Our BSc and MEng Computer Science degrees aim to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of computer science principles, preparing you for careers in software development, data science, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and other fields within the ever-evolving technology industry.
Surrey is recognised as one of the UK’s best universities for computer science, with an excellent record for graduate employability: 94 per cent of our computer science undergraduate students go on to employment or further study (Graduate Outcomes 2024, HESA).
Our BSc and MEng courses in Computer Science provide you with a solid foundation for designing the next generation of computational systems. They will also enable you to analyse and resolve issues with the latest software programs.
You’ll be taught by academics at the forefront of their field and you’ll have opportunities to attend lectures from industry experts.
Please see below for information about Surrey's computer science university ranking.
Our computer science courses will develop your understanding of the concepts and principles that form the basis of computing systems.
We’ll provide you with the balance of knowledge and skills you need to design, implement and troubleshoot software and complex systems to a professional standard.
You’ll explore a wide range of topics, including:
Artificial intelligence
Computational mathematics
Computer security
Object-oriented programming.
This will involve using languages and tools such as Java, C++, Android, SQL, Python, MATLAB and assembler, plus specialist hardware such as Raspberry Pi computers.
You can apply to study for a BSc or an MEng. The MEng builds on the BSc with a masters year and is a direct route to a masters qualification, known as an integrated masters.
Professional recognition
BSc (Hons) - BCS, the Chartered Institute for IT Accredited by BCS, the Chartered Institute for IT for the purposes of fully meeting the academic requirement for registration as a Chartered IT Professional.
BSc (Hons) - BCS, the Chartered Institute for IT Accredited by BCS, the Chartered Institute for IT on behalf of the Engineering Council for the purposes of fully meeting the academic requirement for Incorporated Engineer and partially meeting the academic requirement for a Chartered Engineer.
Foundation year
If you don’t meet our entry requirements, you might still be able to apply for this degree with a Mathematics and Computer Science Foundation Year. This is an extra year of study to develop your skills and make it easier for you to get started at university. On successful completion of your foundation year, you’ll be ready to progress to the first year of your degree.
To see what modules you’ll be studying, refer to the foundation tab in the 'Course structure' section.
The academic year is divided into two semesters of 15 weeks each. Each semester consists of a period of teaching, revision/directed learning and assessment.
The structure of our programmes follow clear educational aims that are tailored to each programme. These are all outlined in the programme specifications which include further details such as the learning outcomes.
Please note: Thefull module listing for the optional Professional Training placement part of your course is available in the relevant programme specification.
Modules listed are indicative, reflecting the information available at the time of publication. Modules are subject to teaching availability, student demand and/or class size caps.
The University operates a credit framework for all taught programmes based on a 15-credit tariff.
This module introduces students to key technologies of the World Wide Web (WWW) and Database Systems. Students will learn the fundamental concepts of database management systems, with a focus on relational database design and development to solve real-world problems. Additionally, the module introduces the basic client and server-side web technologies needed to develop an interface and connect to a database system. The module uses a problem-based approach to provide students with the necessary support to develop their analytical and problem-solving skills. The students’ knowledge and skills will be applied on a real-world coursework project.
This module aims to introduce students to some of the key concepts of set theory, relations, functions, automata, logic, graphs, trees, proof methods, probability and statistics in order to highlight the importance and power of abstraction within computer science. These concepts are useful throughout the programme.
This module will provide an introduction to the fundamental concepts of object-oriented programming using Java. We will start with understanding the basic data types and programming structures. We will introduce what objects and classes are and then introduce more advanced datatypes, programming structuring techniques and key principles of object-oriented programming. The module will cover: how to develop programs from high level design diagrams the importance of testing your program and how testing goes hand in hand with programming. We will use appropriate tools and libraries, such as Eclipse, JUnit and Git to provide industrial quality tools to support the module.
To introduce the fundamental principles of digital logic, circuits and systems starting with symbolic logic through to the concept of logic gates to the structure and operation of digital logic circuits and systems. This module provides an understanding of the underlying computer architecture and internal operation of computer systems.
Appropriate choices of data structures can expedite algorithm efficiency and also aid clear thinking when designing algorithms. It is thus natural for data structures to be studied with algorithms. An algorithm is a sequence of steps for performing some process. A computer program is not an algorithm but a representation of an algorithm. There is a need to be able to create effective algorithms, quantify their efficiency and classify them independently of any computing system or language.
The module covers the main concepts of modern operating systems (OS). The module has three main parts. The first part of the course provides a short history of operating systems and their purposes. It also introduces the student to multiprocessing and multithreading, i.e. how an OS manages multiple tasks that execute at the same time (concurrently) and share resources. The second part of the course addresses the problem of memory management. The final part of the course introduces file systems and Input/output handling. Throughout the module, case studies of various operating systems are presented with high level concepts that students explore as exercises or deploy their functionality during labs. All taught material is compatible with existing Operating Systems and is suitable to run on a platform such as Linux.
This module will introduce the principles of software engineering. This will include an overview of the systems development lifecycle, agile methods and modern approaches employed to develop and maintain software. This will include aspects on requirements engineering, software design, implementation, and testing. Throughout the module, software engineering methods will be put into practice, and Java programming skills will be consolidated. Students will also be exposed to considerations of social, legal and professional issues.
This module will introduce students to some of the latest technologies for building modern web applications. Students will develop interactive web applications and learn about the best practices in their design and development. The module provides students with an understanding of the core concepts underpinning web applications and provides students with the necessary skills to improve their broader development and problem-solving skills. A practical project-based assessment allows students to demonstrate their proficiency in using and applying frameworks to client- and server-side development.
The module introduces algorithmic techniques for various sets of problems and teaches how to analyse algorithms in terms of their complexity. The techniques build upon the data structures and algorithms module provided in level 4 (COM1029) so that students can further develop their use of methods for solving complex problems. Examples will be used throughout to demonstrate the relevance of each approach.
This module will introduce fundamental concepts of three different programming paradigms and provide a foundation for the theoretical and practical aspects of building programs using these paradigms. Object Orientated Design and Programming is first introduced as a popular methodology for large application development. The module will then cover two alternative programming paradigms, Functional Programming and Logic Programming, with a focus on both their theoretical underpinnings and computation models and the practical aspects of implementing algorithms and larger applications in those paradigms.
Computer networks are an essential part of almost all corporate computing facilities and even most domestic ones. Interoperability is the key – all components must conform to the same hardware and packet specifications in order that they can be interconnected successfully. This module introduces essential concepts about all the computer networking layering levels with some emphasis on the routing algorithms and implementation of network sensing.
Software engineering projects are run in teams that must fulfill a variety of roles including project management, background research, design, implementation, quality control and training, while also providing sufficient evidence of robust processes to demonstrate compliance with the relevant Government and industry standards. In this module students gain first-hand experience of teamwork applied to the software development lifecycle by designing and delivering a software system in a team. The teams take ownership of a pre-defined high-level specification, and must refine it into a software system they can then implement and test, while demonstrating adherence to best or current software engineering practices. Through this group project and associated reflection, the students gain an understanding of how to successfully design a software system that meets the specification, how to independently research and choose technologies, and how to implement and evaluate their system before finally delivering it to the user. Throughout the project, the team is expected to plan and document their activities, hold regular project meetings, and will be audited on how they approach the different tasks and adhere to industry standards.
Computers have become commonplace in many areas of our lives and are able to accomplish many things that humans would find difficult, if not impossible, to do by their own unaided efforts. Whilst computers can perform many calculations in a very short time they generally do not possess the ability to learn or to reason about novel situations or to process incomplete or uncertain data. They will need knowledge of the environment in which they operate so that they can understand what their sensors are monitoring and so that they can behave rationally. This module demonstrates the basic principles and methods of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and provides the basis for understanding and later choosing the correct tools for building such systems. Applications that motivate the development of Artificial Intelligence technology include intelligent robots, automated navigation for autonomous vehicles, object recognition and tracking, medical diagnosis, language communications and many others. Any application that requires human-like intelligence is an application for Artificial Intelligence.
The course introduces concepts of parallel and distributed computing by considering different architectures that support this, and working through different categories of examples. The implementation of such solutions and their subsequent analysis gives practical experience and an understanding of the difficulties involved. Special consideration will be given to performance issues of resulting architectures, leading to a foundation for the design of high performance computing for distributed real-time control.
Security is probably the greatest challenge for computer and information system in the near future. Many users have lost data due to viruses, both on home and business computers. Most of us have seen a range of emails massages attempting different kinds of fraud. Vulnerabilities are everywhere. Some are obvious or well-known; others are obscure and harder to spot. Security is not limited to secrecy and confidentiality, but also involves problems like integrity, availability, and effectiveness of information. Moreover, security issues can potentially affect all of us, from innocent home users to companies and even governments. Security is not just a technical problem but needs to be embedded throughout an organisation to be effective. As such good security solutions build on a complete understanding of the values at stake, and the supporting business processes and requirements. This includes people as well as information systems and physical resources. Consequently, raising security awareness and embedding security within roles and policies is as important, if not more, as secure software. In short, secure solutions can only be implemented with both good technical skills and a good understanding of cultures and people skills. This module aims at raising the awareness for the wide range of security issues present in today’s connected world and the managerial and organisational challenges a business must face when building a secure solution.
In today’s world where companies can amass more and more fine-grained data, it is crucial for a business to understand how this data can be used to effectively drive the business forward. Business Analytics is a set of methods and tools that can transform data into useful insights for decision-making. For example machine learning algorithms can be used to discover interesting patterns in the current market data or to predict customer behaviour (e.g. customer churn) from past data.
Advances related to energy efficiency issues and cost reductions have resulted in the rapid growth and deployment of networked devices and sensing/actuation systems that connect the physical world with the cyber world. The resulting framework, known as the Internet of Things (IoT), incorporates several technologies, including wireless sensor networks, pervasive systems, ambient intelligence, context awareness, and distributed systems. The IoT module is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of how machine communications contribute to creating smart, artificial intelligence-driven environments focusing on software networking and communication systems. The module provides an overview of the key concepts and enabling technologies for the Internet of Things. It encompasses a cross-layer approach, allowing students to explore the practical aspects of sensors, actuators, and mainly communication systems for IoT across physical, media access, and network layers. This includes security considerations, satellite IoT, positioning and tracking for industrial applications, IoT Platforms (Hardware, Software), protocols and standards (e.g., 6LowPAN, ZigBee, CoAp), semantic technologies, and data and information processing mechanisms. Also, the module seamlessly integrates cutting-edge machine learning techniques tailored for IoT applications, ensuring optimal performance and adaptability.
The module provides students with a theoretical and practical understanding of how business strategy can be formulated in the light of environmental and internal conditions with a particular emphasis on the international context of strategy making. The module equips students with a framework for understanding international business strategy as an interdisciplinary activity within the context of international and competitive markets, leading to corporate decision-making. The module is built on 3 key issues – who is strategy done for, how is strategy formulated and implemented, is strategy driven by organisations or environments.
A distributed system is built of a network of computing devices, which coordinate their actions via message passing to achieve a common goal. Typically, system components are assumed to operate concurrently, lack a global clock and to fail independently. This module shall build and consolidate your knowledge of advanced algorithms, computer networking and/or parallel computing. You shall learn to describe the principles of distributed systems, such as communication, scheduling and fault tolerance as well as to compare and contrast between a broad set of instances of distributed systems, algorithms and protocols (e.g., peer-to-peer systems, distributed hash tables, MixNets, distributed ledger technologies) within the context of various applications.
This module gives an introductory yet up-to-date description of the fundamental technologies of computational Intelligence, including evolutionary computation, neural computing and their applications. Main streams of evolutionary algorithms and meta-heuristics, including genetic algorithms, evolution strategies, genetic programming, particle swarm optimization will be taught. Basic neural network models and learning algorithms will be introduced. Interactions between evolution and learning, real-world applications to optimization and robotics, and recent advances will also be discussed. Good skill in Python programming, good knowledge in mathematics (calculus) are required.
This module introduces general concepts of privacy enhancing technologies and aligns with key concepts recommended by the CyBoK. It will motivate the need for privacy in the modern world and touch on legal considerations, introduce concepts of transparency, control and confidentiality for privacy, and look at privacy preserving and democratic values. This module will also explore how these are realised in a range of applications.
This module examines the architectural/design needs and challenges encountered when developing and deploying secure, resilient and scalable web applications using the latest technology. It also provides an introduction to approaches used in modern Internet-scale web applications, covering technologies used in and/or developed by familiar companies such as Twitter, Amazon, Netflix and Google.
Projects provide an efficient and effective means of delivering corporate strategy for both public and private sector organisations. Fundamental to this is robust project sponsorship and management. This module is focused at FHEQ Level 6 students that wish to develop, plan, manage and control projects successfully in a business environment. This requires an awareness of general project management principles, methodologies and the tools and techniques as applied within multi-disciplined projects. Within this module students will receive a robust grounding in the theory and practice of project management delivered by lectures and by using project management software (MS Project) in a computer laboratory setting
In recent years, AI has seen tremendous growth due in large part to more powerful computers, larger scale data and techniques to establish comprehensive framework through deeper neural networks. This module introduces a wide range of deep learning and the latest state of art techniques in AI for serving the world through innovation, understanding and compassion. Fundamental concepts on applied maths and establishment on effective learning objectives that thread through key elements in machine learning techniques will be discussed throughout the module. Students will study how to build suitable AI systems that can operate in complicated, real-world environments. The module also prepares students to explore further challenges and opportunities to work with advanced AI and bring them to new frontiers. The module content will typically be updated each year reflecting the latest evolution in AI.
The course is an introduction in formal methods for system specification and verification. It will focus on logic-based formalisms and techniques, and specifically on model checking. The main logics taught will be temporal logics, which are mainstream in verification, especially analysis of hardware systems. Other logics and verification techniques (such as theorem proving) will be included to a smaller extended. Model checkers will be used in the labs, on different system-verification problems. Elements of building model checking tools will be presented and explored. Some elements of advanced verification techniques (e.g., abstraction) will be mentioned.
This module will demonstrate fundamental concepts from the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Computational Linguistics. It will also discuss some of the latest advances in NLP and Generative Artificial Intelligence with a focus on Language Models like BERT, T5, and GPT, and get student up to speed with current research. It will provide the necessary skills to enable students to build computational models for solving a range of problems, such as text classification, sequence classification, machine translation and building conversation agents. The students will learn how to build NLP pipelines for preparing training data and choosing appropriate algorithms and techniques to build such models. The module also focuses on aspects of ethical and trustworthy artificial intelligence with discussion on rigorous model evaluation and ethical considerations for computational modeling. Although traditional linguistic approaches will be mentioned, majority emphasis will be put on the state-of-the-art Deep Learning algorithms and Transfer Learning methods for building efficient and trustworthy NLP solutions.
Expected prior learning: Module EEE2040 – Communications Networks or equivalent learning. Module purpose: The Internet is an important worldwide communications system; the module provides an in-depth treatment of current and evolving Internet protocols and standards, and the algorithms that underlie them. The module also permits further study on networking in modules such as EEEM018 Advanced Mobile Communication Systems, EEEM023 Network Service management and Control, EEEM032 Advanced Satellite Communication Techniques
Module purpose: Modern robotics brings together many aspects of engineering including electronics, hardware, software and AI. This leads to complex asynchronous systems that requires a systems engineering approach. The Robotics Operating System (ROS), is an extensive community built software suite that underpins most leading-edge robotics development. It provides extensive hardware interfacing and high-level functionality which allows complex systems engineering and control while abstracting away much of the complexity inherent to robotics systems design. This module will use ROS to provide a solid foundation in systems engineering based robotics.
This module introduces students to the techniques and tools to discover known vulnerabilities in systems and applications, and use appropriate techniques to carry out attacks. A practical project-based assessment allows students to demonstrate their ability to successfully exploit vulnerable systems to exfiltrate data and circumvent access controls. The module will introduce students to the legal and ethical considerations of ethical hacking, as well as the processes by which vulnerabilities are reported, classified, documented, and mitigated by security practitioners.
The project consists of a substantial written report and accompanying video presentation and software submission, completed by the student towards the end of their programme of studies. These are based on a major piece of work that involves applying material encountered in the taught component of the degree, and extending that knowledge with the student's contribution, under the guidance of a supervisor. The project lasts over both semesters, and usually involves software development, experimental or theoretical research, or a substantial analysis on a specific topic. Students are also expected to consider the legal, social, ethical and professional aspects of the project.
A total of 4 optional modules must be chosen. With selections, the resulting pattern shall result in a total, including the compulsory module, of EITHER 2 modules in semester 1 and 3 in semester 2, OR 3 modules in semester 1 and 2 in semester 2. Note that in order to maintain BCS accreditation, 2 of the optional modules need to be chosen from the available COM3XXX modules, so only 2 modules can carry MAN3XXX codes.
Year 1 - BSc (Hons) with placement
Semester 1
This module introduces students to key technologies of the World Wide Web (WWW) and Database Systems. Students will learn the fundamental concepts of database management systems, with a focus on relational database design and development to solve real-world problems. Additionally, the module introduces the basic client and server-side web technologies needed to develop an interface and connect to a database system. The module uses a problem-based approach to provide students with the necessary support to develop their analytical and problem-solving skills. The students’ knowledge and skills will be applied on a real-world coursework project.
This module aims to introduce students to some of the key concepts of set theory, relations, functions, automata, logic, graphs, trees, proof methods, probability and statistics in order to highlight the importance and power of abstraction within computer science. These concepts are useful throughout the programme.
This module will provide an introduction to the fundamental concepts of object-oriented programming using Java. We will start with understanding the basic data types and programming structures. We will introduce what objects and classes are and then introduce more advanced datatypes, programming structuring techniques and key principles of object-oriented programming. The module will cover: how to develop programs from high level design diagrams the importance of testing your program and how testing goes hand in hand with programming. We will use appropriate tools and libraries, such as Eclipse, JUnit and Git to provide industrial quality tools to support the module.
To introduce the fundamental principles of digital logic, circuits and systems starting with symbolic logic through to the concept of logic gates to the structure and operation of digital logic circuits and systems. This module provides an understanding of the underlying computer architecture and internal operation of computer systems.
Appropriate choices of data structures can expedite algorithm efficiency and also aid clear thinking when designing algorithms. It is thus natural for data structures to be studied with algorithms. An algorithm is a sequence of steps for performing some process. A computer program is not an algorithm but a representation of an algorithm. There is a need to be able to create effective algorithms, quantify their efficiency and classify them independently of any computing system or language.
The module covers the main concepts of modern operating systems (OS). The module has three main parts. The first part of the course provides a short history of operating systems and their purposes. It also introduces the student to multiprocessing and multithreading, i.e. how an OS manages multiple tasks that execute at the same time (concurrently) and share resources. The second part of the course addresses the problem of memory management. The final part of the course introduces file systems and Input/output handling. Throughout the module, case studies of various operating systems are presented with high level concepts that students explore as exercises or deploy their functionality during labs. All taught material is compatible with existing Operating Systems and is suitable to run on a platform such as Linux.
This module will introduce the principles of software engineering. This will include an overview of the systems development lifecycle, agile methods and modern approaches employed to develop and maintain software. This will include aspects on requirements engineering, software design, implementation, and testing. Throughout the module, software engineering methods will be put into practice, and Java programming skills will be consolidated. Students will also be exposed to considerations of social, legal and professional issues.
This module will introduce students to some of the latest technologies for building modern web applications. Students will develop interactive web applications and learn about the best practices in their design and development. The module provides students with an understanding of the core concepts underpinning web applications and provides students with the necessary skills to improve their broader development and problem-solving skills. A practical project-based assessment allows students to demonstrate their proficiency in using and applying frameworks to client- and server-side development.
The module introduces algorithmic techniques for various sets of problems and teaches how to analyse algorithms in terms of their complexity. The techniques build upon the data structures and algorithms module provided in level 4 (COM1029) so that students can further develop their use of methods for solving complex problems. Examples will be used throughout to demonstrate the relevance of each approach.
This module will introduce fundamental concepts of three different programming paradigms and provide a foundation for the theoretical and practical aspects of building programs using these paradigms. Object Orientated Design and Programming is first introduced as a popular methodology for large application development. The module will then cover two alternative programming paradigms, Functional Programming and Logic Programming, with a focus on both their theoretical underpinnings and computation models and the practical aspects of implementing algorithms and larger applications in those paradigms.
Computer networks are an essential part of almost all corporate computing facilities and even most domestic ones. Interoperability is the key – all components must conform to the same hardware and packet specifications in order that they can be interconnected successfully. This module introduces essential concepts about all the computer networking layering levels with some emphasis on the routing algorithms and implementation of network sensing.
Software engineering projects are run in teams that must fulfill a variety of roles including project management, background research, design, implementation, quality control and training, while also providing sufficient evidence of robust processes to demonstrate compliance with the relevant Government and industry standards. In this module students gain first-hand experience of teamwork applied to the software development lifecycle by designing and delivering a software system in a team. The teams take ownership of a pre-defined high-level specification, and must refine it into a software system they can then implement and test, while demonstrating adherence to best or current software engineering practices. Through this group project and associated reflection, the students gain an understanding of how to successfully design a software system that meets the specification, how to independently research and choose technologies, and how to implement and evaluate their system before finally delivering it to the user. Throughout the project, the team is expected to plan and document their activities, hold regular project meetings, and will be audited on how they approach the different tasks and adhere to industry standards.
Computers have become commonplace in many areas of our lives and are able to accomplish many things that humans would find difficult, if not impossible, to do by their own unaided efforts. Whilst computers can perform many calculations in a very short time they generally do not possess the ability to learn or to reason about novel situations or to process incomplete or uncertain data. They will need knowledge of the environment in which they operate so that they can understand what their sensors are monitoring and so that they can behave rationally. This module demonstrates the basic principles and methods of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and provides the basis for understanding and later choosing the correct tools for building such systems. Applications that motivate the development of Artificial Intelligence technology include intelligent robots, automated navigation for autonomous vehicles, object recognition and tracking, medical diagnosis, language communications and many others. Any application that requires human-like intelligence is an application for Artificial Intelligence.
The course introduces concepts of parallel and distributed computing by considering different architectures that support this, and working through different categories of examples. The implementation of such solutions and their subsequent analysis gives practical experience and an understanding of the difficulties involved. Special consideration will be given to performance issues of resulting architectures, leading to a foundation for the design of high performance computing for distributed real-time control.
Security is probably the greatest challenge for computer and information system in the near future. Many users have lost data due to viruses, both on home and business computers. Most of us have seen a range of emails massages attempting different kinds of fraud. Vulnerabilities are everywhere. Some are obvious or well-known; others are obscure and harder to spot. Security is not limited to secrecy and confidentiality, but also involves problems like integrity, availability, and effectiveness of information. Moreover, security issues can potentially affect all of us, from innocent home users to companies and even governments. Security is not just a technical problem but needs to be embedded throughout an organisation to be effective. As such good security solutions build on a complete understanding of the values at stake, and the supporting business processes and requirements. This includes people as well as information systems and physical resources. Consequently, raising security awareness and embedding security within roles and policies is as important, if not more, as secure software. In short, secure solutions can only be implemented with both good technical skills and a good understanding of cultures and people skills. This module aims at raising the awareness for the wide range of security issues present in today’s connected world and the managerial and organisational challenges a business must face when building a secure solution.
In today’s world where companies can amass more and more fine-grained data, it is crucial for a business to understand how this data can be used to effectively drive the business forward. Business Analytics is a set of methods and tools that can transform data into useful insights for decision-making. For example machine learning algorithms can be used to discover interesting patterns in the current market data or to predict customer behaviour (e.g. customer churn) from past data.
Advances related to energy efficiency issues and cost reductions have resulted in the rapid growth and deployment of networked devices and sensing/actuation systems that connect the physical world with the cyber world. The resulting framework, known as the Internet of Things (IoT), incorporates several technologies, including wireless sensor networks, pervasive systems, ambient intelligence, context awareness, and distributed systems. The IoT module is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of how machine communications contribute to creating smart, artificial intelligence-driven environments focusing on software networking and communication systems. The module provides an overview of the key concepts and enabling technologies for the Internet of Things. It encompasses a cross-layer approach, allowing students to explore the practical aspects of sensors, actuators, and mainly communication systems for IoT across physical, media access, and network layers. This includes security considerations, satellite IoT, positioning and tracking for industrial applications, IoT Platforms (Hardware, Software), protocols and standards (e.g., 6LowPAN, ZigBee, CoAp), semantic technologies, and data and information processing mechanisms. Also, the module seamlessly integrates cutting-edge machine learning techniques tailored for IoT applications, ensuring optimal performance and adaptability.
The module provides students with a theoretical and practical understanding of how business strategy can be formulated in the light of environmental and internal conditions with a particular emphasis on the international context of strategy making. The module equips students with a framework for understanding international business strategy as an interdisciplinary activity within the context of international and competitive markets, leading to corporate decision-making. The module is built on 3 key issues – who is strategy done for, how is strategy formulated and implemented, is strategy driven by organisations or environments.
This module gives an introductory yet up-to-date description of the fundamental technologies of computational Intelligence, including evolutionary computation, neural computing and their applications. Main streams of evolutionary algorithms and meta-heuristics, including genetic algorithms, evolution strategies, genetic programming, particle swarm optimization will be taught. Basic neural network models and learning algorithms will be introduced. Interactions between evolution and learning, real-world applications to optimization and robotics, and recent advances will also be discussed. Good skill in Python programming, good knowledge in mathematics (calculus) are required.
A distributed system is built of a network of computing devices, which coordinate their actions via message passing to achieve a common goal. Typically, system components are assumed to operate concurrently, lack a global clock and to fail independently. This module shall build and consolidate your knowledge of advanced algorithms, computer networking and/or parallel computing. You shall learn to describe the principles of distributed systems, such as communication, scheduling and fault tolerance as well as to compare and contrast between a broad set of instances of distributed systems, algorithms and protocols (e.g., peer-to-peer systems, distributed hash tables, MixNets, distributed ledger technologies) within the context of various applications.
This module introduces general concepts of privacy enhancing technologies and aligns with key concepts recommended by the CyBoK. It will motivate the need for privacy in the modern world and touch on legal considerations, introduce concepts of transparency, control and confidentiality for privacy, and look at privacy preserving and democratic values. This module will also explore how these are realised in a range of applications.
This module examines the architectural/design needs and challenges encountered when developing and deploying secure, resilient and scalable web applications using the latest technology. It also provides an introduction to approaches used in modern Internet-scale web applications, covering technologies used in and/or developed by familiar companies such as Twitter, Amazon, Netflix and Google.
Projects provide an efficient and effective means of delivering corporate strategy for both public and private sector organisations. Fundamental to this is robust project sponsorship and management. This module is focused at FHEQ Level 6 students that wish to develop, plan, manage and control projects successfully in a business environment. This requires an awareness of general project management principles, methodologies and the tools and techniques as applied within multi-disciplined projects. Within this module students will receive a robust grounding in the theory and practice of project management delivered by lectures and by using project management software (MS Project) in a computer laboratory setting
In recent years, AI has seen tremendous growth due in large part to more powerful computers, larger scale data and techniques to establish comprehensive framework through deeper neural networks. This module introduces a wide range of deep learning and the latest state of art techniques in AI for serving the world through innovation, understanding and compassion. Fundamental concepts on applied maths and establishment on effective learning objectives that thread through key elements in machine learning techniques will be discussed throughout the module. Students will study how to build suitable AI systems that can operate in complicated, real-world environments. The module also prepares students to explore further challenges and opportunities to work with advanced AI and bring them to new frontiers. The module content will typically be updated each year reflecting the latest evolution in AI.
The course is an introduction in formal methods for system specification and verification. It will focus on logic-based formalisms and techniques, and specifically on model checking. The main logics taught will be temporal logics, which are mainstream in verification, especially analysis of hardware systems. Other logics and verification techniques (such as theorem proving) will be included to a smaller extended. Model checkers will be used in the labs, on different system-verification problems. Elements of building model checking tools will be presented and explored. Some elements of advanced verification techniques (e.g., abstraction) will be mentioned.
This module will demonstrate fundamental concepts from the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Computational Linguistics. It will also discuss some of the latest advances in NLP and Generative Artificial Intelligence with a focus on Language Models like BERT, T5, and GPT, and get student up to speed with current research. It will provide the necessary skills to enable students to build computational models for solving a range of problems, such as text classification, sequence classification, machine translation and building conversation agents. The students will learn how to build NLP pipelines for preparing training data and choosing appropriate algorithms and techniques to build such models. The module also focuses on aspects of ethical and trustworthy artificial intelligence with discussion on rigorous model evaluation and ethical considerations for computational modeling. Although traditional linguistic approaches will be mentioned, majority emphasis will be put on the state-of-the-art Deep Learning algorithms and Transfer Learning methods for building efficient and trustworthy NLP solutions.
Expected prior learning: Module EEE2040 – Communications Networks or equivalent learning. Module purpose: The Internet is an important worldwide communications system; the module provides an in-depth treatment of current and evolving Internet protocols and standards, and the algorithms that underlie them. The module also permits further study on networking in modules such as EEEM018 Advanced Mobile Communication Systems, EEEM023 Network Service management and Control, EEEM032 Advanced Satellite Communication Techniques
Module purpose: Modern robotics brings together many aspects of engineering including electronics, hardware, software and AI. This leads to complex asynchronous systems that requires a systems engineering approach. The Robotics Operating System (ROS), is an extensive community built software suite that underpins most leading-edge robotics development. It provides extensive hardware interfacing and high-level functionality which allows complex systems engineering and control while abstracting away much of the complexity inherent to robotics systems design. This module will use ROS to provide a solid foundation in systems engineering based robotics.
This module introduces students to the techniques and tools to discover known vulnerabilities in systems and applications, and use appropriate techniques to carry out attacks. A practical project-based assessment allows students to demonstrate their ability to successfully exploit vulnerable systems to exfiltrate data and circumvent access controls. The module will introduce students to the legal and ethical considerations of ethical hacking, as well as the processes by which vulnerabilities are reported, classified, documented, and mitigated by security practitioners.
The project consists of a substantial written report and accompanying video presentation and software submission, completed by the student towards the end of their programme of studies. These are based on a major piece of work that involves applying material encountered in the taught component of the degree, and extending that knowledge with the student's contribution, under the guidance of a supervisor. The project lasts over both semesters, and usually involves software development, experimental or theoretical research, or a substantial analysis on a specific topic. Students are also expected to consider the legal, social, ethical and professional aspects of the project.
Optional modules for Year 3 (with PTY) - FHEQ Level 6
A total of 4 optional modules must be chosen. With selections, the resulting pattern shall result in a total, including the compulsory module, of EITHER 2 modules in semester 1 and 3 in semester 2, OR 3 modules in semester 1 and 2 in semester 2. Note that in order to maintain BCS accreditation, 2 of the optional modules need to be chosen from the available COM3XXX modules, so only 2 modules can carry MAN3XXX codes.
Professional Training Year (PTY)
Semester 1 & 2
This module supports students’ development of personal and professional attitudes and abilities appropriate to a Professional Training placement. It supports and facilitates self-reflection and transfer of learning from their Professional Training placement experiences to their final year of study and their future employment. The PTY module is concerned with Personal and Professional Development towards holistic academic and non-academic learning, and is a process that involves self-reflection, documented via the creation of a personal record, planning and monitoring progress towards the achievement of personal objectives. Development and learning may occur before and during the placement, and this is reflected in the assessment model as a progressive process. However, the graded assessment takes place primarily towards the end of the placement. Additionally, the module aims to enable students to evidence and evaluate their placement experiences and transfer that learning to other situations through written and presentation skills.
This module supports students' development of personal and professional attitudes and abilities appropriate to a Professional Training placement. It supports and facilitates self-reflection and transfer of learning from their Professional Training placement experiences to their final year of study and their future employment. The PTY module is concerned with Personal and Professional Development towards holistic academic and non-academic learning, and is a process that involves self-reflection, documented via the creation of a personal record, planning and monitoring progress towards the achievement of personal objectives. Development and learning may occur before and during the placement, and this is reflected in the assessment model as a progressive process. However, the graded assessment takes place primarily towards the end of the placement. Additionally, the module aims to enable students to evidence and evaluate their placement experiences and transfer that learning to other situations through written skills.
This mathematics module is designed to reinforce and broaden basic A-Level mathematics material, develop problem solving skills and prepare students for the more advanced mathematical concepts and problem-solving scenarios in the semester 2 modules.The priority is to develop the students’ ability to solve real- world problems in a confident manner. The concepts delivered on this module reflect the skills and knowledge required to understand the physical around us. This is vital as mathematics plays a critical role in the students’ future employability and achievement on their respective undergraduate choices.
The emphasis of this module is on the development of digital capabilities, academic skills and problem-solving skills. The module will facilitate the development of competency in working with software commonly used to support calculations, analysis and presentation. Microsoft Excel will be used for spreadsheet-based calculations and experimental data analysis. MATLAB will be used as a platform for developing elementary programming skills and applying various processes to novel problem-solving scenarios. The breadth and depth of digital capabilities will be further enhanced by working with HTML, CSS and JavaScript within the GitHub environment to develop a webpage, presenting the student's research project narrative. The project provides students with an opportunity to carry out guided research and prepare an online article on one of many discipline-specific topic choices. Students will develop a wide range of writing, referencing and other important academic skills and learn how to use embedded and/or interactive online content to support the presentation of their online article.
The module is designed to develop and extend your critical thinking skills and problem solving skills beyond that which would normally be acquired in an A-level (or comparable level) course. From a theoretical perspective, you will study pure mathematics, probability & statistics together with some applied computational mathematics. The practical computing aspect of the module brings together a variety of techniques in data processing, analysis, modelling and probability and statistics so that you may further advance your problem solving skills and apply some of the theory within a variety of interesting and challenging contexts using Microsoft Excel.
This module introduces several principles and processes which underpin most physical science and engineering disciplines, which you are likely to study beyond the Foundation Year. Specifically, you will study topics that include S.I. units and measurement theory, electric and magnetic fields and their interactions, the properties of ideal gases, heat transfer and thermodynamics, fluid statics and dynamics, and engineering instrumentation and measurement. You will attend several lectures and a tutorial each teaching week alongside guided independent study opportunities to develop your understanding of topics more deeply, supported by the use of the university’s virtual learning platform.
The module aims to introduce the students to the core elements of microeconomic theory. The module will begin with a discussion of Economics as a science and its basic principles and concepts. The focus will then move onto the market equilibrium, i.e., the supply and demand model and the impact of government intervention in the market outcomes. Consumer theory and the theory of the firm will be studied to understand the background to the supply and demand model before turning to the welfare implications of different market structures.
This module builds on ENG0011 Mathematics A and is designed to reinforce and broaden A-Level Calculus, Vectors, Matrices and Complex Numbers. The students will continue to develop their ability to solve real- world problems in a confident manner. The concepts delivered on this module reflect the skills and knowledge required to understand the physical world around us. This is vital, as mathematics plays a critical role in the students’ future employability and achievement on their respective undergraduate courses. On completion of the module students are prepared for the more advanced Mathematical concepts and problem solving scenarios in the first year of their Engineering or Physical Sciences degree.
This module introduces several principles and processes which underpin most physical science and engineering disciplines, which you are likely to study beyond the Foundation Year. Specifically, you will study topics that include vectors and scalars, equations of motion under constant acceleration, momentum conservation, simple harmonic motion and wave theory. You will attend several lectures and a tutorial each teaching week alongside guided independent study opportunities to develop your understanding of topics more deeply, supported by the use of the university’s virtual learning platform.
This module builds further on the mathematical and computing skills that you developed previously. As before, there is a strong emphasis on critical thinking, problem solving and becoming more independent as a learner. A number of advanced topic areas will be introduced in both the mathematics and computing components. These two module components are equally weighted at 50% each. There are a total of 11 advanced mathematics lectures with associated tutorials and 11 computer laboratory sessions with associated tutorials.The main topic areas covered by the mathematics component are; matrices & vectors, complex numbers and calculus. Associated geometrical concepts are introduced in all of these topic areas. In the computing component you will learn to use Python and associated packages as a language for implementing a variety of interesting and challenging processes. An emphasis will be placed on the process of abstraction and implementation, with process design considerations at holistic and atomic levels.Your progress on the module is assessed in 12 separate units of assessment (6 for mathematics and 6 for computing.)
In this module the students will learn about the macroeconomic environment and the theoretical and conceptual frameworks which underpin it. It is designed to prepare the students for the more advanced level macroeconomics in the first year of their Economics programme. The module will begin with the introduction of key macroeconomic topics, i.e., economic growth and business cycles, unemployment, inflation and open economy. The focus will then move onto developing a theoretical model to study and analyse the short-run macroeconomic equilibrium. The role of fiscal and monetary policy in shaping economic outcomes will also be discussed. The methodological approach will include the use of mathematical tools in solving and analysing the theoretical models.
A foundation level physics module designed to reinforce and broaden basic A-Level Physics material in electricity and electronics, nuclear physics, develop practical skills, and prepare students for the more advanced concepts and applications in the first year of their Engineering or Physical Sciences degree. You will attend several lectures and a tutorial each teaching week alongside guided independent study opportunities to develop your understanding of topics more deeply, supported using the university’s virtual learning platform.
The module covers the principles of chemistry relevant to degree-level study in disciplines requiring a strong background in this subject, (e.g. the BEng in both the Chemical and Civil Engineering programmes at the University of Surrey). There will be a strong focus placed on the fundamental principles of physical chemistry, with a basic introduction to organic and analytical chemistry techniques. Learning will include examples of industrial processes and case studies and there will be an overarching theme of sustainability running through the module linked to several topics (in particular, fuels, combustion and polymers). Module content will be delivered via weekly lectures, interspersed with opportunities for you to reflect on what you have just learned. Additional support is provided in weekly tutorials. There are guided independent study opportunities to develop your understanding of topics more deeply, supported by the use of the university’s virtual learning platform.
Students must choose one optional module in Semester 1 and one optional module in Semester 2
For further information on FHEQ levels 4, 5 and 6 please view the programme specification for the full-time BSc (Hons) Computer Science programme.
BSc (Hons) with foundation year and placement
Semester 1
This mathematics module is designed to reinforce and broaden basic A-Level mathematics material, develop problem solving skills and prepare students for the more advanced mathematical concepts and problem-solving scenarios in the semester 2 modules.The priority is to develop the students’ ability to solve real- world problems in a confident manner. The concepts delivered on this module reflect the skills and knowledge required to understand the physical around us. This is vital as mathematics plays a critical role in the students’ future employability and achievement on their respective undergraduate choices.
The emphasis of this module is on the development of digital capabilities, academic skills and problem-solving skills. The module will facilitate the development of competency in working with software commonly used to support calculations, analysis and presentation. Microsoft Excel will be used for spreadsheet-based calculations and experimental data analysis. MATLAB will be used as a platform for developing elementary programming skills and applying various processes to novel problem-solving scenarios. The breadth and depth of digital capabilities will be further enhanced by working with HTML, CSS and JavaScript within the GitHub environment to develop a webpage, presenting the student's research project narrative. The project provides students with an opportunity to carry out guided research and prepare an online article on one of many discipline-specific topic choices. Students will develop a wide range of writing, referencing and other important academic skills and learn how to use embedded and/or interactive online content to support the presentation of their online article.
The module is designed to develop and extend your critical thinking skills and problem solving skills beyond that which would normally be acquired in an A-level (or comparable level) course. From a theoretical perspective, you will study pure mathematics, probability & statistics together with some applied computational mathematics. The practical computing aspect of the module brings together a variety of techniques in data processing, analysis, modelling and probability and statistics so that you may further advance your problem solving skills and apply some of the theory within a variety of interesting and challenging contexts using Microsoft Excel.
This module introduces several principles and processes which underpin most physical science and engineering disciplines, which you are likely to study beyond the Foundation Year. Specifically, you will study topics that include S.I. units and measurement theory, electric and magnetic fields and their interactions, the properties of ideal gases, heat transfer and thermodynamics, fluid statics and dynamics, and engineering instrumentation and measurement. You will attend several lectures and a tutorial each teaching week alongside guided independent study opportunities to develop your understanding of topics more deeply, supported by the use of the university’s virtual learning platform.
The module aims to introduce the students to the core elements of microeconomic theory. The module will begin with a discussion of Economics as a science and its basic principles and concepts. The focus will then move onto the market equilibrium, i.e., the supply and demand model and the impact of government intervention in the market outcomes. Consumer theory and the theory of the firm will be studied to understand the background to the supply and demand model before turning to the welfare implications of different market structures.
This module builds on ENG0011 Mathematics A and is designed to reinforce and broaden A-Level Calculus, Vectors, Matrices and Complex Numbers. The students will continue to develop their ability to solve real- world problems in a confident manner. The concepts delivered on this module reflect the skills and knowledge required to understand the physical world around us. This is vital, as mathematics plays a critical role in the students’ future employability and achievement on their respective undergraduate courses. On completion of the module students are prepared for the more advanced Mathematical concepts and problem solving scenarios in the first year of their Engineering or Physical Sciences degree.
This module introduces several principles and processes which underpin most physical science and engineering disciplines, which you are likely to study beyond the Foundation Year. Specifically, you will study topics that include vectors and scalars, equations of motion under constant acceleration, momentum conservation, simple harmonic motion and wave theory. You will attend several lectures and a tutorial each teaching week alongside guided independent study opportunities to develop your understanding of topics more deeply, supported by the use of the university’s virtual learning platform.
This module builds further on the mathematical and computing skills that you developed previously. As before, there is a strong emphasis on critical thinking, problem solving and becoming more independent as a learner. A number of advanced topic areas will be introduced in both the mathematics and computing components. These two module components are equally weighted at 50% each. There are a total of 11 advanced mathematics lectures with associated tutorials and 11 computer laboratory sessions with associated tutorials.The main topic areas covered by the mathematics component are; matrices & vectors, complex numbers and calculus. Associated geometrical concepts are introduced in all of these topic areas. In the computing component you will learn to use Python and associated packages as a language for implementing a variety of interesting and challenging processes. An emphasis will be placed on the process of abstraction and implementation, with process design considerations at holistic and atomic levels.Your progress on the module is assessed in 12 separate units of assessment (6 for mathematics and 6 for computing.)
In this module the students will learn about the macroeconomic environment and the theoretical and conceptual frameworks which underpin it. It is designed to prepare the students for the more advanced level macroeconomics in the first year of their Economics programme. The module will begin with the introduction of key macroeconomic topics, i.e., economic growth and business cycles, unemployment, inflation and open economy. The focus will then move onto developing a theoretical model to study and analyse the short-run macroeconomic equilibrium. The role of fiscal and monetary policy in shaping economic outcomes will also be discussed. The methodological approach will include the use of mathematical tools in solving and analysing the theoretical models.
A foundation level physics module designed to reinforce and broaden basic A-Level Physics material in electricity and electronics, nuclear physics, develop practical skills, and prepare students for the more advanced concepts and applications in the first year of their Engineering or Physical Sciences degree. You will attend several lectures and a tutorial each teaching week alongside guided independent study opportunities to develop your understanding of topics more deeply, supported using the university’s virtual learning platform.
The module covers the principles of chemistry relevant to degree-level study in disciplines requiring a strong background in this subject, (e.g. the BEng in both the Chemical and Civil Engineering programmes at the University of Surrey). There will be a strong focus placed on the fundamental principles of physical chemistry, with a basic introduction to organic and analytical chemistry techniques. Learning will include examples of industrial processes and case studies and there will be an overarching theme of sustainability running through the module linked to several topics (in particular, fuels, combustion and polymers). Module content will be delivered via weekly lectures, interspersed with opportunities for you to reflect on what you have just learned. Additional support is provided in weekly tutorials. There are guided independent study opportunities to develop your understanding of topics more deeply, supported by the use of the university’s virtual learning platform.
Optional modules for Foundation (with PTY) - FHEQ Level 3
Students must choose one optional module in Semester 1 and one optional module in Semester 2.
For further information on FHEQ levels 4, 5 and 6 and professional training year please view the programme specification for the full-time with PTY BSc (Hons) Computer Science programme.
Year 1 - MEng
Semester 1
This module introduces students to key technologies of the World Wide Web (WWW) and Database Systems. Students will learn the fundamental concepts of database management systems, with a focus on relational database design and development to solve real-world problems. Additionally, the module introduces the basic client and server-side web technologies needed to develop an interface and connect to a database system. The module uses a problem-based approach to provide students with the necessary support to develop their analytical and problem-solving skills. The students’ knowledge and skills will be applied on a real-world coursework project.
This module aims to introduce students to some of the key concepts of set theory, relations, functions, automata, logic, graphs, trees, proof methods, probability and statistics in order to highlight the importance and power of abstraction within computer science. These concepts are useful throughout the programme.
This module will provide an introduction to the fundamental concepts of object-oriented programming using Java. We will start with understanding the basic data types and programming structures. We will introduce what objects and classes are and then introduce more advanced datatypes, programming structuring techniques and key principles of object-oriented programming. The module will cover: how to develop programs from high level design diagrams the importance of testing your program and how testing goes hand in hand with programming. We will use appropriate tools and libraries, such as Eclipse, JUnit and Git to provide industrial quality tools to support the module.
To introduce the fundamental principles of digital logic, circuits and systems starting with symbolic logic through to the concept of logic gates to the structure and operation of digital logic circuits and systems. This module provides an understanding of the underlying computer architecture and internal operation of computer systems.
This module will introduce the principles of software engineering. This will include an overview of the systems development lifecycle, agile methods and modern approaches employed to develop and maintain software. This will include aspects on requirements engineering, software design, implementation, and testing. Throughout the module, software engineering methods will be put into practice, and Java programming skills will be consolidated. Students will also be exposed to considerations of social, legal and professional issues.
Appropriate choices of data structures can expedite algorithm efficiency and also aid clear thinking when designing algorithms. It is thus natural for data structures to be studied with algorithms. An algorithm is a sequence of steps for performing some process. A computer program is not an algorithm but a representation of an algorithm. There is a need to be able to create effective algorithms, quantify their efficiency and classify them independently of any computing system or language.
The module covers the main concepts of modern operating systems (OS). The module has three main parts. The first part of the course provides a short history of operating systems and their purposes. It also introduces the student to multiprocessing and multithreading, i.e. how an OS manages multiple tasks that execute at the same time (concurrently) and share resources. The second part of the course addresses the problem of memory management. The final part of the course introduces file systems and Input/output handling. Throughout the module, case studies of various operating systems are presented with high level concepts that students explore as exercises or deploy their functionality during labs. All taught material is compatible with existing Operating Systems and is suitable to run on a platform such as Linux.
This module will introduce students to some of the latest technologies for building modern web applications. Students will develop interactive web applications and learn about the best practices in their design and development. The module provides students with an understanding of the core concepts underpinning web applications and provides students with the necessary skills to improve their broader development and problem-solving skills. A practical project-based assessment allows students to demonstrate their proficiency in using and applying frameworks to client- and server-side development.
The module introduces algorithmic techniques for various sets of problems and teaches how to analyse algorithms in terms of their complexity. The techniques build upon the data structures and algorithms module provided in level 4 (COM1029) so that students can further develop their use of methods for solving complex problems. Examples will be used throughout to demonstrate the relevance of each approach.
This module will introduce fundamental concepts of three different programming paradigms and provide a foundation for the theoretical and practical aspects of building programs using these paradigms. Object Orientated Design and Programming is first introduced as a popular methodology for large application development. The module will then cover two alternative programming paradigms, Functional Programming and Logic Programming, with a focus on both their theoretical underpinnings and computation models and the practical aspects of implementing algorithms and larger applications in those paradigms.
Computer networks are an essential part of almost all corporate computing facilities and even most domestic ones. Interoperability is the key – all components must conform to the same hardware and packet specifications in order that they can be interconnected successfully. This module introduces essential concepts about all the computer networking layering levels with some emphasis on the routing algorithms and implementation of network sensing.
Software engineering projects are run in teams that must fulfill a variety of roles including project management, background research, design, implementation, quality control and training, while also providing sufficient evidence of robust processes to demonstrate compliance with the relevant Government and industry standards. In this module students gain first-hand experience of teamwork applied to the software development lifecycle by designing and delivering a software system in a team. The teams take ownership of a pre-defined high-level specification, and must refine it into a software system they can then implement and test, while demonstrating adherence to best or current software engineering practices. Through this group project and associated reflection, the students gain an understanding of how to successfully design a software system that meets the specification, how to independently research and choose technologies, and how to implement and evaluate their system before finally delivering it to the user. Throughout the project, the team is expected to plan and document their activities, hold regular project meetings, and will be audited on how they approach the different tasks and adhere to industry standards.
Computers have become commonplace in many areas of our lives and are able to accomplish many things that humans would find difficult, if not impossible, to do by their own unaided efforts. Whilst computers can perform many calculations in a very short time they generally do not possess the ability to learn or to reason about novel situations or to process incomplete or uncertain data. They will need knowledge of the environment in which they operate so that they can understand what their sensors are monitoring and so that they can behave rationally. This module demonstrates the basic principles and methods of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and provides the basis for understanding and later choosing the correct tools for building such systems. Applications that motivate the development of Artificial Intelligence technology include intelligent robots, automated navigation for autonomous vehicles, object recognition and tracking, medical diagnosis, language communications and many others. Any application that requires human-like intelligence is an application for Artificial Intelligence.
The course introduces concepts of parallel and distributed computing by considering different architectures that support this, and working through different categories of examples. The implementation of such solutions and their subsequent analysis gives practical experience and an understanding of the difficulties involved. Special consideration will be given to performance issues of resulting architectures, leading to a foundation for the design of high performance computing for distributed real-time control.
Security is probably the greatest challenge for computer and information system in the near future. Many users have lost data due to viruses, both on home and business computers. Most of us have seen a range of emails massages attempting different kinds of fraud. Vulnerabilities are everywhere. Some are obvious or well-known; others are obscure and harder to spot. Security is not limited to secrecy and confidentiality, but also involves problems like integrity, availability, and effectiveness of information. Moreover, security issues can potentially affect all of us, from innocent home users to companies and even governments. Security is not just a technical problem but needs to be embedded throughout an organisation to be effective. As such good security solutions build on a complete understanding of the values at stake, and the supporting business processes and requirements. This includes people as well as information systems and physical resources. Consequently, raising security awareness and embedding security within roles and policies is as important, if not more, as secure software. In short, secure solutions can only be implemented with both good technical skills and a good understanding of cultures and people skills. This module aims at raising the awareness for the wide range of security issues present in today’s connected world and the managerial and organisational challenges a business must face when building a secure solution.
This module gives an introductory yet up-to-date description of the fundamental technologies of computational Intelligence, including evolutionary computation, neural computing and their applications. Main streams of evolutionary algorithms and meta-heuristics, including genetic algorithms, evolution strategies, genetic programming, particle swarm optimization will be taught. Basic neural network models and learning algorithms will be introduced. Interactions between evolution and learning, real-world applications to optimization and robotics, and recent advances will also be discussed. Good skill in Python programming, good knowledge in mathematics (calculus) are required.
In today’s world where companies can amass more and more fine-grained data, it is crucial for a business to understand how this data can be used to effectively drive the business forward. Business Analytics is a set of methods and tools that can transform data into useful insights for decision-making. For example machine learning algorithms can be used to discover interesting patterns in the current market data or to predict customer behaviour (e.g. customer churn) from past data.
Advances related to energy efficiency issues and cost reductions have resulted in the rapid growth and deployment of networked devices and sensing/actuation systems that connect the physical world with the cyber world. The resulting framework, known as the Internet of Things (IoT), incorporates several technologies, including wireless sensor networks, pervasive systems, ambient intelligence, context awareness, and distributed systems. The IoT module is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of how machine communications contribute to creating smart, artificial intelligence-driven environments focusing on software networking and communication systems. The module provides an overview of the key concepts and enabling technologies for the Internet of Things. It encompasses a cross-layer approach, allowing students to explore the practical aspects of sensors, actuators, and mainly communication systems for IoT across physical, media access, and network layers. This includes security considerations, satellite IoT, positioning and tracking for industrial applications, IoT Platforms (Hardware, Software), protocols and standards (e.g., 6LowPAN, ZigBee, CoAp), semantic technologies, and data and information processing mechanisms. Also, the module seamlessly integrates cutting-edge machine learning techniques tailored for IoT applications, ensuring optimal performance and adaptability.
A distributed system is built of a network of computing devices, which coordinate their actions via message passing to achieve a common goal. Typically, system components are assumed to operate concurrently, lack a global clock and to fail independently. This module shall build and consolidate your knowledge of advanced algorithms, computer networking and/or parallel computing. You shall learn to describe the principles of distributed systems, such as communication, scheduling and fault tolerance as well as to compare and contrast between a broad set of instances of distributed systems, algorithms and protocols (e.g., peer-to-peer systems, distributed hash tables, MixNets, distributed ledger technologies) within the context of various applications.
The module provides students with a theoretical and practical understanding of how business strategy can be formulated in the light of environmental and internal conditions with a particular emphasis on the international context of strategy making. The module equips students with a framework for understanding international business strategy as an interdisciplinary activity within the context of international and competitive markets, leading to corporate decision-making. The module is built on 3 key issues – who is strategy done for, how is strategy formulated and implemented, is strategy driven by organisations or environments.
This module introduces general concepts of privacy enhancing technologies and aligns with key concepts recommended by the CyBoK. It will motivate the need for privacy in the modern world and touch on legal considerations, introduce concepts of transparency, control and confidentiality for privacy, and look at privacy preserving and democratic values. This module will also explore how these are realised in a range of applications.
This module examines the architectural/design needs and challenges encountered when developing and deploying secure, resilient and scalable web applications using the latest technology. It also provides an introduction to approaches used in modern Internet-scale web applications, covering technologies used in and/or developed by familiar companies such as Twitter, Amazon, Netflix and Google.
In recent years, AI has seen tremendous growth due in large part to more powerful computers, larger scale data and techniques to establish comprehensive framework through deeper neural networks. This module introduces a wide range of deep learning and the latest state of art techniques in AI for serving the world through innovation, understanding and compassion. Fundamental concepts on applied maths and establishment on effective learning objectives that thread through key elements in machine learning techniques will be discussed throughout the module. Students will study how to build suitable AI systems that can operate in complicated, real-world environments. The module also prepares students to explore further challenges and opportunities to work with advanced AI and bring them to new frontiers. The module content will typically be updated each year reflecting the latest evolution in AI.
The course is an introduction in formal methods for system specification and verification. It will focus on logic-based formalisms and techniques, and specifically on model checking. The main logics taught will be temporal logics, which are mainstream in verification, especially analysis of hardware systems. Other logics and verification techniques (such as theorem proving) will be included to a smaller extended. Model checkers will be used in the labs, on different system-verification problems. Elements of building model checking tools will be presented and explored. Some elements of advanced verification techniques (e.g., abstraction) will be mentioned.
This module will demonstrate fundamental concepts from the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Computational Linguistics. It will also discuss some of the latest advances in NLP and Generative Artificial Intelligence with a focus on Language Models like BERT, T5, and GPT, and get student up to speed with current research. It will provide the necessary skills to enable students to build computational models for solving a range of problems, such as text classification, sequence classification, machine translation and building conversation agents. The students will learn how to build NLP pipelines for preparing training data and choosing appropriate algorithms and techniques to build such models. The module also focuses on aspects of ethical and trustworthy artificial intelligence with discussion on rigorous model evaluation and ethical considerations for computational modeling. Although traditional linguistic approaches will be mentioned, majority emphasis will be put on the state-of-the-art Deep Learning algorithms and Transfer Learning methods for building efficient and trustworthy NLP solutions.
Projects provide an efficient and effective means of delivering corporate strategy for both public and private sector organisations. Fundamental to this is robust project sponsorship and management. This module is focused at FHEQ Level 6 students that wish to develop, plan, manage and control projects successfully in a business environment. This requires an awareness of general project management principles, methodologies and the tools and techniques as applied within multi-disciplined projects. Within this module students will receive a robust grounding in the theory and practice of project management delivered by lectures and by using project management software (MS Project) in a computer laboratory setting
This module introduces students to the techniques and tools to discover known vulnerabilities in systems and applications, and use appropriate techniques to carry out attacks. A practical project-based assessment allows students to demonstrate their ability to successfully exploit vulnerable systems to exfiltrate data and circumvent access controls. The module will introduce students to the legal and ethical considerations of ethical hacking, as well as the processes by which vulnerabilities are reported, classified, documented, and mitigated by security practitioners.
Module purpose: Modern robotics brings together many aspects of engineering including electronics, hardware, software and AI. This leads to complex asynchronous systems that requires a systems engineering approach. The Robotics Operating System (ROS), is an extensive community built software suite that underpins most leading-edge robotics development. It provides extensive hardware interfacing and high-level functionality which allows complex systems engineering and control while abstracting away much of the complexity inherent to robotics systems design. This module will use ROS to provide a solid foundation in systems engineering based robotics.
Expected prior learning: Module EEE2040 – Communications Networks or equivalent learning. Module purpose: The Internet is an important worldwide communications system; the module provides an in-depth treatment of current and evolving Internet protocols and standards, and the algorithms that underlie them. The module also permits further study on networking in modules such as EEEM018 Advanced Mobile Communication Systems, EEEM023 Network Service management and Control, EEEM032 Advanced Satellite Communication Techniques
The project consists of a substantial written report and accompanying video presentation and software submission, completed by the student towards the end of their programme of studies. These are based on a major piece of work that involves applying material encountered in the taught component of the degree, and extending that knowledge with the student's contribution, under the guidance of a supervisor. The project lasts over both semesters, and usually involves software development, experimental or theoretical research, or a substantial analysis on a specific topic. Students are also expected to consider the legal, social, ethical and professional aspects of the project.
A total of 4 optional modules must be chosen. With selections, the resulting pattern shall result in a total, including the compulsory module, of EITHER 2 modules in semester 1 and 3 in semester 2, OR 3 modules in semester 1 and 2 in semester 2. Note that in order to maintain BCS accreditation, 2 of the optional modules need to be chosen from the available COM/EEE3XXX modules, so only 2 modules can carry MAN3XXX codes.
Year 4 - MEng
Semester 1
Module purpose: This module was conceived to answer the SARTOR 3 requirement that each MEng student participates in a multi-disciplinary design activity. It involves students from Aerospace, Civil, Chemical, Electronic, Mechanical and Medical Engineering working in groups which contain at least 3, and often 4, disciplines. The projects are conceived by Royal Academy of Engineering (RAE) Visiting Professors from Industry (who enjoy the active support of their sponsoring organisation). It aims to emulate an intensive Industrial Design Project.
The module covers concepts and technologies for building secure and usable systems. The different lectures of the module focus on access control mechanisms, software and operating systems security, malware, threats and countermeasures for Web applications and databases, web and user authentication protocols, security of cyber-physical systems, human-centred security aspects such as social engineering and usability, security economics, privacy protection and trusted computing technologies.
A key aspect of business operations today, across sectors almost, has to do with gathering the right type of data and storing it in a way that it can be readily available to the right person at the right time. This course looks into the techniques that allow us nowadays to define and operate on large volumes of data as and when it is created. This paves the way for making more intelligent uses of data, whether this has to do with correctness (reliability and consistency) or informing more strategic decisions of the business so it can better prepare itself for the future.
Expected prior learning: Module EEE3008–Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing or equivalent learning about signal processing. Module purpose: The module discusses basic concepts, signal processing methods and human computer interaction applications of speech processing and recognition including auditory perception and psychoacoustics. You will be taught how to extract salient features from speech signals, how to design a model of spoken language, how to perform recognition and training, and given an insight into current research on spontaneous speech recognition, such as speaker adaptation and solutions for robustness to noise. Demonstrations, interesting illustrations and working examples will be given. Successful students can either proceed to do PhDs or get jobs in the R & D departments of industry, i.e. jobs that are at a higher level than mere software package operators. The presented techniques have many other applications beyond speech, including expert systems and financial modelling. Module EEEM030 contributes to the development of student’s knowledge in audio and speech processing and recognition, which may be useful for their taking of other modules such as: EEEM071 Advanced Topics in Computer Vision and Deep Learning EEEM004 60 Credit Standard Project EEEM005 AI and AI Programming EEEM066 Fundamentals of Machine Learning EEEM067 AR, VR and Metaverse EEEM068 Applied Machine Learning Module EEEM030 contributes to student knowledge in audio and speech processing and thus useful for students taking 60 credit project (EEEM004) related to audio and speech processing and recognition. EEEM030 is related to EEEM005, EEEM066 and EEEM068 due to the fact that machine learning/AI techniques are used for speech and speaker recognition, therefore, EEEM030 contributes to the development of student knowledge in machine learning/AI, which is beneficial for their taking of machine learning and AI related modules such as EEEM005, EEEM066 and EEEM068. One of the applications of audio and speech processing is to apply it to AR, VR and Metaverse for spatial sound production and reproduction which is a key enabling technology for AR, VR, and Metaverse, for virtual sound reproduction. Therefore, knowledge gained from EEEM030 would be useful for the taking of the module EEEM067. Module EEE030 also benefits from knowledge gained from other modules such as: EEE3008 Digital Signal Processing EEE1033 Computer and Digital Logic EEE1035 Programming in C EEE3042 Audio and Video Processing EEE3032 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition The modules EEE1033 and EEE1035 provide students with some useful skills in programming, which will be beneficial for them to complete the computer programming based coursework components, by turning the signal processing theories and methods into working program codes. The module EEE3008 provides students with knowledge and skills on fundamental digital signal processing skills which are essential in understanding the application of these skills to audio and speech data. EEE3042 covers both audio and video processing and coding, and the audio related materials are highly relevant and thus useful for the EEEM030 module. The pattern recognition skills gained from EEE3032 would be useful for understanding the use of pattern recognition algorithms to speech data for achieving speech and speaker recognition.
The module introduces general cryptographic concepts, challenges and goals and then focuses on foundational cryptographic primitives and algorithms in the fields of symmetric (a.k.a. private-key) and asymmetric (a.k.a. public-key) cryptography. The module will introduce mathematical foundations that are essential for the functionality and security of cryptographic algorithms and then focus on the security definitions and constructions of concrete algorithms for authentication, confidentiality and integrity. In labs students will develop and test their understanding of the material and learn how to implement and use existing algorithms from symmetric and asymmetric cryptography.
The need for computational power and data storage continues to drive demand for more highly capable systems. Highly data intensive applications demand fast access to terabytes, petabytes, even exabytes of storage; processor intensive applications demand access to various types of processors in various configurations. Such applications are increasingly being developed in both scientific and industrial contexts and need to be variously scalable and supportable for large numbers of geographically distributed users. This module will provide insights into how Cloud Computing attempts to meet the varying needs of such applications.
Key to modern business operation is Risk Management, and a modern entrant on any Risk Register maintained by the executive of an organisation is the risk posed from falling victim to cybercrime and civil litigation resulting from, for example, data breaches. In order to understand how best to shape and evolve an organisation’s response to the cyber security threat, the module will cover what the more detailed operations in cyber security involve. The module will introduce the key disciplines that we are likely to encounter in the real-world. It will provide an industry perspective on the common practices, latest innovations, technologies and the problems and concerns associated with information security. The module will show that cyber security is not just technical subject, but is a truly multidisciplinary function. The module looks broadly at the implications of regulations on the cyber crime landscape. It also brings together the issues of cyber from a high-level perspective. It will also equip students with an awareness of what is very current out there in terms of leading-edge applications of information security. The module uniquely accesses leading international speakers in their field, draws on the significant expertise of leading industrialists and through shaping the module into distinct learning blocks we are also able to ensure that our students will be directed to key industry reports, regulations and best practice guidance that shapes current industry thinking in information security for business and government.
Module purpose: This course offers an introduction to image processing and computer vision for those interested in the science and technology of machine vision. It provides background and the theory for building artificial systems that manipulate videos and images and alter or analyse their information content. This is done by various computer algorithms that are discussed, implemented and demonstrated.
Data science is the study of data to extract meaningful and actionable insights at all levels of society such as dynamical systems and social media networks. This module introduces the role of data in society and provides students with the underpinning mathematics that drives data methodology and algorithms. This module then covers wide-ranging topics with a focus on the Surrey brand of data, as research into data is part of the department research agenda.
The module introduces general information and network security principles, challenges and goals and then focuses on main security mechanisms and protocols for protecting network communication across different layers of the Internet protocol stack. This will include discussion on various attacks on the networks, penetration testing tools and possible countermeasures to ensure protection of authentication, confidentiality and end-to-end security of communications. In labs students will be able to practice experience with various network security protocols and tools.
A total of 5 optional modules must be chosen: 2 modules in semester 1 and 3 modules in semester 2.
Year 1 - MEng with placement
Semester 1
This module introduces students to key technologies of the World Wide Web (WWW) and Database Systems. Students will learn the fundamental concepts of database management systems, with a focus on relational database design and development to solve real-world problems. Additionally, the module introduces the basic client and server-side web technologies needed to develop an interface and connect to a database system. The module uses a problem-based approach to provide students with the necessary support to develop their analytical and problem-solving skills. The students’ knowledge and skills will be applied on a real-world coursework project.
This module aims to introduce students to some of the key concepts of set theory, relations, functions, automata, logic, graphs, trees, proof methods, probability and statistics in order to highlight the importance and power of abstraction within computer science. These concepts are useful throughout the programme.
This module will provide an introduction to the fundamental concepts of object-oriented programming using Java. We will start with understanding the basic data types and programming structures. We will introduce what objects and classes are and then introduce more advanced datatypes, programming structuring techniques and key principles of object-oriented programming. The module will cover: how to develop programs from high level design diagrams the importance of testing your program and how testing goes hand in hand with programming. We will use appropriate tools and libraries, such as Eclipse, JUnit and Git to provide industrial quality tools to support the module.
To introduce the fundamental principles of digital logic, circuits and systems starting with symbolic logic through to the concept of logic gates to the structure and operation of digital logic circuits and systems. This module provides an understanding of the underlying computer architecture and internal operation of computer systems.
This module will introduce the principles of software engineering. This will include an overview of the systems development lifecycle, agile methods and modern approaches employed to develop and maintain software. This will include aspects on requirements engineering, software design, implementation, and testing. Throughout the module, software engineering methods will be put into practice, and Java programming skills will be consolidated. Students will also be exposed to considerations of social, legal and professional issues.
Appropriate choices of data structures can expedite algorithm efficiency and also aid clear thinking when designing algorithms. It is thus natural for data structures to be studied with algorithms. An algorithm is a sequence of steps for performing some process. A computer program is not an algorithm but a representation of an algorithm. There is a need to be able to create effective algorithms, quantify their efficiency and classify them independently of any computing system or language.
The module covers the main concepts of modern operating systems (OS). The module has three main parts. The first part of the course provides a short history of operating systems and their purposes. It also introduces the student to multiprocessing and multithreading, i.e. how an OS manages multiple tasks that execute at the same time (concurrently) and share resources. The second part of the course addresses the problem of memory management. The final part of the course introduces file systems and Input/output handling. Throughout the module, case studies of various operating systems are presented with high level concepts that students explore as exercises or deploy their functionality during labs. All taught material is compatible with existing Operating Systems and is suitable to run on a platform such as Linux.
This module will introduce students to some of the latest technologies for building modern web applications. Students will develop interactive web applications and learn about the best practices in their design and development. The module provides students with an understanding of the core concepts underpinning web applications and provides students with the necessary skills to improve their broader development and problem-solving skills. A practical project-based assessment allows students to demonstrate their proficiency in using and applying frameworks to client- and server-side development.
The module introduces algorithmic techniques for various sets of problems and teaches how to analyse algorithms in terms of their complexity. The techniques build upon the data structures and algorithms module provided in level 4 (COM1029) so that students can further develop their use of methods for solving complex problems. Examples will be used throughout to demonstrate the relevance of each approach.
This module will introduce fundamental concepts of three different programming paradigms and provide a foundation for the theoretical and practical aspects of building programs using these paradigms. Object Orientated Design and Programming is first introduced as a popular methodology for large application development. The module will then cover two alternative programming paradigms, Functional Programming and Logic Programming, with a focus on both their theoretical underpinnings and computation models and the practical aspects of implementing algorithms and larger applications in those paradigms.
Computer networks are an essential part of almost all corporate computing facilities and even most domestic ones. Interoperability is the key – all components must conform to the same hardware and packet specifications in order that they can be interconnected successfully. This module introduces essential concepts about all the computer networking layering levels with some emphasis on the routing algorithms and implementation of network sensing.
Software engineering projects are run in teams that must fulfill a variety of roles including project management, background research, design, implementation, quality control and training, while also providing sufficient evidence of robust processes to demonstrate compliance with the relevant Government and industry standards. In this module students gain first-hand experience of teamwork applied to the software development lifecycle by designing and delivering a software system in a team. The teams take ownership of a pre-defined high-level specification, and must refine it into a software system they can then implement and test, while demonstrating adherence to best or current software engineering practices. Through this group project and associated reflection, the students gain an understanding of how to successfully design a software system that meets the specification, how to independently research and choose technologies, and how to implement and evaluate their system before finally delivering it to the user. Throughout the project, the team is expected to plan and document their activities, hold regular project meetings, and will be audited on how they approach the different tasks and adhere to industry standards.
Computers have become commonplace in many areas of our lives and are able to accomplish many things that humans would find difficult, if not impossible, to do by their own unaided efforts. Whilst computers can perform many calculations in a very short time they generally do not possess the ability to learn or to reason about novel situations or to process incomplete or uncertain data. They will need knowledge of the environment in which they operate so that they can understand what their sensors are monitoring and so that they can behave rationally. This module demonstrates the basic principles and methods of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and provides the basis for understanding and later choosing the correct tools for building such systems. Applications that motivate the development of Artificial Intelligence technology include intelligent robots, automated navigation for autonomous vehicles, object recognition and tracking, medical diagnosis, language communications and many others. Any application that requires human-like intelligence is an application for Artificial Intelligence.
The course introduces concepts of parallel and distributed computing by considering different architectures that support this, and working through different categories of examples. The implementation of such solutions and their subsequent analysis gives practical experience and an understanding of the difficulties involved. Special consideration will be given to performance issues of resulting architectures, leading to a foundation for the design of high performance computing for distributed real-time control.
Security is probably the greatest challenge for computer and information system in the near future. Many users have lost data due to viruses, both on home and business computers. Most of us have seen a range of emails massages attempting different kinds of fraud. Vulnerabilities are everywhere. Some are obvious or well-known; others are obscure and harder to spot. Security is not limited to secrecy and confidentiality, but also involves problems like integrity, availability, and effectiveness of information. Moreover, security issues can potentially affect all of us, from innocent home users to companies and even governments. Security is not just a technical problem but needs to be embedded throughout an organisation to be effective. As such good security solutions build on a complete understanding of the values at stake, and the supporting business processes and requirements. This includes people as well as information systems and physical resources. Consequently, raising security awareness and embedding security within roles and policies is as important, if not more, as secure software. In short, secure solutions can only be implemented with both good technical skills and a good understanding of cultures and people skills. This module aims at raising the awareness for the wide range of security issues present in today’s connected world and the managerial and organisational challenges a business must face when building a secure solution.
This module gives an introductory yet up-to-date description of the fundamental technologies of computational Intelligence, including evolutionary computation, neural computing and their applications. Main streams of evolutionary algorithms and meta-heuristics, including genetic algorithms, evolution strategies, genetic programming, particle swarm optimization will be taught. Basic neural network models and learning algorithms will be introduced. Interactions between evolution and learning, real-world applications to optimization and robotics, and recent advances will also be discussed. Good skill in Python programming, good knowledge in mathematics (calculus) are required.
In today’s world where companies can amass more and more fine-grained data, it is crucial for a business to understand how this data can be used to effectively drive the business forward. Business Analytics is a set of methods and tools that can transform data into useful insights for decision-making. For example machine learning algorithms can be used to discover interesting patterns in the current market data or to predict customer behaviour (e.g. customer churn) from past data.
Advances related to energy efficiency issues and cost reductions have resulted in the rapid growth and deployment of networked devices and sensing/actuation systems that connect the physical world with the cyber world. The resulting framework, known as the Internet of Things (IoT), incorporates several technologies, including wireless sensor networks, pervasive systems, ambient intelligence, context awareness, and distributed systems. The IoT module is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of how machine communications contribute to creating smart, artificial intelligence-driven environments focusing on software networking and communication systems. The module provides an overview of the key concepts and enabling technologies for the Internet of Things. It encompasses a cross-layer approach, allowing students to explore the practical aspects of sensors, actuators, and mainly communication systems for IoT across physical, media access, and network layers. This includes security considerations, satellite IoT, positioning and tracking for industrial applications, IoT Platforms (Hardware, Software), protocols and standards (e.g., 6LowPAN, ZigBee, CoAp), semantic technologies, and data and information processing mechanisms. Also, the module seamlessly integrates cutting-edge machine learning techniques tailored for IoT applications, ensuring optimal performance and adaptability.
A distributed system is built of a network of computing devices, which coordinate their actions via message passing to achieve a common goal. Typically, system components are assumed to operate concurrently, lack a global clock and to fail independently. This module shall build and consolidate your knowledge of advanced algorithms, computer networking and/or parallel computing. You shall learn to describe the principles of distributed systems, such as communication, scheduling and fault tolerance as well as to compare and contrast between a broad set of instances of distributed systems, algorithms and protocols (e.g., peer-to-peer systems, distributed hash tables, MixNets, distributed ledger technologies) within the context of various applications.
The module provides students with a theoretical and practical understanding of how business strategy can be formulated in the light of environmental and internal conditions with a particular emphasis on the international context of strategy making. The module equips students with a framework for understanding international business strategy as an interdisciplinary activity within the context of international and competitive markets, leading to corporate decision-making. The module is built on 3 key issues – who is strategy done for, how is strategy formulated and implemented, is strategy driven by organisations or environments.
This module introduces general concepts of privacy enhancing technologies and aligns with key concepts recommended by the CyBoK. It will motivate the need for privacy in the modern world and touch on legal considerations, introduce concepts of transparency, control and confidentiality for privacy, and look at privacy preserving and democratic values. This module will also explore how these are realised in a range of applications.
This module examines the architectural/design needs and challenges encountered when developing and deploying secure, resilient and scalable web applications using the latest technology. It also provides an introduction to approaches used in modern Internet-scale web applications, covering technologies used in and/or developed by familiar companies such as Twitter, Amazon, Netflix and Google.
In recent years, AI has seen tremendous growth due in large part to more powerful computers, larger scale data and techniques to establish comprehensive framework through deeper neural networks. This module introduces a wide range of deep learning and the latest state of art techniques in AI for serving the world through innovation, understanding and compassion. Fundamental concepts on applied maths and establishment on effective learning objectives that thread through key elements in machine learning techniques will be discussed throughout the module. Students will study how to build suitable AI systems that can operate in complicated, real-world environments. The module also prepares students to explore further challenges and opportunities to work with advanced AI and bring them to new frontiers. The module content will typically be updated each year reflecting the latest evolution in AI.
The course is an introduction in formal methods for system specification and verification. It will focus on logic-based formalisms and techniques, and specifically on model checking. The main logics taught will be temporal logics, which are mainstream in verification, especially analysis of hardware systems. Other logics and verification techniques (such as theorem proving) will be included to a smaller extended. Model checkers will be used in the labs, on different system-verification problems. Elements of building model checking tools will be presented and explored. Some elements of advanced verification techniques (e.g., abstraction) will be mentioned.
This module will demonstrate fundamental concepts from the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Computational Linguistics. It will also discuss some of the latest advances in NLP and Generative Artificial Intelligence with a focus on Language Models like BERT, T5, and GPT, and get student up to speed with current research. It will provide the necessary skills to enable students to build computational models for solving a range of problems, such as text classification, sequence classification, machine translation and building conversation agents. The students will learn how to build NLP pipelines for preparing training data and choosing appropriate algorithms and techniques to build such models. The module also focuses on aspects of ethical and trustworthy artificial intelligence with discussion on rigorous model evaluation and ethical considerations for computational modeling. Although traditional linguistic approaches will be mentioned, majority emphasis will be put on the state-of-the-art Deep Learning algorithms and Transfer Learning methods for building efficient and trustworthy NLP solutions.
Projects provide an efficient and effective means of delivering corporate strategy for both public and private sector organisations. Fundamental to this is robust project sponsorship and management. This module is focused at FHEQ Level 6 students that wish to develop, plan, manage and control projects successfully in a business environment. This requires an awareness of general project management principles, methodologies and the tools and techniques as applied within multi-disciplined projects. Within this module students will receive a robust grounding in the theory and practice of project management delivered by lectures and by using project management software (MS Project) in a computer laboratory setting
This module introduces students to the techniques and tools to discover known vulnerabilities in systems and applications, and use appropriate techniques to carry out attacks. A practical project-based assessment allows students to demonstrate their ability to successfully exploit vulnerable systems to exfiltrate data and circumvent access controls. The module will introduce students to the legal and ethical considerations of ethical hacking, as well as the processes by which vulnerabilities are reported, classified, documented, and mitigated by security practitioners.
Module purpose: Modern robotics brings together many aspects of engineering including electronics, hardware, software and AI. This leads to complex asynchronous systems that requires a systems engineering approach. The Robotics Operating System (ROS), is an extensive community built software suite that underpins most leading-edge robotics development. It provides extensive hardware interfacing and high-level functionality which allows complex systems engineering and control while abstracting away much of the complexity inherent to robotics systems design. This module will use ROS to provide a solid foundation in systems engineering based robotics.
Expected prior learning: Module EEE2040 – Communications Networks or equivalent learning. Module purpose: The Internet is an important worldwide communications system; the module provides an in-depth treatment of current and evolving Internet protocols and standards, and the algorithms that underlie them. The module also permits further study on networking in modules such as EEEM018 Advanced Mobile Communication Systems, EEEM023 Network Service management and Control, EEEM032 Advanced Satellite Communication Techniques
The project consists of a substantial written report and accompanying video presentation and software submission, completed by the student towards the end of their programme of studies. These are based on a major piece of work that involves applying material encountered in the taught component of the degree, and extending that knowledge with the student's contribution, under the guidance of a supervisor. The project lasts over both semesters, and usually involves software development, experimental or theoretical research, or a substantial analysis on a specific topic. Students are also expected to consider the legal, social, ethical and professional aspects of the project.
Optional modules for Year 3 (with PTY) - FHEQ Level 6
A total of 4 optional modules must be chosen. With selections, the resulting pattern shall result in a total, including the compulsory module, of EITHER 2 modules in semester 1 and 3 in semester 2, OR 3 modules in semester 1 and 2 in semester 2. Note that in order to maintain BCS accreditation, 2 of the optional modules need to be chosen from the available COM/EEE3XXX modules, so only 2 modules can carry MAN3XXX codes.
Professional Training Year (PTY)
Semester 1 & 2
This module supports students’ development of personal and professional attitudes and abilities appropriate to a Professional Training placement. It supports and facilitates self-reflection and transfer of learning from their Professional Training placement experiences to their final year of study and their future employment. The PTY module is concerned with Personal and Professional Development towards holistic academic and non-academic learning, and is a process that involves self-reflection, documented via the creation of a personal record, planning and monitoring progress towards the achievement of personal objectives. Development and learning may occur before and during the placement, and this is reflected in the assessment model as a progressive process. However, the graded assessment takes place primarily towards the end of the placement. Additionally, the module aims to enable students to evidence and evaluate their placement experiences and transfer that learning to other situations through written and presentation skills.
This module supports students' development of personal and professional attitudes and abilities appropriate to a Professional Training placement. It supports and facilitates self-reflection and transfer of learning from their Professional Training placement experiences to their final year of study and their future employment. The PTY module is concerned with Personal and Professional Development towards holistic academic and non-academic learning, and is a process that involves self-reflection, documented via the creation of a personal record, planning and monitoring progress towards the achievement of personal objectives. Development and learning may occur before and during the placement, and this is reflected in the assessment model as a progressive process. However, the graded assessment takes place primarily towards the end of the placement. Additionally, the module aims to enable students to evidence and evaluate their placement experiences and transfer that learning to other situations through written skills.
Module purpose: This module was conceived to answer the SARTOR 3 requirement that each MEng student participates in a multi-disciplinary design activity. It involves students from Aerospace, Civil, Chemical, Electronic, Mechanical and Medical Engineering working in groups which contain at least 3, and often 4, disciplines. The projects are conceived by Royal Academy of Engineering (RAE) Visiting Professors from Industry (who enjoy the active support of their sponsoring organisation). It aims to emulate an intensive Industrial Design Project.
The module covers concepts and technologies for building secure and usable systems. The different lectures of the module focus on access control mechanisms, software and operating systems security, malware, threats and countermeasures for Web applications and databases, web and user authentication protocols, security of cyber-physical systems, human-centred security aspects such as social engineering and usability, security economics, privacy protection and trusted computing technologies.
A key aspect of business operations today, across sectors almost, has to do with gathering the right type of data and storing it in a way that it can be readily available to the right person at the right time. This course looks into the techniques that allow us nowadays to define and operate on large volumes of data as and when it is created. This paves the way for making more intelligent uses of data, whether this has to do with correctness (reliability and consistency) or informing more strategic decisions of the business so it can better prepare itself for the future.
Expected prior learning: Module EEE3008–Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing or equivalent learning about signal processing. Module purpose: The module discusses basic concepts, signal processing methods and human computer interaction applications of speech processing and recognition including auditory perception and psychoacoustics. You will be taught how to extract salient features from speech signals, how to design a model of spoken language, how to perform recognition and training, and given an insight into current research on spontaneous speech recognition, such as speaker adaptation and solutions for robustness to noise. Demonstrations, interesting illustrations and working examples will be given. Successful students can either proceed to do PhDs or get jobs in the R & D departments of industry, i.e. jobs that are at a higher level than mere software package operators. The presented techniques have many other applications beyond speech, including expert systems and financial modelling. Module EEEM030 contributes to the development of student’s knowledge in audio and speech processing and recognition, which may be useful for their taking of other modules such as: EEEM071 Advanced Topics in Computer Vision and Deep Learning EEEM004 60 Credit Standard Project EEEM005 AI and AI Programming EEEM066 Fundamentals of Machine Learning EEEM067 AR, VR and Metaverse EEEM068 Applied Machine Learning Module EEEM030 contributes to student knowledge in audio and speech processing and thus useful for students taking 60 credit project (EEEM004) related to audio and speech processing and recognition. EEEM030 is related to EEEM005, EEEM066 and EEEM068 due to the fact that machine learning/AI techniques are used for speech and speaker recognition, therefore, EEEM030 contributes to the development of student knowledge in machine learning/AI, which is beneficial for their taking of machine learning and AI related modules such as EEEM005, EEEM066 and EEEM068. One of the applications of audio and speech processing is to apply it to AR, VR and Metaverse for spatial sound production and reproduction which is a key enabling technology for AR, VR, and Metaverse, for virtual sound reproduction. Therefore, knowledge gained from EEEM030 would be useful for the taking of the module EEEM067. Module EEE030 also benefits from knowledge gained from other modules such as: EEE3008 Digital Signal Processing EEE1033 Computer and Digital Logic EEE1035 Programming in C EEE3042 Audio and Video Processing EEE3032 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition The modules EEE1033 and EEE1035 provide students with some useful skills in programming, which will be beneficial for them to complete the computer programming based coursework components, by turning the signal processing theories and methods into working program codes. The module EEE3008 provides students with knowledge and skills on fundamental digital signal processing skills which are essential in understanding the application of these skills to audio and speech data. EEE3042 covers both audio and video processing and coding, and the audio related materials are highly relevant and thus useful for the EEEM030 module. The pattern recognition skills gained from EEE3032 would be useful for understanding the use of pattern recognition algorithms to speech data for achieving speech and speaker recognition.
The module introduces general cryptographic concepts, challenges and goals and then focuses on foundational cryptographic primitives and algorithms in the fields of symmetric (a.k.a. private-key) and asymmetric (a.k.a. public-key) cryptography. The module will introduce mathematical foundations that are essential for the functionality and security of cryptographic algorithms and then focus on the security definitions and constructions of concrete algorithms for authentication, confidentiality and integrity. In labs students will develop and test their understanding of the material and learn how to implement and use existing algorithms from symmetric and asymmetric cryptography.
The need for computational power and data storage continues to drive demand for more highly capable systems. Highly data intensive applications demand fast access to terabytes, petabytes, even exabytes of storage; processor intensive applications demand access to various types of processors in various configurations. Such applications are increasingly being developed in both scientific and industrial contexts and need to be variously scalable and supportable for large numbers of geographically distributed users. This module will provide insights into how Cloud Computing attempts to meet the varying needs of such applications.
Key to modern business operation is Risk Management, and a modern entrant on any Risk Register maintained by the executive of an organisation is the risk posed from falling victim to cybercrime and civil litigation resulting from, for example, data breaches. In order to understand how best to shape and evolve an organisation’s response to the cyber security threat, the module will cover what the more detailed operations in cyber security involve. The module will introduce the key disciplines that we are likely to encounter in the real-world. It will provide an industry perspective on the common practices, latest innovations, technologies and the problems and concerns associated with information security. The module will show that cyber security is not just technical subject, but is a truly multidisciplinary function. The module looks broadly at the implications of regulations on the cyber crime landscape. It also brings together the issues of cyber from a high-level perspective. It will also equip students with an awareness of what is very current out there in terms of leading-edge applications of information security. The module uniquely accesses leading international speakers in their field, draws on the significant expertise of leading industrialists and through shaping the module into distinct learning blocks we are also able to ensure that our students will be directed to key industry reports, regulations and best practice guidance that shapes current industry thinking in information security for business and government.
Module purpose: This course offers an introduction to image processing and computer vision for those interested in the science and technology of machine vision. It provides background and the theory for building artificial systems that manipulate videos and images and alter or analyse their information content. This is done by various computer algorithms that are discussed, implemented and demonstrated.
Data science is the study of data to extract meaningful and actionable insights at all levels of society such as dynamical systems and social media networks. This module introduces the role of data in society and provides students with the underpinning mathematics that drives data methodology and algorithms. This module then covers wide-ranging topics with a focus on the Surrey brand of data, as research into data is part of the department research agenda.
The module introduces general information and network security principles, challenges and goals and then focuses on main security mechanisms and protocols for protecting network communication across different layers of the Internet protocol stack. This will include discussion on various attacks on the networks, penetration testing tools and possible countermeasures to ensure protection of authentication, confidentiality and end-to-end security of communications. In labs students will be able to practice experience with various network security protocols and tools.
Optional modules for Year 4 (with PTY) - FHEQ Level 7
A total of 5 optional modules must be chosen: 2 modules in semester 1 and 3 modules in semester 2.
Teaching and learning
You’ll benefit from an integrated range of learning methods including the use of interactive voting handsets.
In the early stages of your course, the methods of teaching and assessment aim to ensure you gain the relevant knowledge and skills.
The methods used in your final year broaden and deepen the knowledge you’ve already gained, and help you develop the specialist skills you’ll need as a professional.
Year coordinators are also available throughout your studies at Surrey to help with matters concerning your course or personal life.
Group work
Laboratory work
Practical sessions
We use a variety of methods to assess you, including:
General course information
Contact hours
Contact hours can vary across our modules. Full details of the contact hours for each module are available from the University of Surrey's module catalogue. See the modules section for more information.
New students will receive their personalised timetable in Welcome Week. In later semesters, two weeks before the start of semester.
Scheduled teaching can take place on any day of the week (Monday – Friday), with part-time classes normally scheduled on one or two days. Wednesday afternoons tend to be for sports and cultural activities.
This course is based at Stag Hill campus. Stag Hill is the University's main campus and where the majority of our courses are taught.
We offer careers information, advice and guidance to all students whilst studying with us, which is extended to our alumni for three years after leaving the University.
Computing skills are the foundation of numerous professional careers in many dynamic sectors, such as technology, business, finance, health and gaming.
Our computer science degrees are designed to prepare you to work at the cutting edge of computing and its applications. They combine technology, industry relevance and professional training to produce highly employable people.
Our graduates are sought after and involved in many different fields, from software development and building simulation systems; to devising IT strategies and managing organisations.
Recent graduate roles
Recent graduates are employed as:
Analyst Programmer, Avco Systems Ltd
Computer Programmer, Stanhope-Seta
Forensic Data Analyst, PwC
Software Developer, ID Business Solution
Software Engineer, Xceptor
Technology Associate, Morgan Stanley
Technical Architecture Consultant, Accenture UK Ltd
Testing and Continuous Delivery Architecture, Vodafone.
Extensive teaching laboratories, plus networked Linux and Windows computer suites with 24-hour access, are available to all our students.
GCSE or equivalent: English Language (1/2) - 6 or English Language (3) - 7.
BSc (Hons):
QQAA-recognised Access to Higher Education Diploma, with 45 Level 3 credits including 30 Level 3 Credits at Distinction and 15 Level 3 Credits at Merit. Additionally, A-level Mathematics at Grade B.
QAA-recognised Access to Higher Education Diploma, with 45 Level 3 credits including 45 Level 3 credits at Distinction - 39 Level 3 Credits at Distinction and 6 Level 3 Credits at Merit. Additionally, A-level Mathematics at Grade B.
BSc (Hons) with foundation year:
QAA-recognised Access to Higher Education Diploma with 45 Level 3 credits including 21 Level 3 Credits at Distinction, 3 Level 3 Credits at Merit, 21 Level 3 Credits at Pass. Additionally, A-level Mathematics at Grade C.
GCSE or equivalent: English Language at Grade 4 (C).
BSc (Hons):
Required subjects: Mathematics.
Required subjects: Mathematics.
BSc (Hons) with foundation year:
Required subjects: Mathematics.
GCSE or equivalent: English Language Scottish National 5 - grade C .
BSc (Hons):
ABB from a combination of the Advanced Skills Baccalaureate Wales and two A-levels
Required subjects: A-level Mathematics.
AAA-AAB from a combination of the Advanced Skills Baccalaureate Wales and two A-levels
Required subjects: A-level Mathematics.
BSc (Hons) with foundation year:
CCC from a combination of the Advanced Skills Baccalaureate Wales and two A-levels
Required subjects: A-level Mathematics.
Please note: A-level General Studies and A-level Critical Thinking are not accepted.
GCSE or equivalent: Please check the A-level dropdown for the required GCSE levels.
This route is only applicable to the MEng course.
Applicants taking the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) will receive our standard A-level offer, plus an alternate offer of one A-level grade lower, subject to achieving an A grade in the EPQ. The one grade reduction will not apply to any required subjects.
This grade reduction will not combine with other grade reduction policies, such as contextual admissions policy or In2Surrey.
If you do not currently meet the level required for your programme, we offer intensive pre-sessional English language courses, designed to take you to the level of English ability and skill required for your studies here.
International Foundation Year
If you are an international student and you don’t meet the entry requirements for this degree, we offer the International Foundation Year at the Surrey International Study Centre. Upon successful completion, you can progress to this degree course.
If you are a suitable candidate you will be invited to an offer holder event. During your visit to the University you can find out more about the course and meet staff and students.
Recognition of prior learning
We recognise that many students enter their higher education course with valuable knowledge and skills developed through a range of professional, vocational and community contexts.
If this applies to you, the recognition of prior learning (RPL) process may allow you to join a course without the formal entry requirements or enter your course at a point appropriate to your previous learning and experience.
Explore UKCISA’s website for more information if you are unsure whether you are a UK or overseas student. View the list of fees for all undergraduate courses.
The annual tuition fees for courses starting in September 2025
Students with Tuition Fee Loan: the Student Loans Company pay fees in line with their schedule.
Students without a Tuition Fee Loan: pay their fees either in full at the beginning of the programme or in two instalments as follows:
50% payable 10 days after the invoice date (expected to be early October of each academic year)
50% in January of the same academic year.
The exact date(s) will be on invoices. Students on part-time programmes where fees are paid on a modular basis, cannot pay fees by instalment.
Sponsored students: must provide us with valid sponsorship information that covers the period of study.
Professional training placement fees
If you are studying on a programme which contains a Professional Training placement year there will be a reduced fee for the academic year in which you undertake your placement. This is normally confirmed 12 to 18 months in advance, or once Government policy is determined.
Additional costs
Books/stationery/admin: Costs may be incurred associated with the purchase of writing paper and associated stationary
Commuting (local travel expenses): Depending on placement, students can incur travel, visa and accommodation costs.
Scholarships and bursaries
Discover what scholarships and bursaries are available to support your studies.
We have thousands of placement providers to choose from, most of which offer pay. So, become one of our many students who have had their lives and career choices transformed.
Computer science placements
Many computer science students continue working with their placement employers by basing their final-year project on work related to that company. This results in a project with a strong industrial focus that demonstrates their ability to apply academic knowledge to real-world problems.
Our students take up placements at a wide range of companies both in the UK and abroad. Recent examples include:
Avco Systems Ltd
BAE Systems
Cisco Systems Ltd
Sky TV
Sony Europe Ltd
Applying for placements
Students are generally not placed by the University. But we offer support and guidance throughout the process, with access to a vacancy site of placement opportunities.
Studying at Surrey opens a world of opportunity. Take advantage of our study and work abroad partnerships, explore the world, and expand your skills for the graduate job market.
The opportunities abroad vary depending on the course, but options include study exchanges, work/research placements, summer programmes, and recent graduate internships. Financial support is available through various grants and bursaries, as well as Student Finance.
Perhaps you would like to volunteer in India or learn about Brazilian business and culture in São Paulo during your summer holidays? With 140+ opportunities in 36+ different countries worldwide, there is something for everyone. Explore your options via our search tool and find out more about our current partner universities and organisations.
Apply for your chosen course online through UCAS, with the following course and institution codes.
We provide these terms and conditions in two stages:
First when we make an offer.
Second when students accept their offer and register to study with us (registration terms and conditions will vary depending on your course and academic year).
This online prospectus has been published in advance of the academic year to which it applies.
Whilst we have done everything possible to ensure this information is accurate, some changes may happen between publishing and the start of the course.
It is important to check this website for any updates before you apply for a course with us. Read our full disclaimer.