Waveguide Antenna Array Based on Trapezoidal Slots," International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 2019.
- [Paper] M.M. Tajiki, M. Shojafar, S. Salsano, M. Conti, M. Singhal, "Joint Failure Recovery, Fault Prevention, and Energy-efficient Resource Management for Real-time SFC in Fog-supported SDN," Computer Networks, vol. 162, 44123 2019.
- [Paper] A. Li, Y. Ma, S. Xue, R. Tafazolli, "Unsupervised deep learning for blind multiuser frequency synchronization in OFDMA uplink," IEEE ICC, May 2019.
- [Paper] S. Xue, Y. Ma, A. Li, N. Yi, R. Tafazolli, "On unsupervised deep learning solutions for coherent MU-SIMO detection in fading channels," IEEE ICC, May 2019.
- [Paper] J. Wang, Y. Ma, S. Xue, N. Yi, R. Tafazolli, "Parallel decoding for non-recursive convolutional codes and its enhancement through artificial neural networks," IEEE SPAWC, June 2019.
- [Paper] H.Lee, S.Vahid and K.Moessner, "Machine Learning based RATs Selection supporting Multi-Connectivity for Reliability," 2019 14th Int'l Conf. on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks and Communications (CROWNCOM), June 2019.
- [Paper] M. E. Morocho-Cayamcela, H. Lee, W. Lim, "Machine Learning for 5G/B5G Mobile and Wireless Communications: Potential, Limitations, and Future Directions," IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 137184 - 137206, September 2019.
- [Paper] M. A. Imran, F. Héliot, Y. Sambo, "Low Electromagnetic Emission Wireless Network Technologies: 5G and Beyond," IET Publishing, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, December 2019.
- [Paper] M. A. Jamshed, O. Amjad, F. Héliot, T. W. C. Brown, "EMF-reduction Uplink Resource Allocation Scheme for Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Systems," IEEE WCNC, April 2019.
- [Paper] A. Taufique, A. Mohamed, H. Farooq, A. Imran, R. Tafazolli, "Analytical Modelling for Mobility Signalling in Ultra-Dense HetNets," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 68, no. 3, pp. 2709 -2723, March 2019.
- [Paper] M. Shamsudeen, A. Mohamed, B. Evans, "Frequency sharing between satellite and terrestrial networks," Journal on Wireless Communication Networks, to appear.
- [Paper] B. Dorneanu, H. Ruan, A. Mohamed, M. Heshmat, Y. Gao, P. Xiao, H. Arellano-Garcia, "Towards fault detection and self-healing of chemical processes over wireless sensor networks," Industry 4.0 Conference, April 2019.
- [Paper] B. Dorneanu, M. Abdelwahab, A. Mohamed, H. Ruan, E. Mechleri, S. Gu, Y. Gao, P. Xiao, H. Arellano-Garcia , "Stepping towards cognitive chemical plants," European Symposium on Computer-Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE), June 2019.
- [Paper] L. Xiao, P. Xiao, Y. Xiao, H. Haas, A. Mohamed, L. Hanzo, "Compressive sensing assisted generalized quadrature spatial modulation for massive MIMO systems," IEEE Transactions on Communications, to appear.
- [Paper] A. Mohamed, B. Evans, "Spectrum sharing framework for 5G cellular system and satellite services," Ka band Communications, Navigation and Earth Observation Conference, to appear.
- [Paper] Hongzhi Chen, De Mi, Belkacem Mouhouche, Pei Xiao, Rahim Tafazolli, "Mobility and Coverage Evaluation of New Radio PDCCH for Point-to-Multipoint Scenario," IEEE BMSB 2019, June 2019.
- [Paper] Y. Cao, N. Wang, C. Wu, X. Zhang, C. Suthaputchakun, "Enhancing Video QoE Over High-speed Train Using Segment-based Prefetching and Caching," IEEE Multimedia, vol. 26, no. 4, 2019.
- [Paper] C. Ge, N. Wang, I. Selinis, J. Cahill, M. Kavanagh, K. Liolis, C. Politis, J. Nunes, B. Evans, Y. Rahulan, N. Nouvel, M. Boutin, J. Desmauts, F. Arnal, S. Watts, G. Poziopoulou, "QoE-Assured Live Streaming via Satellite Backhaul in 5G Networks," IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, vol. 65, no. 2, 2019.
- [Paper] W. Chai, G. Pavlou, G. Kamel, K. Katsaros, N. Wang, "A Distributed Inter-Domain Control System for Information-Centric Content Delivery," IEEE Systems Journal, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 1568-1579, 2019.
- [Paper] V. Basavarajappa, A. Pellon, I. Montesinos-Ortego, B. B. Exposito, L. Cabria, J. Basterrechea,, "Millimeter-Wave Multi-Beam Waveguide Lens Antenna," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 67, no. 8, pp. 5646-5651, August 2019.
- [Paper] V. Basavarajappa, B.B Exposito, L. Cabria, J. Basterrechea, "Binary phase-controlled multi-beam-switching antenna array for reconfigurable 5G applications," EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, vol. 2019, pp. 180, July 2019.
- [Paper] V. Basavarajappa, B.B Exposito, L. Cabria, J. Basterrechea, "Quasi-optics-inspired low-profile endfire antenna element," EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, vol. 2019, pp. 181, July 2019.
- [Paper] D.N.Viet, M.D.Renzo, V. Basavarajappa, B.B. Exposito, J. Basterrechea, D.T.P. Huy, "Spatial modulation based on reconfigurable antennas: performance evaluation by using the prototype of a reconfigurable antenna," EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, vol. 2019, pp. 149, June 2019.
- [Paper] M. Khalily, T. Brown, R. Tafazolli, "Machine Learning Based Approach for Diffraction Loss Variation Prediction by the Human Body," IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, 2019.
- [Paper] T.Hill, J. Kelly, M. Khalily, T. Brown , "Conformal Transmitarray for Scan Loss Mitigation with Thinned Reconfiguration," IEEE, EUCAP 2019, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, 2019.
- [Paper] K. Alqurashi, J. Kelly, T. Brown, M. Khalily, "Liquid Metal Application for Continuously Tunable Frequency Reconfigurable Antenna," IEEE, EUCAP 2019, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, 2019.
- [Paper] C. Mao, M. Khalily, P. Xiao, T. Brown, S. Gao, "Planar Sub-Millimeter-Wave Array Antenna With Enhanced Gain and Reduced Sidelobes for 5G Broadcast Applications," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, pp. 160-168, 2019.
- [Paper] T. W. C. Brown, B. H. Allen, T. S. Drysdale, "ANew Paradigm for Train to Ground Connectivity Using Angular Momentum," IEEE 5G World Forum, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, October 2019.
- [Paper] M.Ardeshirtanha, M. Khalily, P.Xiao, "Slant Polarised Crossed Bow-tie Antenna Array with Reduced Number of Phase Shifters and an Embedded Feed Network," IEEE APWC 2019, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, 2019.
- [Paper] K. Paracha, S. Rahim, P. Soh, M. Khalily, "Wearable Antennas: A Review of Materials, Structures and Innovative Features for Autonomous Communication and Sensing," IEEE Access, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, 2019.
- [Paper] S. Gupta, A. Sharma, G. Das, R. Gangwar, M. Khalily, "Wideband Circularly Polarized Dielectric Resonator Antenna Array With Polarization Diversity," IEEE Access, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, 2019.
- [Paper] M. Ghorbani, M. Khalily, P. Xiao, R. Tafazolli, "Bandwidth Enhancement and Radiation Characteristics Improvement of Triangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna," IEEE ISNCC 2019, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, 2019.
- [Paper] M. Ghorbani, M. Khalily, P. Xiao, R. Tafazolli, "A Wideband High Flat Gain Waveguide-Fed Aperture Antenna Using Superstrate and Shield," IEEE ISNCC 2019, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, 2019.
- [Paper] M .Alibakhshikenari, M. Khalily, B. Virdee, C. See, R. Abd-Alhameed, "Mutual-Coupling Isolation Using Embedded Metamaterial EM Bandgap Decoupling Slab for Densely Packed Array Antennas," IEEE Access, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, 2019.
- [Paper] A. Araghi, M. Khalily, A. Alizadeh, P. Xiao, R. Tafazolli, "Compact Dual Band Antenna for Off-Body-Centric Communications," IEEE, EUCAP 2019, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, 2019.
- [Paper] M .Alibakhshikenari, B. Virdee, C. See, R. Abd-Alhameed, M. Khalily, "Beam-Scanning Leaky-Wave Antenna Based on CRLH-Metamaterial for Millimeter-Wave Applications," IET Microwaves Antennas & Propagation, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, 2019.
- [Paper] M .Alibakhshikenari, M. Khalily, B. Virdee, C. See, R. Abd-Alhameed, "Mutual Coupling Suppression Between Two Closely Placed Microstrip Patches Using EM-Bandgap Metamaterial Fractal Loading," IEEE Access, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, 2019.
- [Paper] S. Ghoreyshi, A. Shahrabi, T. Boutaleb, M. Khalily, "Mobile Data Gathering with Hop-Constrained Clustering in Underwater Sensor Networks," IEEE Access, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, 2019.
- [Paper] M .Alibakhshikenari, M. Khalily, B. Virdee, C. See, R. Abd-Alhameed, "New Approach to Suppress Mutual Coupling Between Longitudinal-Slotted Arrays Based on SIW Antenna Loaded with Metal-Fences Working on VHF/UHF Frequency-Bands: Study, Investigation, and Principle," IEEE APMC 2018, 2019.
- [Paper] M .Alibakhshikenari, M. Khalily, B. Virdee, C. See, R. Abd-Alhameed, "A New Study to Suppress Mutual-Coupling Between Waveguide Slot Array Antennas Based on Metasurface Bulkhead for MIMO Systems," IEEE APMC 2018, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, 2019.
- [Paper] L. Pon, C. Leow, M. Himdi, M. Khalily, "Displacement-Tolerant Printed Spiral Resonator With Capacitive Compensated-Plates for Non-Radiative Wireless Energy Transfer," IEEE Access, pp. 10037-10044, 2019.
- [Paper] M .Alibakhshikenari, M. Khalily, B. Virdee, C. See, R. Abd-Alhameed, "Double-Port Slotted-Antenna with Multiple Miniaturized Radiators for Wideband Wireless Communication Systems and Portable Devices," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, 2019.
- [Paper] A. Moradi, R. Nagh, M. Khalily, "Polarized diversity compact planar MIMO antenna for wireless access point applications," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, 2019.
- [Paper] S. Babale, S. Rahim, O. Barro, M. Himdi, M. Khalily, "Single Layered 4 × 4 Butler Matrix Without Phase-shifters and Crossovers," IEEE Access, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, 2019.
- [Paper] K. Nikitopoulos, G. Georgis, C. Jayawardena, D. Chatzipanagiotis and R. Tafazolli, "Massively Parallel Tree Search for High-Dimensional Sphere Decoders," IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 30, no. 10, October 2019.
- [Paper] S. Payami, M. Sellathurai and K. Nikitopoulos, "Low-Complexity Hybrid Beamforming for Massive MIMO Systems in Frequency-Selective Channels," IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 36195-36206, March 2019.
- [Paper] Nikitopoulos, Konstantinos, "Massively Parallel and Flexible Processing for MIMO Systems," Wiley 5G Ref: The Essential 5G Reference Online, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, 2019.
- [Paper] S. Bao, Y. Cao, A. Lei, P. Asuquo, H. Cruickshank, Z. Sun, and M. Huth, "Pseudonym Management Through Blockchain: Cost-Efficient Privacy Preservation on Intelligent Transportation Systems," IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 80390-80403, 2019.
- [Paper] W. Hathal, H. Cruickshank, P. Asuquo, Z. Sun and S. Bao, "Token-based Lightweight Authentication Scheme for Vehicle to Infrastructure Communications," IET, May 2019.
- [Paper] P. Asuquo, C. Ogah, W. Hathal and S. Bao, "Blockchain Meets Cybersecurity: Security, Privacy, Challenges, and Opportunity," Springer, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, September 2019.
- [Paper] S. Bao, A. Lei, H. Cruickshank, Z. Sun, P. Asuquo and W. Hathal, "A Pseudonym Certificate Management Scheme Based on Blockchain for Internet of Vehicles," IEEE, August 2019.
- [Paper] Z. Mheich, L. Wen, P. Xiao, A. Maaref, "Design of SCMA codebooks based on golden angle modulation," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 68, no. 2, pp. 1501-1509, February 2019.
- [Paper] Z. Mheich, L. Wen, P. Xiao, A. Maaref, "Unequal Error Protection SCMA Codebooks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, to appear.
- [Paper] F. Ye, E. Dupraz, Z. Mheich, K. Amis, "Optimized rate-adaptive protograph-based LDPC codes for source coding with side information," IEEE Transactions on communications, to appear.
- [Paper] Z. Liu, P. Xiao, Z. Mheich, "Power-imbalanced low-density signature (LDS) from Eienstein numbers," APWCS, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, 2019.
- [Paper] J. Shi, W. Yu, Q. Ni, W. Liang, Z. Li, P. Xiao, "Energy efficient resource allocation in hybrid non-orthogonal multiple access systems," IEEE Trans. Commun., UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, January 2019.
- [Paper] B. Su, Q. Ni, and W. Yu, "Robust Transmit Beamforming for SWIPT-Enabled Cooperative NOMA with Channel Uncertainties," IEEE Trans. Commun., UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, June 2019.
- [Paper] B. Su, Q. Ni, W. Yu, and H. Pervaiz, "Outage constrained robust beamforming design for SWIPT-enabled cooperative NOMA system," IEEE ICC, to appear.
- [Paper] W. Yu, A. Chorti, L. Musavian, H. V. Poor, and Q. Ni, "Effective secrecy rate for a downlink NOMA network," IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., to appear.
- [Paper] Z. Chu, W. Yu, P. Xiao, F. Zhou, N. Al-Dhahir, A. ul Quddus, and R. Tafazolli, , "Opportunistic spectrum sharing for D2D-based URLLC," IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, July 2019.
- [Paper] I. Selinis, K. Katsaros, S. Vahid, and R. Tafazolli, "Damysus: A Practical IEEE 802.11ax BSS Color Aware Rate Control Algorithm," International Journal of Wireless Information Networks (Springer), vol. pp, pp. 285-307, June 2019.
- [Paper] I. Selinis, K. Katsaros, S. Vahid, and R. Tafazolli, "Eliminating the Use of IEEE 802.11 Acknowledgements; A Network Coding Approach," 2019 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), April 2019.
- [Paper] S.K.Haider, M.A.Jamshed, A. Jiang, H Pervaiz, Q.Ni, "UAV-assisted Cluster-head Selection Mechanism for Wireless Sensor Network Applications," IEEE UCET, 2019.
- [Paper] S.K.Haider, M.A.Jamshed, A. Jiang, H Pervaiz, "An energy efficient cluster-heads re-usability mechanism for wireless sensor networks," IEEE ICC, 2019.
- [Paper] M. A. Jamshed, H.Pervaiz, S.A. Ahmed, "Cooperative Communication Techniques in Wireless-Powered Backscatter Communication: Preambles and Technical Perspective,"" Springer Publishing, to appear."
- [Paper] S.K.Haider, M.A.Jamshed, A. Jiang, H Pervaiz, S.Mumtaz, "Performance Enhancement in P300 ERP Single Trial by Machine Learning Adaptive Denoising Mechanism," IEEE Networking Letter, 2019.
- [Paper] M. A. Jamshed, F. Héliot, T. W. C. Brown, "Low Electromagnetic Emission Wireless Network Technologies," IET Publishing, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, 2019.
- [Paper] Z. Liu, P. Xiao, S. Hu, "Low-PAPR Preamble Design for FBMC Systems," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, to appear.
- [Paper] J. Zhang, S. Hu, Z. Liu, P. Wang, P. Xiao, Y. Gao, "Real-Valued Orthogonal Sequences for Iterative Channel Estimation in MIMO-FBMC Systems," IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 68742-68751, May 2019.
- [Paper] Z. Liu, P. Xiao, Z. Mheich, "Power-Imbalanced Low-Density Signatures (LDS) From Eisenstein Numbers," APWCS'2019, to appear.
- [Paper] W Hao, Z Chu, F Zhou, P Xiao, V Leung, R Tafazolli, "Hybrid Precoding Design for SWIPT Joint Multicast-Unicast mmWave System with Subarray Structure," IEEE IEEE ICC Conference Proceedings, 2019.
- [Paper] W Hao, F Zhou, Z Chu, P Xiao, R Tafazolli, N Al-Dhahir, "Beam Alignment for MIMO-NOMA Millimeter Wave Communication Systems," IEEE IEEE ICC Conference Proceedings, 2019.
- [Paper] W Hao, G Sun, Z Chu, P Xiao, Z Zhu, S Yang, R Tafazolli, "Beamforming Design in SWIPT-Based Joint Multicast-Unicast mmWave Massive MIMO with Lens-Antenna Array," IEEE Wireless Commun. Lett., UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, 2019.
- [Paper] Z. Chu, F. Zhou, P. Xiao, Z. Zhu, D. Mi, N. Al-Dhahir, R. Tafazolli, "Resource Allocation for Secure Wireless Powered Integrated Multicast and Unicast Services With Full Duplex Self-Energy Recycling," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 620 - 636, January 2019.
- [Paper] Z. Chu, W. Hao, P. Xiao, F. Zhou, R. Hu, "Low-Latency Driven Energy Efficiency for D2D Communications," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), May 2019.
- [Paper] Y. Wen, M. Yoshida, J. Zhang, Z. Chu, P. Xiao, R. Tafazolli, "Machine Learning Based Attack Against Artificial Noise-aided Secure Communication," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) , May 2019.
- [Paper] C. He, A. Cao, L. Xiao*, L. Zhang, P. Xiao, K. Nikitopoulos, "Enhanced DCT-OFDM system with index modulation," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 68, no. 5, Jan 2019.
- [Paper] AM Siddiqui, L Musavian, S Aissa, Q Ni, "Weighted Tradeoff Between Spectral Efficiency and Energy Efficiency in Energy Harvesting Systems," IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, September 2019.
- [Paper] Lixia Xiao, Pei Xiao, Yue Xiao, Chaowu Wu, De Mi, Ibrahim A Hemadeh, "Rectangular Differential OFDM with index modulation," IEEE VTC, April 2019.
- [Paper] Arunprakash Jayaprakash, Hongzhi Chen, Pei Xiao, Barry G. Evans, Yingnan Zhang, Jing Yuan Li, "Analysis of Candidate Waveform Adaptability for Integrated Satellite-Terrestrial 5G Systems," IEEE 5GWF'19 Satellite and Non-Terrestrial Networks for 5G, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, May 2019.
- [Paper] H.Ruan, B. Dorneanu, M. Abdelwahab, A. Mohamed, P Xiao et.al. , "Towards fault detection and self-healing of chemical processes over wireless sensor networks," Industry 4.0 Conference, Manchester, UK, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, April 2019.
- [Paper] B. Dorneanu, M. Abdelwahab, H.Ruan, A. Mohamed, P Xiao et.al. , "Integrated decision making for Industry 4.0 chemical processes," 10th Annual EDSI Conference: Decision Sciences in a Connected World, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, April 2019.
- [Paper] H.Ruan, R. de Lamare, "Distributed Robust Beamforming Based on Low-Rank and Cross-Correlation Techniques: Design and Analysis," IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2019.
- [Paper] A. M. Kuzminskiy, P. Xiao, R. Tafazolli, "Spectrum Sharing with Decentralized Occupation Control in Rule Regulated Networks," IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 281-294, June 2019.
- [Paper] D. Mulvey, C. H. Foh, M. A. Imran, R. Tafazolli, "Cell Coverage Degradation Detection Using Deep Learning Techniques," ICTC, October 2018.
- [Paper] D. Gao, Z. Liu, Y. Liu, C. H. Foh, T. Zhi, H.-C. Chao, "Defending against Packet-In messages flooding attack under SDN context," Soft Computing, vol. 22, no. 20, pp. 6797–6809, October 2018.
- [Paper] R. Al-Kiyumi, C.H. Foh, S. Vural, P. Chatzimisios, R. Tafazolli, "Fuzzy Logic-based Routing Algorithm for Lifetime Enhancement in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks," IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 517-532, June 2018.
- [Paper] L. Wei, C. H. Foh, J. Cai, B. He, "Towards Efficient Resource Allocation for Heterogeneous Workloads in IaaS Clouds," IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 264-275, 2018.
- [Paper] D. Triantafyllopoulou, S. Vahid, K. Moessner, "Co-Primary Spectrum Sharing in Uplink SC-FDMA Networks," IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) 2018, September 2018.
- [Paper] H. Koumaras, D. Tsolkas, G. Gardikis, P. Merino, V. Frascolla, D. Triantafyllopoulou, M. Emmelmann, V. Koumaras, M. Garcia Osma, D. Munaretto, E. Atxutegi, J. Suarez de Puga, O. Alay, A. Brunstrom, and A.-M. C. Bosneag, "5GENESIS: The Genesis of a flexible 5G Facility," IEEE International Workshop on Computer-Aided Modeling Analysis and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD) 2018, September 2018.
- [Paper] A. Li, Y. Ma, S. Xue, N. Yi, R. Tafazolli, "A Carrier-Frequency-Offset Resilient OFDMA Receiver Designed through Machine Deep Learning," IEEE PIMRC, September 2018.
- [Paper] S. Xue, Y. Ma, R. Tafazolli, "Unsupervised deep learning for MU-SIMO Joint Transmitter and Noncoherent Receiver Design," IEEE Wireless Commun. Letts, December 2018.
- [Paper] J. Hou, S. Narayanan, N. Yi, Y. Ma, M. Shikh-Bahaei, "Symbol-level Selective Full-Duplex Relaying with Power and Location Optimization," IEEE Trans. Commun., December 2018.
- [Paper] D. L. Ducoing Juan Carlos, Y. Ma, N. Yi, R. Tafazolli, "A Real-Complex Hybrid Modulation Approach for Scaling Up Multiuser MIMO Detection," IEEE Trans. Commun., September 2018.
- [Paper] L. Liu, Y. Ma, N. Yi, R. Tafazolli, "An Analog-Beam Splitting Approach for MmWave D2D Multicast Channel," IEEE PIMRC, September 2018.
- [Paper] H.Lee, S.Vahid and K.Moessner, "Traffic-aware Resource allocation with aggregation in Heterogeneous Networks with WLANs," 2018 European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC), June 2018.
- [Paper] F. Héliot, R. Tafazolli, "Optimal Energy-Efficient Source and Relay Precoder Design for Cooperative MIMO-AF Systems," IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 66, no. 3, pp. 573-588, February 2018.
- [Paper] D. Dawoud, F. Héliot, M. A. Imran, R. Tafazolli, "A Novel Coherent Transmission Scheme for Visible Light Communication," IEEE ICC, May 2018.
- [Paper] F. Héliot, R. Tafazolli, "Energy-efficient Joint Source and Relay Precoding for Two-hop MIMO-AF Two-relay Networks," EUCNC, June 2018.
- [Paper] F. Héliot, R. Tafazolli, "Energy-efficient Sources and Relay Precoding Design for Two-way Two-hop MIMO-AF Systems," EUCNC, June 2018.
- [Paper] A Mohamed, M. Imran, P. Xiao, R. Tafazolli, "Memory-full context-aware predictive mobility management in dual connectivity 5G networks," IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 9655-9666, March 2018.
- [Paper] L. Xiao, P. Xiao, Y. Xiao, I. Hemadeh, A. Mohamed, Lajos Hanzo, "Bayesian Compressive Sensing Assisted Space Time Block Coded Quadrature Spatial Modulation," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 67, no. 10, pp. 10044 - 10048, October 2018.
- [Paper] A. Taufique, A. Mohamed, H. Farooq, A. Imran, R. Tafazolli, "Analytical Modelling for Mobility Signalling in Ultra-Dense HetNets," IEEE VTC, to appear.
- [Paper] M. Shamsudeen, A. Mohamed, B. Evans, Y. Ibrahim, "Frequency Sharing between Satellite and Terrestrail Networks," International conference on Information Communication Technology and its Application (ICTA) , September 2018.
- [Paper] O. Onireti, A. Mohamed, H. Pervaiz, M. Imran, "A Tractable Approach to Base Station Sleep Mode Power Consumption and Deactivation Latency," IEEE PIMRC, September 2018.
- [Paper] A. Mohamed, B. Evans, M. Shamsudeen, "5G new radio and fixed satellite services co-existence in mm-wave band," Ka band Communications, Navigation and Earth Observation Conference, October 2018.
- [Paper] H. Pervaiz, O. Onireti, A. Mohamed, M. Imran, Q. Ni, R. Tafazolli, "Energy-Efficient and Load-Proportional eNodeB for 5G User-Centric Networks: A Multilevel Sleep Strategy Mechanism," IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 51 - 59, December 2018.
- [Paper] H. Chen, D. Mi, M. Funentes, E. Garro, J. Carcel, B. Mouhouche, P. Xiao, R. Tafazolli, "On the Performance of PDCCH in LTE and 5G New Radio," IEEE GLOBECOM 2018 , December 2018.
- [Paper] M. Fuentes, D. Mi, H. Chen, etc., "Physica layer performance evaluation of LTE-Advanced pro broadcast and ATSC 3.0 systems," IEEE Transations on Broadcasting , UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, 2018.
- [Paper] Hongzhi Chen, De Mi, Manuel Fuentesy, David Vargas, Eduardo Garrox, Jose Luis Carcel, Belkacem Mouhouchey, Pei Xiao and Rahim Tafazolli, "Pioneering Studies on LTE eMBMS: Towards 5G Point-to-Multipoint Transmissions," The 10th IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM), June 2018.
- [Paper] H. Chen, D. Mi, Pei Xiao, Rahim Tafazolli , "Rate-Splitting for Multigroup Multicast Beamforming in Multicarrier Systems," 19th IEEE SPAWC, June 2018.
- [Paper] B. Oh, S. Vural, N. Wang, R. Tafazolli, "Priority-based Flow Control for dynamic and reliable flow management in SDN," IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, vol. 15, no. 4, 2018.
- [Paper] D. Wisely, N. Wang, R. Tafazolli, "Capacity and Costs for 5G Networks in Dense Urban Areas," IET Communications, vol. 12, no. 19, 2018.
- [Paper] C. Ge, N. Wang, W. Chai, H. Hellwagner, "QoE-Assured 4K HTTP Live Streaming via Transient Segment Holding at Mobile Edge," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 36, no. 8, pp. 1816-1830, 2018.
- [Paper] P. Qian, N. Wang, R. Tafazolli, "Achieving Robust Mobile Web Content Delivery Performance Based on Multiple Coordinated QUIC Connections," IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 11313-11328, 2018.
- [Paper] K. Liolis, A. Geurtz, R. Sperber, D. Schulz, S. Watts, G. Poziopoulou, B. Evans, N. Wang, O. Vidal, B. Tiomela Jou, M. Fitch, S. Diaz Sendra, P. Sayyad Khodashenas, N. Chuberre, "Use cases and scenarios of 5G integrated satellite‐terrestrial networks for enhanced mobile broadband: The SaT5G approach," International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 73-125, 2018.
- [Paper] S. Vural, N. Wang, P. Bucknell, G. Foster, R. Tafazolli, "Dynamic Preamble Subset Allocation for RAN Slicing in 5G Networks," IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 13015-13032, 2018.
- [Paper] G. Chandrasekaran, N. Wang, A. Hassanpour, M. Xu, R. Tafazolli, "Mobility as a Service (MaaS): A D2D-based Information Centric Network Architecture for Edge-Controlled Content Distribution," IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 2110-2129, 2018.
- [Paper] X. Zhang, N. Wang, Y. Cao, L. Peng, D. Waseda, H. Meng, "A Stochastic Analytical Modelling Framework on ISP-P2P Collaborations in Multi-domain Environments," IEEE Systems Journal, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 2320-2331, 2018.
- [Paper] Y. Miao, Z. Sun, N. Wang, "Time Efficient Data Collection with Mobile Sink and vMIMO Technique in Wireless Sensor Networks," IEEE Systems Journal, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 639-647, 2018.
- [Paper] C. Ge and N. Wang, "Real-time QoE Estimation of DASH-based Mobile Video Applications through Edge Computing," IEEE INFOCOM Workshop on Integrating Edge Computing, Caching and Offloading in Next Generation Networks, 2018.
- [Paper] N. Wang, N. Nouwell, C. Ge, B. Evans, Y. Rahulan, M. Boutin, J. Desmauts, K. Liolis, C. Politis, S. Votts , G. Poziopoulou, " Satellite Support for Enhanced Mobile Broadband Content Delivery in 5G," IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB 2018) , 2018.
- [Paper] V. Basavarajappa, A. Pellon, A. Ruiz, B. B. Exposito, L. Cabria, J. Basterrechea, "Millimeter Wave Dual-Band Multi-Beam Waveguide Lens-Based Antenna," WSA 2018, 2018.
- [Paper] T. Brown, M. Khalily, "Integrated Shield Edge Diffraction Model for Narrow Obstructing Objects," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, 2018.
- [Paper] M .Alibakhshikenari, M. Khalily, B. Virdee, C. See, R. Abd-Alhameed, "Interaction Between Closely Packed Array Antenna Elements Using Meta-Surface for Applications Such as MIMO Systems and Synthetic Aperture Radars," Radio Science , UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, 2018.
- [Paper] M. Khalily, R. Tafazolli, P. Xiao, A. A. Kishk, "Broadband mm-Wave Microstrip Array Antenna With Improved Radiation Characteristics for Different 5G Applications," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, 2018.
- [Paper] M .Alibakhshikenari, M. Khalily, B. Virdee, C. See, R. Abd-Alhameed, "Antenna Mutual Coupling Suppression Over Wideband Using Embedded Periphery Slot for Antenna Arrays," Electronics , UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, 2018.
- [Paper] S. Sarbazi, M. Khalily, P. Xiao, R. Tafazolli, "Perfomance Analysis of the Loop-Shaped Plasma Antenna Under Different Pressure Conditions," IEEE ISNCC 2018, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, 2018.
- [Paper] A. Araghi, M. Khalily, P. Xiao, R. Tafazolli, "Millimeter-Wave MIMO Balanced Antipodal Vivaldi Antenna Design for Autonomous Cars," IEEE ISNCC 2018, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, 2018.
- [Paper] M. Khalily, S. Taheri, S. Payami, M. Ghoraishi, R. Tafazolli, "Indoor Wideband Directional Millimeter Wave Channel Measurements and Analysis at 26 GHz, 32 GHz, and 39 GHz," Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, 2018.
- [Paper] M. Khalily, M. Ghoraishi, S. Taheri, S. Payami, R. Tafazolli, "Polarimetric Wideband Directional Channel Measurement and Analysis for Outdoor Small Cell Scenarios at 32 GHz and 39 GHz," IEEE, EUCAP 2018, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, 2018.
- [Paper] M. Khalily, M. Ghoraishi, S. Taheri, S. Payami, R. Tafazolli, "Millimeter-Wave Directional Path Loss Models in the 26 GHz, 32 GHz, and 39 GHz Bands for Small Cell 5G Cellular System," IEEE, EUCAP 2018, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, 2018.
- [Paper] M. Khalily, S. Taheri, P. Xiao, F. Entezami, R. Tafazolli, "26 GHz Indoor Wideband Directional Channel Measurement and Analysis in LoS and NLoS Scenarios," IEEE, EUCAP 2018, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, 2018.
- [Paper] M. Dahri, M. Jamaluddin, M. Khalily, M. Abbasi, R. Selvaraju, "Polarization Diversity and Adaptive Beamsteering for 5G Reflectarrays: A Review," IEEE Access, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, 2018.
- [Paper] Zhong, Jie, Gaojie Chen, Juquan Mao, Shuping Dang, and Pei Xiao, "Iterative Frequency Domain Equalization for MIMO-GFDM Systems," IEEE ACCESS, vol. 6, pp. 19386-19395, September 2018.
- [Paper] F. Mehran and K. Nikitopoulos, "Generalized Space-Time Super-Modulation for Headerless Grant-Free Rateless Multiple Access," Globecomm, December 2018.
- [Paper] C. Husmann, K. Nikitopoulos, "ViPer MIMO: Increasing Large MIMO Efficiency via Practical Vector-Perturbation," IEEE Globecom, December 2018.
- [Paper] C. Husmann, P. C. Nikolaou K. Nikitopoulos, "Reduced Latency ML Polar Decoding via Multiple Sphere-Decoding Tree Searches," IEEE transactions on Vehicular Technology, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, February 2018.
- [Paper] C. Husmann, R. Tafazolli and K. Nikitopoulos, "Antipodal Detection and Decoding for Large Multi-User MIMO with Reduced Base-Station Antennas," IEEE Globecom, December 2018.
- [Paper] C.Jayawardena, K.Nikitopoulos, "Massively Parallel Detection for Non-Orthogonal Signal Transmissions," IEEE Globecom Workshops, December 2018.
- [Paper] S. Taheri, M. Ghoraishi, P. Xiao, L. Zhang and Y. Xin, "Square-Root Nyquist Filter Design for QAM-Based Filter Bank Multicarrier Systems," IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 67, no. 9, pp. 9006-9010, September 2018.
- [Paper] M. Khalily, S. Taheri, S. Payami M. Ghoraishi, R. Tafazolli, " Indoor Wideband Directional Millimeter Wave Channel Measurements and Analysis at 26 GHz, 32 GHz, and 39 GHz," Transactions on Emerging Telecomunications Technologies, vol. 29, no. 10, 2018.
- [Paper] P. Asuquo, H. Cruickshank, J. Morley, P. A. Ogah, A. Lei, W. Hathal, S. Bao and Z. Sun, "Security and Privacy in Location-Based Services for Vehicular and Mobile Communications: An Overview, Challenges, and Countermeasures," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 4478-4802, December 2018.
- [Paper] S. Bao, W. Hathal, H. Cruickshank, Z. Sun, P. Asuquo and A. Lei, "A lightweight authentication and privacy-preserving scheme for VANETs using TESLA and Bloom Filters," ICT Express, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 221-227, December 2018.
- [Paper] W. Yu, A. Quddus, S. Vahid, R. Tafazolli, "Opportunistic spectrum access in support of ultra-reliable and low-latency communications," IEEE GLOBECOM, to appear.
- [Paper] W. Yu, L. Musavian, A. Quddus, Q. Ni, P. Xiao, "Low latency driven effective capacity analysis for non-orthogonal and orthogonal spectrum access," IEEE GLOBECOM, to appear.
- [Paper] M. Farooq-i-Azam, W. Yu, Q. Ni, M. Dong, A. Quddus, "Location assisted subcarrier and power allocation in underlay mobile cognitive radio networks," IEEE GLOBECOM, to appear.
- [Paper] I. Selinis, K. Katsaros, S. Vahid, and R. Tafazolli, "Control OBSS/PD Sensitivity Threshold for IEEE 802.11ax BSS Color," IEEE 29th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 2018 , September 2018.
- [Paper] I. Selinis, K. Katsaros, M. Allayioti, S. Vahid, and R. Tafazolli, "The Race to 5G Era; LTE and Wi-Fi," IEEE Access, vol. pp, pp. 56598 - 56636, September 2018.
- [Paper] S. Hu, J. Zhang, J. Tang, Z. Liu, P. Xiao, Y. Gao, "Real-Valued Orthogonal Sequences for Ultra-Low Overhead Channel Estimation in MIMO-FBMC Systems," MLICOM 2018 Proceedings (LNCST), to appear.
- [Paper] Z. Chu, F. Zhou, Z. Zhu, R. Hu, P. Xiao, "Wireless Powered Sensor Networks for Internet of Things: Maximum Throughput and Optimal Power Allocation," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 310 - 321, February 2018.
- [Paper] B. Li, Z. Fei, Z. Chu, F. Zhou, K. Wong, P. Xiao, "Robust chance-constrained secure transmission for cognitive satellite–terrestrial networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 67, no. 5, pp. 4208 - 4219, May 2018.
- [Paper] F. Zhou, Z. Chu, Y. Wu, N. Al-Dhahir, P. Xiao, "Enhancing PHY Security of MISO NOMA SWIPT Systems With a Practical Non-Linear EH Model," IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops), May 2018.
- [Paper] Z. Chu, W. Hao, P. Xiao, F. Zhou, D. Mi, Z. Zhu, V. Leung, "Energy Efficient Hybrid Precoding in Heterogeneous Networks with Limited Wireless Backhaul Capacity," IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), December 2018.
- [Paper] L. Xiao, P. Xiao, Y. Xiao, C. Wu, H. V. Nguyen, I. Hemadeh and L. Hanzo, "Transmit Antenna Combination Optimization for Generalized Spatial Modulation Systems," IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 41866-41882, June 2018.
- [Paper] AM Siddiqui, L Musavian, S Aissa, Q Ni, "Performance Analysis of Relaying Systems with Fixed and Energy Harvesting Batteries," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 66, no. 4, pp. 1386-1398, April 2018.
- [Paper] Manuel Fuentes, De Mi, Hongzhi Chen, Eduardo Garro, Jose Luis Carcel, David Vargas, Belkacem Mouhouche, David Gomez-Barquero, "Physical layer performance evaluation of LTE-Advanced Pro broadcast and ATSC 3.0 systems," IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, vol. 99, September 2018.
- [Paper] De Mi, Lei Zhang, Mehrdad Dianati, Sami Muhaidat, Pei Xiao, Rahim Tafazolli, "Self-Calibration for Massive MIMO with Channel Reciprocity and Channel Estimation Errors," IEEE GLOBECOM, December 2018.
- [Paper] De Mi, Lei Zhang, Mehrdad Dianati, Sami Muhaidat, Pei Xiao, "A Self-Calibration Scheme for TDD Massive MIMO with Imperfect Channel Estimation," IEEE SAM, July 2018.
- [Paper] Arunprakash Jayaprakash, G. Ramachandra Reddy, "Novel Adaptive Filter Design for Filter Bank Multicarrier System for Doubly Dispersive Channels," IETE Journal of Research, vol. 64, no. 4, pp. 538-552, May 2018.
- [Paper] B. Dorneanu, M. Abdelwahab, A. Mohamed, H. Ruan, P Xiao et.al. , "Stepping towards cognitive chemical plants," 29th European Symposium on Computer-Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE-29), UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, October 2018.
- [Paper] Salman Behboudi Amlashi, Ali Araghi, Gholamreza Dadashzadeh, "Design of a Photoconductive Antenna for Pulsed-Terahertz Spectroscopy with Polarization Diversity," 2018 International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC), June 2018.
- [Paper] Ali Ghavidel, Ali Araghi, Sami Myllymäki, Marko Sonkki, "High gain dual-band millimeter wave antenna using flexible PET substrate," Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2018), April 2018.
- [Paper] A. M. Kuzminskiy, P. Xiao, R. Tafazolli, "Good Neighbor Distributed Beam Scheduling in Coexisting Multi-RAT Networks," IEEE WCNC, April 2018.
- [Paper] H. Pervaiz, O. Onireti, A. Mohamed, M.A. Imran, R. Tafazolli, Q. Ni, "Energy-Efficient and Load-Proportional eNodeB for 5G User-Centric Networks," IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, to appear.
- [Paper] R. Khan, D.N. K. Jayakody, H. Pervaiz, R. Tafazolli, "Modulation Based Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access for 5G Resilient Networks," IEEE Globecom'2018 WS, to appear.
- [Paper] G. K. Xylouris, M. C. Batistatos, , G. Athanasiadou, , G. Tsoulos, H. Pervaiz, C.C. Zarakovitis,, "UAV-Assisted 5G Network Architecture with Slicing and Virtualization," IEEE Globecom'2018 WS, to appear.
- [Paper] A. Ahmed, S.J. Nawaz, S.M. Gulfam, S. Wyne, M.N. Patwary, H. Pervaiz, "Angular Spread Quantification of Multi-Antenna Vehicular Radio Communication Channels," IEEE Globecom'2018 WS, to appear.
- [Paper] H. Munir, H. Pervaiz, S.A. Hassan, L. Musavian, Q. Ni, M.A. Imran, R. Tafazolli, "Computationally Intelligent Techniques for Resource Management in mmWave Small Cell Networks," IEEE Wireless Communications., to appear.
- [Paper] W. Aman, M.M. Rahman, J. Qadir, H. Pervaiz, Q. Ni, "Impersonation Detection in Line-of-Sight Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks," IEEE ACCESS, to appear.
- [Paper] A. Umer, S.A. Hassan, H. Pervaiz, Q. Ni, L. Musavian, S.H. Ahmed, "Secrecy Outage Analysis for Massive MIMO-Enabled Multi-Tier 5G Hybrid HetNets," IEEE ICC'2018 WS, July 2018.
- [Paper] H. Malik, H. Pervaiz, M. M. Alam, Y. L. Moullec, A. Kuusik, M. A. Imran, "Radio resource management scheme in NB-IoT systems," IEEE ACCESS, vol. 6, pp. 15051-15064, March 2018.
- [Paper] S.A.R. Naqvi, H. Pervaiz, S. A. Hassan, L. Musavian, Q. Ni, M.A. Imran, X. Ge, R. Tafazolli, "Energy-Aware Radio Resource Management in D2D-Enabled Multi-Tier HetNets," IEEE ACCESS, vol. 6, pp. 16610-16622, March 2018.
- [Paper] A. Akbar, G. Kousiouris, H. Pervaiz, J. Sancho, P. Ta-Shma, F. Carrez, K. Moessner, "Real-Time Probabilistic Data Fusion for Large-Scale IoT Applications," IEEE ACCESS, vol. 6, pp. 10015-10027, February 2018.
- [Paper] S. A. R. Naqvi, S. A. Hassan, H. Pervaiz, Q. Ni,, "Drone-aided Communication as a Key Enabler for 5G and Resilient Public Safety Networks," IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 56, pp. 36-42, January 2018.
- [Paper] T. Xu, D. Gao, P. Dong, C. H. Foh, H. Zhang, "Mitigating the Table-Overflow Attack in Software-Defined Networking," IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 1086-1097, December 2017.
- [Paper] J. Qureshi, A. Malik, C. H. Foh, "On Expected Transmissions for Wireless Random Linear Coding," IEEE ISCC 2017, July 2017.
- [Paper] T. Yang, F. Heliot, C. H. Foh, K. Moessner, "Boundary-enabled Fair Scheduling in Downlink Multi-Carrier Multiple-Access Networks," IEEE ISCC 2017, July 2017.
- [Paper] R. A. Kiyumi, C. H. Foh, S. Vural, R. Tafazolli, "A Control-theoretic Approach for Duty Cycle Adaptation in Dynamic Wireless Sensor Networks," IEEE ISCC 2017, July 2017.
- [Paper] Z Liu, D Gao, Y Liu, H Zhang, CH Foh, "An adaptive approach for elephant flow detection with the rapidly changing traffic in data center network," International Journal of Network Management, vol. 27, no. 6, July 2017.
- [Paper] W. Zhao, Y. Qin, D. Gao, C.H. Foh, H.C. Chao, "An Efficient Cache Strategy in Information Centric Networking Vehicle-to-Vehicle Scenario," IEEE Access, vol. 5, pp. 12657-12667, June 2017.
- [Paper] W. Zhu, D. Gao, C.H. Foh, H. Zhang, H.C. Chao, "Reliable Emergency Message Dissemination Protocol for Urban Internet of Vehicles," IET Communications, vol. 11, no. 8, pp. 1275-1281, June 2017.
- [Paper] M. Filo, C.H.Foh, S Vahid, R. Tafazolli, "Performance Impact of Antenna Height in Ultra-Dense Cellular Networks," IEEE ICC 2017 Workshops, May 2017.
- [Paper] H. Yan, D. Gao, W. Su, C. H. Foh, H. Zhang, A. V. Vasilakos, "Caching Strategy based on Hierarchical Cluster for Named Data Networking," IEEE Access, vol. 5, pp. 8433-8443, May 2017.
- [Paper] L. Wei, J. Cai, C.H. Foh, B. He, "QoS-Aware Resource Allocation for Video Transcoding in Clouds," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 49-61, January 2017.
- [Paper] T. Xu, D. Gao, P. Dong, H. Zhang, C. H. Foh, H-C. Chao, "Defending Against New-Flow Attack in SDN-Based Internet of Things," IEEE Access, vol. 5, pp. 3431-3443, 2017.
- [Paper] D. Gao, Y. Rao, C.H. Foh, H. Zhang, A.V. Vasilakos, "PMNDN: Proxy Based Mobility Support Approach in Mobile NDN Environment," IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 191-203, 2017.
- [Paper] H. Lu, C. H. Foh, Y. Wen and J. Cai, "Delay-optimized file retrieval under LT-based cloud storage," IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 656-666, 2017.
- [Paper] H.Lee, S.Vahid and K.Moessner, "Traffic-aware carrier allocation with aggregation for load balancing," 2017 European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC), June 2017.
- [Paper] Y. Sambo, M. Al-Imari, F. Héliot, M. A. Imran, "Electromagnetic Emission-aware Schedulers for the Uplink of Multicell OFDM Wireless Systems," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 66, no. 9, pp. 8212-8222, September 2017.
- [Paper] F. Héliot, R. Tafazolli, "Energy-efficient Joint Source and Relay Precoding Design for Cooperative MIMO-AF Systems," EUCNC, July 2017.
- [Paper] D. Dawoud, F. Héliot, R. Tafazolli, "Spatial Quadrature Modulation for Visible Light Communication in Indoor Environment," IEEE ICC, June 2017.
- [Paper] Y. Sambo, M. Al-Imari, F. Héliot, M. A. Imran, "Electromagnetic Emission-aware Schedulers for the Uplink of OFDM Wireless Communication Systems," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 1313-1323, February 2017.
- [Paper] D. Dawoud, F. Héliot, M. A. Imran, "Transmitting and receiving symbols via unipolar signals," UK Patent, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, October 2017.
- [Paper] A. Mohamed, O. Onireti, M. Imran, A. Imran, R. Tafazolli, "Predictive and core-network efficient RRC signalling for active state handover in RANs with control/data separation," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 1423-1436, March 2017.
- [Paper] A. Mohamed, O. Onireti, M. Imran, R. Tafazolli, "Control/Data separation and its implications on backhaul networks," IET Book Access, Fronthaul and Backhaul Networks for 5G & Beyond, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, August 2017.
- [Paper] O. Onireti, A. Mohamed, H. Pervaiz, M. Imran, "Analytical Approach to Base Station Sleep Mode Power Consumption and Sleep Depth," IEEE PIMRC, October 2017.
- [Paper] A. Mohamed, O. Onireti, M. Imran, H. Pervaiz, P. Xiao, R. Tafazolli, "Predictive base station activation in futuristic energy-efficient control/data separated RAN," IEEE Globecom, December 2017.
- [Paper] Hongzhi Chen, Alexandr M. Kuzminskiy, Pei Xiao, Rahim Tafazolli, "Scenario Independent IRC Receiver with SFBC for MBMS over Single Frequency Network," IEICE, ICTF 2017, Poznan, July 2017.
- [Paper] C. Ge, N. Wang, G. Foster, M. Wilson, "Towards QoE-assured 4K Video-on-Demand Delivery through Mobile Edge Virtualization with Adaptive Prefetching," IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. 19, no. 10, pp. 2222-2237, 2017.
- [Paper] S. Vural, N. Wang, G. Foster, R. Tafazolli, "Success Probability of Multiple-Preamble Based Single-Attempt Random Access to Mobile Networks," IEEE Communication Letter, vol. 21, no. 8, pp. 1755-1758, 2017.
- [Paper] S. Vural, N. Wang, P. Navaratnam, R. Tafazolli, "Caching Transient Data in Internet Content Routers," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 1048-1061, 2017.
- [Paper] Y. Cao, N. Wang, "Towards Efficient Electric Vehicle Charging Using VANET-Based Information Dissemination," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 66, no. 4, pp. 2886-2901, 2017.
- [Paper] P. Qian, N. Wang, B. H. Oh, C. Ge and R. Tafazolli, "Optimization of Webpage Downloading Performance with Content-aware Mobile Edge Computing," ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Mobile Edge Communications (MECOMM) 2017, 2017.
- [Paper] Z. Ming, M. Xu, N. Wang, B. Gao and Q. Li, "TAFTA: A Truthful Auction Framework for User Data Allowance Trading in Mobile Networks," IEEE ICDCS 2017, 2017.
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- [Paper] H.Lee, S.Vahid and K.Moessner, "The study on spectrum/channel fragmentation from dynamic spectrum aggregation in CRNs," 2014 European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC), June 2014.
- [Paper] Y. Sambo, F. Héliot, M. A. Imran, "A User Scheduling Scheme for Reducing Electromagnetic (EM) Emission in the Uplink of Mobile Communication Systems," IEEE OnlineGreenComm , November 2014.
- [Paper] J. Penhoat, R. Aguero, F. Héliot, M. Tesanovic, "Enabling Low Electromagnetic Exposure Multimedia Sessions on an LTE Network with an IP Multimedia Subsystem Control Plane," MONAMI, September 2014.
- [Paper] F. Héliot, Y. Sambo, M. A. Imran, "Energy-Efficient Interference-aware Precoding for the Downlink of Multi-cell Multi-user MIMO Systems," EUCNC, June 2014.
- [Paper] F. Héliot, "Low-complexity Energy-efficient Joint Resource Allocation for Two-hop MIMO-AF Systems," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 3088-3099, June 2014.
- [Paper] F. Héliot, M. A. Imran, R. Tafazolli, "Joint Source and Relay Energy-efficient Resource Allocation for Two-hop MIMO-AF Systems," IEEE ICC, June 2014.
- [Paper] Y. Sambo, F. Héliot, M. A. Imran, "Energy-Efficient Power Allocation for the Downlink of a Multi-cell Multi-user MIMO System with Block Diagonalization," IEEE WCNC, April 2014.
- [Paper] Y. Sambo, M. Shakir, F. Héliot, M. A. Imran, S. Mumtaz, K. A. Qaraqe, "Smart Device to Smart Device Communication: Device-to-Device Communication in Heterogeneous Networks," Springer, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, April 2014.
- [Paper] M. Imran, A. Mohamed, R. Tafazolli, "Splitting the data and control functionality: scalable deployment solution for 5G cellular networks," International Wireless Industry Consortium (IWPC) Workshop, April 2014.
- [Paper] A. Mohamed, O. Onireti, Y. Qi, A. Imran, M. Imran, R. Tafazolli, "Physical layer frame in signalling-data separation architecture: Overhead and performance evaluation," European Wireless , May 2014.
- [Paper] A. Mohamed, M López-Benítez, B. Evans, "Ka Band satellite terrestrial co-existence: A statistical modelling approach," Ka band Communications, Navigation and Earth Observation Conference, October 2014.
- [Paper] K. Katsaros, W. Chai, N. Wang, G. Pavlou, M. Paolone, H. Bontius, "Information-Centric Networking for Machine-to-Machine Data Delivery – A Case Study in Smart Grid Applications," IEEE Network, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 58-64, 2014.
- [Paper] Y. Cao, N. Wang and G. Kamel, "A Publish/Subscribe Communication Framework For Managing Electric Vehicle Chargin," IEEE ICCVE 2014, 2014.
- [Paper] S. Vural, P. Navaratnam, N. Wang and R. Tafazolli, "Asynchronous Clustering of Multihop Wireless Sensor Networks," IEEE ICC 2014, 2014.
- [Paper] S. Vural, P. Navaratnam, N. Wang, C. Wang, L. Dong and R. Tafazolli, "In-network Caching of Internet-of-Things Data," IEEE ICC 2014, 2014.
- [Paper] K. Nikitopoulos, J. Zhou, B. Congdon, and K. Jamieson,, "Geosphere: Consistently turning MIMO capacity into throughput," ACM SIGCOMM, 2014.
- [Paper] M. Bacha and S. A. Hassan, "Coverage aspects of cooperative multi-hop line networks in correlated shadowed environment," IEEE ICNC, February 2014.
- [Paper] M. Bacha and S. A. Hassan, "Coverage aspects of cooperative multi-hop line networks in composite fading environment," IEEE IWCMC, August 2014.
- [Paper] K. Vinoth Babu, G. Ramachandra Reddy, Arunprakash Jayaprakash, "Fractionally spaced equalizer based on dynamically varying modulus algorithm for spectrally efficient channel compensation in SC-FDMA based systems," Wireless Networks , vol. 20, no. 6, pp. 1387-1398, July 2014.
- [Paper] S.Sankar Ganesh, K.Mohanaprasad , Arunprakash Jayaprakash,Sivanantham Sathasivam, "Optimized-Fuzzy-Logic-Based Bit Loading Algorithms," Handbook of Research on Fuzzy and Rough Set Theory in Organizational Decision Making, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, April 2014.
- [Paper] Arunprakash Jayaprakash, G. Ramachandra Reddy, "Optimized generalized Gaussian pulse (OGGP) based prototype filter design for filter bank multi carrier (FBMC) systems," IEEE First International Conference on Computational Systems and Communications (ICCSC), Trivandrum, India, December 2014.
- [Paper] N.I. Eappen, Arunprakash Jayaprakash, G. Ramachandra Reddy, "Efficient multi user CFO estimation and correction techniques in uplink OFDMA systems," IEEE First International Conference on Computational Systems and Communications (ICCSC), Trivandrum, India, December 2014.
- [Paper] H. Lu, F. Lu, J. Cai, C. H. Foh, "LT-W: Improving LT Decoding with Wiedemann Solver," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 59, no. 12, pp. 7887-7897, December 2013.
- [Paper] J. Wu, C. H. Foh, C. K. Siew, and M. Zukerman, "Recurrent Leaky Bucket," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 20, no. 12, pp. 1244-1248, December 2013.
- [Paper] J. Zhang, B-C. Seet, T-T. Lie, C. H. Foh, "Opportunities for software-defined networking in smart grid," 9th International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing (ICICS) 2013, December 2013.
- [Paper] A. Dhananjayan, K. T. Seow, C. H. Foh, "Lyapunov Stability Analysis of Load Balancing in Datacenter Networks," IEEE Globecom 2013 Workshops, December 2013.
- [Paper] D. Wong, K. T. Seow, C. H. Foh, R. Kanagavelu, "Towards Reproducible Performance Studies of Datacenter Network Architectures Using An Open-Source Simulation Approach," IEEE Globecom 2013, December 2013.
- [Paper] J. Duan, D. Gao, C. H. Foh, H. Zhang, "TC-BAC: A Trust and Centrality Degree Based Access Control Model in Wireless Sensor Networks," Ad Hoc Networks, vol. 11, no. 8, pp. 2675-2692, November 2013.
- [Paper] A. Mnaouer, C. H. Foh, and L. Chen, "A Generic Polymorphic Unicast Routing Protocol for VANETs," Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, vol. 13, no. 14, pp. 1295-1308, October 2013.
- [Paper] J. Duan, D. Gao, C. H. Foh, V. C. M. Leung, "Trust and Risk Assessment Approach for Access Control in Wireless Sensor Networks," IEEE VTC 2013, September 2013.
- [Paper] S. Fang, R. Kanagavelu, B. S. Lee, C. H. Foh, K. M. M. Aung, "Power-efficient Virtual Machine Placement and Migration in Data Centers," IEEE Greencom 2013, August 2013.
- [Paper] J. Qureshi, C. H. Foh, and J. Cai, "Primer and Recent Developments on Fountain Codes," Recent Patents on Telecommunications, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 2-11, July 2013.
- [Paper] H. Shi, R. V. Arumugam, C. H. Foh, and K. K. Khaing, "Optimal Disk Storage Allocation for Multitier Storage System," IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 49, no. 6, pp. 2603-2609, June 2013.
- [Paper] S. Fang, Y. Yu, C. H. Foh, and K. M. M. Aung, "A Loss-Free Multipathing Solution for Data Center Network Using Software-Defined Networking Approach," IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 49, no. 6, pp. 2723-2730, June 2013.
- [Paper] D. Triantafyllopoulou, K. Moessner, A. Kliks, H. Bogucka, A. Zalonis, I. Dagres, N. Dimitriou, A. Polydoros, "A Context-Aware Decision Making Framework for Cognitive and Coexisting Networking Environments," 19th European Wireless Conference 2013, April 2013.
- [Paper] P. Marques, J. Rodriguez, S. Delaere, P. Delahaye, B. Lecroart, M. Gundlach, D. Triantafyllopoulou, K. Moessner, D. Noguet, "Shared use of radio spectrum in the EU: from research projects to standards," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2013, Second IEEE Workshop on Telecommunication Standards: From Research to Standards, June 2013.
- [Paper] P. Marques, J. Rodriguez, S. Delaere, P. Delahaye, B. Lecroart, M. Gundlach, D. Triantafyllopoulou, K. Moessner, D. Noguet, "Spectrum sharing in the EU and the path towards standardization," Future Network and Mobile Summit (FutureNetworkSummit) 2013, July 2013.
- [Paper] D. Triantafyllopoulou, A. Kliks, V. Rakovic, L. Gavrilovska, "Existing Policy Frameworks: An Overview," 10th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS) 2013, Cognitive Radio Advances, Applications and Future Emerging Technologies (CRAFT) Workshop, August 2013.
- [Paper] D. Triantafyllopoulou, T. Guo, K. Moessner, "Optimal Network Discovery Period for Energy-Efficient WLAN Offloading," IEEE 78th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2013-Fall) 2013, September 2013.
- [Paper] Z. Lu, Y. Ma, P. Cheraghi, R. Tafazolli, "Novel pilot-assisted spectrum sensing for OFDM systems by exploiting statistical difference between subcarriers," IEEE Trans. Commun., October 2013.
- [Paper] N. Yi, Y. Ma, R. Tafazolli, "Joint Rate Adaptation and Best-relay selection using limited feedback," IEEE Trans. Wireless Communication, June 2013.
- [Paper] A. Mohamed, "Use of Cognitive Radio in Satellite/Terrestrial Frequency Sharing," University of Surrey, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, September 2013.
- [Paper] Y. Cao, Z. Sun, N. Wang, H. Cruickshank, N. Ahmad, "A Reliable and Efficient Geographic Routing Scheme for Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networks ," IEEE Wireless Communication Letters, vol. 2, no. 6, pp. 603-606, 2013.
- [Paper] Y. Cao, Z. Sun, N. Wang, F. Yao, H. Cruickshank, "Converge-and-Diverge (CaD): A Geographic Routing for Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networks Using Delegation Replication Approach," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 62, no. 5, pp. 2339-2343, 2013.
- [Paper] T. Guo, A. Quddus, N. Wang, R. Tafazolli, "Local Mobility Management for Networked Femtocells Based on X2 Traffic Forwarding," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 62, no. 1, pp. 326-340, 2013.
- [Paper] Y. Miao, Z. Sun and N. Wang, "Study on Research Challenges and Optimization for Internetworking of Hybrid MANET and Satellite Networks," 5th International Conference on Personal Satellite Services, 2013.
- [Paper] C. Kosta, B. Hunt, A. Quddus, R. Tafazolli, "Distributed Energy-Efficient Inter-Cell Interference Coordination (ICIC) in Multi-Cell HetNets," IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), to appear.
- [Paper] C. Kosta, B. Hunt, A. Quddus, R. Tafazolli, "A Distributed Method of Inter-Cell Interference Coordination (ICIC) Based on Dual Decomposition for Interference-Limited Cellular Networks," IEEE Communications Letters, to appear.
- [Paper] C. Kosta, B. Hunt, A. Quddus, R. Tafazolli, "An Improved Inter-cell Interference Coordination (ICIC) for OFDMA multi-cell systems," European Wireless Conference, to appear.
- [Paper] C. Kosta, B. Hunt, A. Quddus, R. Tafazolli, "On Interference Avoidance Through Inter-Cell Interference Coordination (ICIC) Based on OFDMA Mobile Systems," IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, to appear.
- [Paper] M. Bacha and S. A. Hassan, "Performance Analysis of Linear Cooperative Multi-hop Networks Subject to Composite Shadowing-Fading," IEEE Transactions on Wirless Communications , vol. 12, no. 11, pp. 5850-5858, November 2013.
- [Paper] M. Bacha and S. A. Hassan, "Distributed vs. Cluster-Based Cooperative Linear Networks; A Range Extension Study in Suzuki Fading Environments," IEEE PIMRC, September 2013.
- [Paper] Arunprakash Jayaprakash, G. Ramachandra Reddy, "Novel steganographic algorithms based on colour visual cryptography/exact histogram matching," International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, vol. 8, no. 19, pp. 2555-2558, January 2013.
- [Paper] Arunprakash Jayaprakash, G. Ramachandra Reddy, "Efficient prototype filter design for Filter Bank Multicarrier (FBMC) System based on Ambiguity function analysis of Hermite polynomials," IEEE International Multi-Conference on Automation, Computing, Communication, Control and Compressed Sensing (iMac4s), Kottayam, India, March 2013.
- [Paper] Ali Araghi, Gholamreza Dadashzadeh, "Detail-Oriented Design of a Dual-Mode Antenna with Orthogonal Radiation Patterns Utilizing Theory of Characteristic Modes," Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal , vol. 28, no. 10, pp. 952-959, September 2013.
- [Paper] Ali Araghi, Mahmoud Ramezani Mayiami, Alimohammad Montazeri, Ali Foudazi, Mohsen Yaghubi, Mohammad Bod, "Antenna Selection Procedure for BTS Over HAPs," Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, vol. 28, no. 9, pp. 836-843, September 2013.
- [Paper] Mohammad Bod, Ali Foudazi, Ali Araghi, Ali Mohammad Montazeri, Mahmoud Ramezani, "Helical Antenna Links GSM/UMTS," MICROWAVES & RF, vol. 52, no. 4, pp. 76-79, April 2013.
- [Paper] C. Han, S. Muhaidat, I. Abualhaol, M. Dianati, R. Tafazolli, "Intrusion Detection in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks on Lower Layers," Security, Privacy, Trust, and Resource Management in Mobile and Wireless Communications, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, 2013.
- [Paper] J, Pérez-Romero, O. Sallent, F. Bouali, H. Sarvanko, M. Mustonen, M. Matinmikko, H. Lee, S. Vahid, and K. Moessner, "A spectrum selection framework for Opportunistic Networks," 2012 Future Network & Mobile Summit (FutureNetw), September 2012.
- [Paper] H.Lee, S.Vahid and K.Moessner, "Utility-Based Dynamic Spectrum Aggregation Algorithm in Cognitive Radio Networks," 2012 IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Fall), December 2012.
- [Paper] C. Kosta, B. Hunt, A. Quddus, R. Tafazolli, "A Low-Complexity Distributed Inter-Cell Interference Coordination (ICIC) Scheme for Emerging Multi-Cell HetNets," IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), to appear.
- [Paper] Ali Araghi, Gholamreza Dadashzadeh, "Oriented design of an antenna for MIMO applications using theory of characteristic modes," IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 11, pp. 1040-1043, September 2012.
- [Paper] Ali Araghi, Gholamreza Dadashzadeh, "On the use of characteristic modes theory to optimize the radiation of a slotted waveguide array antenna," 2012 IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS), November 2012.
- [Paper] Ali Araghi, Hamid Reza Hassani, Faraz Maleknia, Ali Mohammad Montazeri, "A novel printed array contoured beam antenna on HAPs," 6th International Symposium on Telecommunications (IST), November 2012.
- [Paper] Ali Araghi, Gholamreza Dadashzadeh, "On the use of Theory of Characteristic Modes to equalize two radiating structures from frequency behavior point of view," 15 International Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics, June 2012.
- [Paper] SF Seyyedrezaei, GR Dadashzadeh, A Araghi, "A novel MIMO antenna design using Characteristic Modes," 15 International Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics, June 2012.
- [Paper] M. Akhavan, A. Alexiou, P. Bithas, B. Hunt, N. Oualha, A. Petrescu, S. Vural, "Networking aspects for automotive applications for M2M," ETSI M2M Workshop, to appear.
- [Paper] RM Hashmi, AM Siddiqui, M Jabeen, KS Alimgeer, "Towards secure wirelessMAN: Revisiting and evaluating authentication in WiMAX," IEEE International Conference on Computer Networks and Information Technology, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, July 2011.
- [Paper] K. Vinoth Babu, G. Ramachandra Reddy, Arunprakash Jayaprakash, "Effective frequency offset correction in OFDM systems with extended Kalman filtering technique," First International Conference on Wireless Technologies for Humanitarian Relief, Kollam, December 2011.
- [Paper] Arunprakash Jayaprakash, G. Ramachandra Reddy, "Blind Channel Estimation Using Fractionally Spaced Equalizers Based On Adaptively Varying Modulus Algorithm (AVMA)," Third International Conference Of Science, Engineering and Technology, Vellore, India, November 2011.
- [Paper] A. Quddus, T. Guo, M. Shariat, B. Hunt, A. Imran, Y. Ko, R. Tafazolli, "Next Generation Femtocells: An Enabler for High Efficiency Multimedia Transmission," IEEE Comsoc MMTC E-Letters, to appear.
- [Paper] RM Hashmi, AM Siddiqui, M Jabeen, K Shehzad, SM Abbas, KS Alimgeer, "Design and Experimental Analysis of High Performance Microstrip Antenna," International Journal of Computer and Network Security, vol. 1, no. 3, December 2009.
- [Paper] RM Hashmi, AM Siddiqui, M Jabeen, KS Alimgeer, SA Khan, "Computational Complexities and Breaches in Authentication Frameworks of Broadband Wireless Access," International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS), vol. 4, no. 1, September 2009.
- [Paper] RM Hashmi, AM Siddiqui, M Jabeen, K Shehzad, A Zubair, KS Alimgeer, "Improved secure network authentication protocol (isnap) for ieee 802.16," International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE, August 2009.
- [Paper] KSA Raheel M Hashmi, Arooj M Siddiqui, M Jabeen, K Shehzad, S Muzahir Abbas, "Design and experimental analysis of high performance microstrip antenna for wireless broadband communication," International Journal of Computer Science, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 50-53, January 2009.
Additional publications
- [Paper] Alexandr M. Kuzminskiy, Yuri I. Abramovich, Pei Xiao, Rahim Tafazolli, Jinliang Huang., "Maximum Likelihood Optimization of Adaptive Asynchronous Interference Mitigation Beamformer," IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, UNKNOWN PUBLICATION TYPE.
- [Paper] Jing Zhu, Lixia Xiao, Pei Xiao, Atta Quddus, Chang He, Lei Lu., "Differential STBC-SM Scheme for Uplink Multi-user Massive MIMO Communications: System Design and Performance Analysis," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
- [Paper] Chunxu Mao, Mohsen Khalily, Pei Xiao, "Single-Pole Double-Throw (SPDT) Filtering Radio Frequency Switch and Its Application in Pattern-Reconfigurable Antenna Design," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation.
- [Paper] Judith Njoku, Manuel Morocho-Cayamcela, Angela Caliwag, Pei Xiao, Wansu Lim., "Predicting target data rates for dynamic spectrum allocation using Gaussian process regression," ICT Express.
- [Paper] Zheng Chu, Pei Xiao, De Mi, Wanming Hao, Mohsen Khalily, Lie-liang Yang. , "A Novel Transmission Policy for Intelligent Reflecting Surface Assisted Wireless Powered Sensor Networks," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing.
- [Paper] Manijeh Bashar, Pei Xiao, Rahim Tafazolli, Cumanan Kanapathippillai, Alister Burr, Emil Björnson, "Limited-Fronthaul Cell-Free Massive MIMO with Local MMSE Receiver under Rician Fading and Phase Shifts," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters.
- [Paper] Long Cheng, Guangrong Yue, Pei Xiao, Ning Wei, Shaoqian Li. , "Beam Alignment for Millimeter Wave Multiuser MIMO Systems Using Sparse-Graph Codes," Science China Information Sciences.
- [Paper] Chunxu Mao, Steven Gao, Xiu Yin Zhang, Yi Wang, Pei Xiao. , "Filtering Antennas: Design Methods and Recent Development," IEEE Microwave Magazine.
- [Paper] Md. Noor-A-Rahim, Zilong Liu, Haeyoung Lee, G. G. Md. Nawaz Ali, Dirk Pesch, Pei Xiao, "A Survey on Resource Allocation in Vehicular Networks," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
- [Paper] L. Xiao, P. Xiao, Y. Xiao, H. Hass, A. Mohamed, L. Hanzo, "Compressive Sensing Assisted Generalized Quadrature Spatial Modulation for Massive MIMO," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. Accepted.
- [Paper] C. Wu, Y. Xiao, L. Xiao, P. Yang, X. Lei, wei xiang, "Space-time block coded rectangular differential spatial modulation: System design and performance analysis," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. Accepted.
- [Paper] A. Mohamed, O. Onireti, M. Imran, H. Pervaiz, P. Xiao, R. Tafazolli, "Predictive Base Station Activation in Futuristic Energy-Efficient Control/Data Separated RAN," IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), to appear.
- [Paper] MS Omar, SA Hassan, H Pervaiz, Q Ni, L Musavian, S. Mumtaz, O.A. Dobre, "Multi-Objective Optimization in 5G Hybrid Networks," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 1588-1597, December 2017.
- [Paper] O. Oluwakayode, M. Abdelrahim, H. Pervaiz and M. Imran, "Analytical Approach to Base Station Sleep Mode Power Consumption and Sleep Depth," IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), to appear.
- [Paper] O. W. Bhatti, H. Suhail, U. Akbar, S. A. Hassan, H. Pervaiz, L. Musavian, Q. Ni, "Performance Analysis of Decoupled Cell Association in Multi-Tier Hybrid Networks using Real Blockage Environments," IEEE IWCMC, to appear.
- [Paper] H. Munir, S. A. Hassan, H. Pervaiz, L. Musavian, Q. Ni, "Resource Optimization in Multi-Tier HetNets Exploiting Multi-Slope Path Loss Model," IEEE Access, vol. 5, pp. 8714 - 8726, April 2017.
- [Paper] T. Wang, Y. Wang, C. Han, "An improved clustering routing mechanism for wireless Ad hoc network," Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 3401-3412, 2017.