Student profile

Leanne Fitz

"The possibilities really are endless, and I’m excited to find out where I’m going to end up in this digitally-led future!"


Digital Marketing and Channel Management MSc

Entry year


Why Surrey?

When looking for a postgraduate course, it was important to me that the university that I selected had a good reputation and the necessary support services available.

"Surrey Business School's reputation and the number of accreditations that had been awarded was impressive. Alongside that, the variety of support services available, from employment assistance to wellbeing, was very reassuring."

Growing up near Guildford, I also knew that the surrounding area of the university was a great place to work and live, so I was particularly excited that the campus was within walking distance to an array of facilities, Guildford town centre and Surrey Sports Park.

Your course

I knew I wanted to study marketing and had an interest in social media, so when I came across the Digital Marketing and Channel Management course it seemed like a perfect fit. I was drawn to the wide variety of modules available to study, ranging from those with more creative elements to others with analytical components. I felt that this variety of modules would allow me to explore new topics and draw upon my existing knowledge of the field, as well as allow me to apply critical analysis and develop a wider understanding of the marketing sector.

I have always been a creative individual, having loved subjects like art, photography and media at school and college. When I first discovered digital marketing, I loved the variety and creative aspects of my career. Alongside that, getting to investigate topics surrounding consumer behaviour and psychology aligns with my curiosity and interest in culture and society. As a career option, there is a wide range of marketing activities to get involved in. One day you might be supporting a social media campaign, and the next rebranding an entire organisation. The possibilities really are endless, and I’m excited to find out where I’m going to end up in this digitally-led future!

"I love the variety of the course that I am on. I really enjoy that I am able to be creative and yet also learn more technical skills, such as statistical analysis, which was a new area of learning for me."

I have also thoroughly enjoyed working on the set assignments. I have found them to be very valuable to my learning and feel they have assisted in my preparation for the workplace.

Despite the restrictions of the Covid-19 pandemic I’ve valued the opportunity to continue work on group assignments and have been able to connect with other students on my course in a collaborative environment.

Your achievements 

Whilst at Surrey, I have worked as a course representative for my class. I am hugely proud that I was awarded joint 'student rep of the month' in December 2020. Alongside that, I was offered the chance to feature on the Surrey Business School Instagram to share my ‘a day in the life’ to prospective and current students. Both these opportunities have given me a chance to build on transferable skills and have also enhanced my surrey experience.

University amidst the pandemic 

"Although the pandemic has made my time at Surrey different than expected, I have always felt comfortable. I have appreciated all the effort and adjustments made to support all students."

The Centre for Wellbeing has supported me throughout the pandemic. As a student that lives at home, my family’s safety has always been a priority, and the university has consistently worked with me to make sure that I am comfortable and feel safe.

To any students who have studied during the pandemic, you should be incredibly proud of yourself during such a challenging time. Working on your future and remaining focused in a period of such uncertainty is a huge achievement. I would like to thank all of those at the university for their professionalism, support, and increased effort during my time at Surrey.

Looking forward

Following my time at Surrey, I intend to gain a qualification from the Charted Institute of Marketing (CIM). Some of the modules currently offered on my course provide credits towards the qualification. A scheme which I have taken part in named the Employability Award has enabled me to work on transferable skills and demonstrate how I can be a beneficial asset to a workplace. Furthermore, the talks and workshops that the Employability and Careers Centre have hosted have been incredibly useful and informative, and I will continue to use their services for as long as I can after graduation.

Find out more about postgraduate study at Surrey Business School