Community health, care and policy
Researchers examine and influence policy and practice that affects health, including within communities such as care homes, patient groups, the health workforce and prisons. Research interests within this topic range from food safety and standards law, cancer care, health inequalities and workplaces, to health systems modelling.
Colleagues work across health and medical sciences research groups and externally with partner universities, the health sector and governmental departments.
Research projects

Understanding the impact of changes in cancer care during covid-19 on patient experience and outcomes | Cancer Care
This Health Foundation funded research project uses colorectal cancer as an exemplar to help understand the impact of changes in cancer care during covid-19 on patient experience and outcomes. Led by Dr Katriina Whitaker, of particular interest to researchers is how these changes are likely to impact socioeconomic inequalities in cancer care. Follow Katriina on Twitter @Katriina01

Gender pay gaps in medicine review | Human Resource Management | Economics
This project, led by Dr Jo Blanden and colleagues, focuses on parents and examines the impact of school availability and attendance on parental labour supply, family finances and mental health. It is funded by the Nuffield Foundation and has been extended to run from Oct 2020 to March 2022.

Looking at the impact of school closure on parents’ and children’s mental health.
This project focuses on parents and examines the impact of school availability and attendance on parental labour supply, family finances and mental health. It is funded by the Nuffield Foundation and has been extended to run from Oct 2020-end March 2022, with Dr Jo Blanden as one of the leads.

How general practice team composition and climate relate to quality, effectiveness and human resource costs: a mixed methods study in England.
Funded by NIHR, this project is investigating the workforce configuration in general practices in England both before and after the Covid-19 pandemic. Professor Heather Gage (Surrey Health Economics Centre) and researchers from the Universities of Exeter, Kent and Leeds are analysing how the composition of GP teams affects the quality of care and health outcomes for patients, and the costs for the practice.

Retention of the clinical and ambulance workforce in English NHS hospitals | Health Economics
The project team, led by Dr Giuseppe Moscelli, will use hospital workforce data from NHS Digital, combined with other existing databases, to investigate factors determining workforce retention over time and across hospitals.

Equipping community services to meet the palliative care needs of older people with frailty approaching the end of life | Palliative Care & Ageing
This five-year study, led by Professor Caroline Nicholson, funded through the HEE/NIHR ICA Senior Clinical Lectureship scheme, aims to identify and understand Palliative Care needs of severely frail elders, develop the evidence-base for provision of community palliative care and co-design resources better to access and deliver palliative care.

Developing and trialling the DAFNEplus (Dose Adjustment for Normal Eating) intervention. A lifelong approach to promote effective self-management in adults with type 1 diabetes | Health Psychology
Dr Debbie Cooke is a co-investigator on this £2.7 million programme, with collaborators in Sheffield. Behaviour change techniques, coupled with structured support and new technology (such as smartphones and apps) are used to help support adults in day-to-day management of their own conditions in the longer term.

How local and national governments in six Development Assistance Committee countries frame messages about plastics | Law
The Network will focus on Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Uganda and Tanzania, examining how regulation, governance and enforcement structures affects the use of plastic. Professor Rosalind Malcolm will work with colleagues at the University of Nairobi. @plasticsgov

AI for sound | Signal Processing
This research, led by Professor Mark Plumbley and Dr Emily Corrigan-Kavanagh, will employ a series of participatory approaches with stakeholders and end-users, such as world cafes and soundwalks, to explore how people feel about sounds around them in a variety of contexts, how they would like to change them, and how AI for sound technology could facilitate this responsibly.

Comparing intersectional life course inequalities amongst LGBTQI+ people in Four European Countries (CILIA-LGBTQI+) | Sociology
The key objective is to provide novel cross-cultural evidence concerning life course inequalities experienced by LGBTQI+ people across four European countries: England, Scotland, Portugal and Germany. Additionally, the project, led by Professor Andrew King, examines how inequalities related to gender identity and/or sexuality vary and intersect with others, such as social class, ethnicity, citizenship status, health status, dis/ability, religion and geographical location across the life course. @LGBTQILives
Find out more
To join our Lifelong Health Network, share your research in this area or to find out more, please get in touch at lifelonghealth@surrey.ac.uk.