Antennas and signal processing

These activities relate to the development of RF components and sub-systems and their related baseband techniques, particularly considering the new frequencies being adopted for 5G+ and 6G, such as direct satellite-to-user through beamforming, reflecting intelligent surfaces, and THz sensing. We also work on characterisation and control of the radio environment.


We focus on developing fundamental research through to practice in the interdisciplinary area of antennas and propagation, signal processing, mmWave and 'internet of things' technologies for mobile and satellite applications, and aim to bring digital closer to the RF and antennas:

  • Antennas and arrays for 5G, 5G+ and 6G, radar and satellite communications
  • mmWave and THz antennas and propagation
  • MIMO, massive MIMO and large-scale antenna arrays
  • Metamaterial antenna, metasurfaces, reflecting intelligent surface (aka LIS)
  • EMF exposure
  • Software-defined mmWave/THz transceiver systems
  • Sub-Nyquist sampling and Machine Learning from theory to practice
  • 'Internet of things' systems from antennas to signal processing.

Get in contact

If you are interested in this research or have a query then please contact the project lead.

Professor Yue Gao

Project lead for antennas and signal processing