- Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
BEng (Hons) or MEng — 2025 entry Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
With a strong focus on sustainability, our BEng and MEng Chemical and Petroleum Engineering degrees will prepare you for a fulfilling career in the oil and gas, energy or petrochemical industries.
Why choose
this course?
- Our BEng and MEng Chemical and Petroleum Engineering courses focus particularly on petrochemicals, sustainability and design.
- We're one of the UK's leading petroleum engineering universities. With us you’ll learn the technical skills and problem-solving mindset required to tackle real-world engineering problems and design sustainable solutions with practical applications in industry.
- Experience the complete chemical engineering process: our £1.7m chemical engineering facility includes a fully operational pilot process plant, which you’ll use during your course and operate as part of a team in your third year.
- You can also take part in our award-winning Professional Training placements programme, which prepares students for roles in industry.
- Alongside general university scholarships and bursaries, our extensive contacts in industry have resulted in prizes being awarded to undergraduates by Atkins, Halliburton KBR, Air Products, UOP, IChemE and the Worshipful Company of Engineers.
4th in the UK
For chemical and petroleum engineering (QS World University Rankings, 2024)
13th in the world
For chemical and petroleum engineering (QS World University Rankings, 2024)

What you will study
The modern world relies on Chemical Engineers to develop and design processes that efficiently produce useful products, manage resources like water and energy, ensure health and safety, and protect the environment.
Our BEng and MEng Chemical and Petroleum Engineering courses align with current industry issues. You’ll study traditional chemical engineering topics with multidisciplinary design projects, explore in-depth petrochemical modules and crucial sustainability themes that will further your understanding of environmental responsibility.
You can apply to study for either a BEng or MEng. The MEng builds on the BEng with a masters year, known as an integrated masters and is a direct route to becoming a chartered engineer. Students on our MEng may take part in a multidisciplinary project working with other engineering students across the University.
Professional recognition
BEng (Hons) - Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE)
Accredited by the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) on behalf of the Engineering Council for the purposes of fully meeting the academic requirement for registration as an Incorporated Engineer and partially meeting the academic requirement for registration as a Chartered Engineer.
MEng - Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE)
Accredited by the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) for the purpose of fully meeting the educational requirement for Chartered Chemical Engineer.
Personal and professional skills programme
We recognise chemical engineers need a wide range of skills in addition to technical proficiency to perform to the highest level. We also recognise experience is the main driving force in developing these skills.
Chemical engineers often work in teams to solve problems. They adopt leadership roles and are required to be effective communicators. Our personal and professional skills programme is designed to give you a head-start in developing in these areas.
Employers see the personal development skills our courses provide as giving you ‘something extra’ in addition to your technical competence.
Foundation year
If you don’t meet our entry requirements, you might still be able to apply for this degree with an Engineering and Physical Sciences Foundation Year. This is an extra year of study to develop your skills and make it easier for you to get started at university. On successful completion of your foundation year, you’ll be ready to progress to the first year of your degree.
To see what modules you’ll be studying, refer to the foundation tab in the 'Course structure' section.
The academic year is divided into two semesters of 15 weeks each. Each semester consists of a period of teaching, revision/directed learning and assessment.
The structure of our programmes follow clear educational aims that are tailored to each programme. These are all outlined in the programme specifications which include further details such as the learning outcomes.
- Chemical and Petroleum Engineering BEng (Hons)
- Chemical and Petroleum Engineering BEng (Hons) with placement
- Chemical and Petroleum Engineering BEng (Hons) with foundation year
- Chemical and Petroleum Engineering BEng (Hons) with foundation year and placement
- Chemical and Petroleum Engineering MEng
- Chemical and Petroleum Engineering MEng with placement
Please note: The full module listing for the optional Professional Training placement part of your course is available in the relevant programme specification.
Modules listed are indicative, reflecting the information available at the time of publication. Modules are subject to teaching availability, student demand and/or class size caps.
The University operates a credit framework for all taught programmes based on a 15-credit tariff.
Course options
Year 1 - BEng (Hons)
Semester 1
The Materials element of this module provides an introduction to a range of common material properties and outlines major classes of material. The Sustainability element provides an introduction to the fundamentals of sustainability and its engineering applications.
View full module detailsThis module is designed to give students entering the Chemical Engineering programmes a sufficient grounding in Physics, Chemistry and Cell Biology. An introduction of certain aspects of Physics is necessary as background to the fluid and particle mechanics taught in the course. An introduction to the essential basics of cell biology and chemical kinetics is required by all chemical engineers working in the environmental, pharma and related industries. We start with an overview of cell biology and biochemistry. Then we take a closer look at bacteria, fungi and mammalian cells, how they work, and how they behave and reproduce. We look at industrial processes that use, exploit or produce these cells. We introduce the concepts of solution properties and chemical, enzyme and microbial kinetics. An introduction to certain aspects of chemistry is necessary as a preparation for the Industrial Chemistry module and as a background in chemical kinetics for the reaction engineering modules.
View full module detailsThe conservation of both Mass and Energy are fundamentals on which all Chemical Processing is based. Being able to properly formulate and solve material and energy balances and in so doing integrate and interpret physical property data from different sources and in a variety of different units is an essential skills for an engineer. The module covers the fundamental concept used when analysing the mass and energy flows in chemical processing and allows students to apply them to the analysis of a wide variety of real-world situations such as distillation and crystallisation processes that are commonly found in industrial manufacturing plants.
View full module detailsA first level engineering mathematics module designed to briefly revise and then extend A-Level maths material and introduce more mathematical techniques to support engineering science modules.
View full module detailsSemester 2
This module consists of two parts. The first part, Laboratory Skills, contains experiments selected so as to support other parts of the level 1 curriculum and to develop a range of generic skills including practical laboratory skills, data handling and understanding experimental uncertainty. The second part, Transferable skills, is focused on academic research skills, writing skills and presentation skills. These skills, whilst of generic importance to undergraduate study, are examined largely in the context of presenting the findings of experimental work or information relevant to Year 1 Chemical Engineering students.
View full module detailsMathematics is an essential tool which engineers use to understand and solve problems. A good understanding of mathematics is therefore essential for us to tackle the complex problems which our world faces. This module builds on the foundations learned in ENG1084 – Mathematics 1 and will teach you the mathematical concepts used to describe the physical phenomena which are important for engineering applications. The mathematics covered will also open a window into the extraordinary discoveries of 18th to 20th century physics, ranging from Newtonian mechanics to Einstein’s theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. You will apply the knowledge of mathematics learned in this module to analyse applied engineering problems, reaching substantiated conclusions from first principles.
View full module detailsThe module is intended to: Provide an introduction to the fundamental science of the formation of crude oil and natural gas, the geology associated with these deposits, the physical and chemical properties of these fossil fuels and Upstream Processing required before refining and marketing. Provide the students with knowledge of the chemistry of crude oil and natural gas and how these fossil fuels can be separated, treated and converted into valuable products for energy and petrochemical uses.
View full module detailsFirst year common module in thermo-fluids for MES + Chemical Engineering students. FLUID MECHANICS: The basic concepts underlying fluid flows and behaviour are described together with simple fluid properties. The calculation of static fluid forces is the starting point before moving to dynamic fluid effects including mass-flow and energy conservation. Non-dimensional analysis methods, laminar and turbulent flows and pipe system analysis are considered, including fluid friction, momentum and energy losses in fittings. THERMODYNAMICS: Following an introduction on energy consumption, generation and supply from conventional and alternative sources the basic principles of heat and work transfer are described and system thermal efficiency. Thermal properties of working fluids (both liquids and gases) are described. The 1st law of thermodynamics is introduced with applications to processes and cycles for closed and steady-flow systems.
View full module detailsYear 2 - BEng (Hons)
Semester 1
This module provides an introduction to separation processes in general, but with particular emphasis on equilibrium staged separations of binary mixtures. Processes covered include binary distillation, liquid-liquid extraction and gas absorption and desorption in tray columns. This gives students an appreciation of what lies beneath chemical engineering flow-sheeting and design software packages. This appreciation is enhanced by hands on experience with HYSYS, an industry standard chemical engineering design simulation package. The module makes connections to real-world chemical engineering separation processes examples, and relates how chemical engineering design plays a role in sustainability of the chemical industry.
View full module detailsHeat Transfer: Knowledge of heat transfer is vital for Chemical Engineers. In order to effectively design and operate many unit operations, such as heat exchangers and reactors, a sound understanding of the fundamentals of heat transfer is required. This part of the module is intended to introduce students to the basic mechanisms of heat transfer and to allow them to apply this understanding to the design of heat exchangers. The laboratory element extends upon the skills developed in FHEQ Level 4 of the degree programmes, with particular attention to investigations that demonstrate and reinforce concepts of several FHEQ Level 5 modules.
View full module detailsThere is an increasing demand in the chemical and process engineering industry for computational tools to collect and analyse data, design, simulate and automate processes. To keep up with the development and implementation of new technological tools, the content new chemical engineers are taught needs to keep up with this constant change. This module builds on the modules ENG1084 Mathematics 1, ENG1085 Mathematics 2 and ENG1083 Transferable Skills and Laboratory Skills from FHEQ level 4 and contextualises this content with a focus on building the computational skills and digital capabilities for the modern chemical engineer. This, in turn, should lead to the students being able to correctly identify the computational tools required for a given problem, and allow them to use computational tools to model and simulate chemical engineering processes as well as solve process optimisation problems.
View full module detailsThe Engineering Systems sub-module introduces students to the systems approach for engineering design and analysis. It provides an introduction to the steps involved in chemical process design with detail on the preparation of graphical representations of processes i.e. BFDs, PFDs, and P&IDs. The design of pressure vessels is also covered. The Engineering Management sub-module provides an introduction to company financing, operation, pricing and costing, accounting and reporting, marketing, project evaluation and project management in preparation for working in a professional engineering environment. This sub-module also provides an introduction to the legal responsibilities of companies and employees to the health and safety of all in the workplace. It serves as an introduction to techniques used by engineers to evaluate and reduce levels of danger in the work place.
View full module detailsSemester 2
Today, control systems are widely used in engineering applications. Simple machines like a water dispenser and complex systems like a formula 1 car, an airliner, or a chemical production plant, all rely in some form of control system. A control system is a combination of hardware and software that operate together to provide the desired response from any system, and thus helps to develop and describe the relationship between input and output of any system. A simple example is a control system to keep the level of a tank at the desired level despite fluctuations in the input flow rate.
View full module detailsThis module aligns with the following Pillars of the Surrey Curriculum Framework: Sustainability; Employability; Resourcefulness and resilience. Mass Transfer: Mass transfer is essential knowledge for chemical engineers, governing the underlying operations in many industrial processes involving, for example, separation and reaction. The purpose of the module is to introduce students to mechanistic and semi-empirical descriptions of mass transfer, and to apply such understanding to the design of process such as gas absorption and drying. Fluid mechanics: The main part of the syllabus concentrates on developing the student’s understanding of internal flows. Knowledge of turbulent flow is extended by the introduction of the Universal Velocity Profile. Furthermore, more complex flows, which may include multiple phases or compressibility, are introduced. The issues of drag and terminal velocity of particles is tackled and the features and flow of some non-Newtonian fluids discussed. A short introduction is given on the simulation of real-life Mass-Transfer and Fluid Mechanics problems using commercial software.
View full module detailsThe module addresses the essential concepts and applications of thermodynamics that are required by Chemical Engineers. The course is divided into two distinct sections, the first (65%) focussing on Chemical Thermodynamics and the second on Applied Thermodynamics. The content enriches student understanding related to energy minimisation and utilisation to improve the sustainability of processes and operations. Moreover, fundamental principles of the thermodynamics of equilibria are used to appraise the optimum use of energy. Chemical Thermodynamics: Starting from the fundamental laws of thermodynamics, the course builds up to the prediction of equilibrium states for complex reaction mixtures, and vapour-liquid systems that exhibit both ideal and non-ideal behaviours. Principles are covered to effectively interpret thermodynamic packages and approaches used within commercial process simulation packages such as HYSYS and ChemCAD, thus enhancing student digital capabilities in the employment of such software. Applied Thermodynamics: This section of the module extends the material covered in the introductory lectures at FHEQ Level 4. Specifically, the use of the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics to analyse and design simple power and refrigeration cycles is introduced. The content provides basic understanding of efficient cycle design to maximise energy utilisation, as well as a review of the sustainable use of energy.
View full module detailsThe heart of any chemical or biochemical processes is often said to be the reactor. A comprehensive understanding of reactors’ performances is a pre-requisite for the process design. This Reaction Engineering module builds on the reaction kinetic knowledge from level 1 and applies it to the design of homogeneous chemical reactors and bio-reactors. The module creates connections to real-world chemical process design examples, and covers some important aspects of chemical engineering design called green chemistry and sustainability of chemical industry.
View full module detailsYear 3 - BEng (Hons)
Semester 1
Energy and Industrial Systems is a module roughly divided into 2 related parts. The Industrial Systems section introduces the basic principles of industrial systems thinking and detail as applied to the chemical industry, providing real-world insights into how many of the theoretical content taught in previous levels is applied in industry. The Industrial Systems section introduces tools needed to understand the management of streams to be released into the environment ('waste management') under normal circumstances and to prevent accidental releases, teaching our future engineers the importance of sustainability and social responsibility. The Energy Systems section covers methods and tools employed in energy systems integration decision making. It addresses the issues surrounding energy supply. The content ranges from technical detail (the engineering) through to national and international policy making, discussing the energy transition, emissions reduction, and energy efficiency to ensure our graduates can contribute to creating cleaner and more sustainable process industries. The module is also important in preparing students for the Design Project, due to the focus on integrated systems, and industrial design.
View full module detailsThe module is designed to develop a student’s applied analytical skills and knowledge of the complex mass transport phenomena in selected types of liquid/gas, solid/gas and liquid/solid/gas contact equipment commonly encountered in chemical process plants. The complexity of the design procedure is covered with selected process examples in which simultaneous heat and mass transfer, mass transfer without chemical reactions, and physical fluid/particle separation are studied in depth. Students will be introduced to the design equations for various unit operations, including the evaporative cooling systems (humidifiers, air-conditioning systems, and cooling towers), crystalisers, filters, and centrifuges, which develop their engineering knowledge and competence in sustainability, digital capabilities, and employability.
View full module detailsThis module provides students with the knowledge and skills to complete chemical reaction engineering analysis on both catalytic and fluid-solid reactors when applied in petrochemical processing. The students will acquire knowledge about different heterogeneous reactor configurations and be able to apply chemical engineering principles to model kinetic behaviour applicable to reaction engineering. By completing this module students will develop a solid understanding of reactor design principles that are relevant to a wide variety of industries.
View full module detailsMulticomponent separation is the most commonly used industrial separation process world-wide and a sound understanding of the fundamental principles (material/energy balances, vapour-liquid, liquid-solid, gas-solid and liquid-liquid equilibrium, separation efficiency and system hydrodynamics) defining the operation of such processes is essential to a graduate engineer. This module extends students' knowledge and understanding to include multicomponent systems involving distillation and adsorption. It also introduces students to detailed separation processes specific to petroleum engineering such as dehydration and water treatment, desulfurisation, and dewaxing.
View full module detailsSemester 2
The financial and operational management of a chemical process is essential to Chemical Industry; students who have first-hand experienced these activities will become more rounded and employable graduates. Following a comprehensive grounding in the science of Crystallisation students will complete a number of Case Studies related to the performance and operation of the pilot plant rig processing a crystallising system. Following comprehensive training in the safe operation of the pilot plant students will then adopt a number of different rolls in the management and operating structure of the unique pilot plant and will manage/operate the unit in semi-batch mode for 4x12hr consecutive days of production.
View full module detailsThe detailed design of a chemical process paying appropriate consideration to sustainability, economic and operational feasibility and engineering practicality is a key skill for chemical and petroleum engineer and requires a detail and robust understanding of all aspects of chemical engineering in the petroleum engineering arena. This module comprises a sequence of learning opportunities designed to integrate and consolidate most of the fundamental science and engineering expertise acquired during the previous levels of the degree programme. The assessment is designed so that 60% is based on individual work and 40% is based on group activity.
View full module detailsYear 1 - BEng (Hons) with placement
Semester 1
The Materials element of this module provides an introduction to a range of common material properties and outlines major classes of material. The Sustainability element provides an introduction to the fundamentals of sustainability and its engineering applications.
View full module detailsThis module is designed to give students entering the Chemical Engineering programmes a sufficient grounding in Physics, Chemistry and Cell Biology. An introduction of certain aspects of Physics is necessary as background to the fluid and particle mechanics taught in the course. An introduction to the essential basics of cell biology and chemical kinetics is required by all chemical engineers working in the environmental, pharma and related industries. We start with an overview of cell biology and biochemistry. Then we take a closer look at bacteria, fungi and mammalian cells, how they work, and how they behave and reproduce. We look at industrial processes that use, exploit or produce these cells. We introduce the concepts of solution properties and chemical, enzyme and microbial kinetics. An introduction to certain aspects of chemistry is necessary as a preparation for the Industrial Chemistry module and as a background in chemical kinetics for the reaction engineering modules.
View full module detailsThe conservation of both Mass and Energy are fundamentals on which all Chemical Processing is based. Being able to properly formulate and solve material and energy balances and in so doing integrate and interpret physical property data from different sources and in a variety of different units is an essential skills for an engineer. The module covers the fundamental concept used when analysing the mass and energy flows in chemical processing and allows students to apply them to the analysis of a wide variety of real-world situations such as distillation and crystallisation processes that are commonly found in industrial manufacturing plants.
View full module detailsA first level engineering mathematics module designed to briefly revise and then extend A-Level maths material and introduce more mathematical techniques to support engineering science modules.
View full module detailsSemester 2
This module consists of two parts. The first part, Laboratory Skills, contains experiments selected so as to support other parts of the level 1 curriculum and to develop a range of generic skills including practical laboratory skills, data handling and understanding experimental uncertainty. The second part, Transferable skills, is focused on academic research skills, writing skills and presentation skills. These skills, whilst of generic importance to undergraduate study, are examined largely in the context of presenting the findings of experimental work or information relevant to Year 1 Chemical Engineering students.
View full module detailsMathematics is an essential tool which engineers use to understand and solve problems. A good understanding of mathematics is therefore essential for us to tackle the complex problems which our world faces. This module builds on the foundations learned in ENG1084 – Mathematics 1 and will teach you the mathematical concepts used to describe the physical phenomena which are important for engineering applications. The mathematics covered will also open a window into the extraordinary discoveries of 18th to 20th century physics, ranging from Newtonian mechanics to Einstein’s theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. You will apply the knowledge of mathematics learned in this module to analyse applied engineering problems, reaching substantiated conclusions from first principles.
View full module detailsThe module is intended to: Provide an introduction to the fundamental science of the formation of crude oil and natural gas, the geology associated with these deposits, the physical and chemical properties of these fossil fuels and Upstream Processing required before refining and marketing. Provide the students with knowledge of the chemistry of crude oil and natural gas and how these fossil fuels can be separated, treated and converted into valuable products for energy and petrochemical uses.
View full module detailsFirst year common module in thermo-fluids for MES + Chemical Engineering students. FLUID MECHANICS: The basic concepts underlying fluid flows and behaviour are described together with simple fluid properties. The calculation of static fluid forces is the starting point before moving to dynamic fluid effects including mass-flow and energy conservation. Non-dimensional analysis methods, laminar and turbulent flows and pipe system analysis are considered, including fluid friction, momentum and energy losses in fittings. THERMODYNAMICS: Following an introduction on energy consumption, generation and supply from conventional and alternative sources the basic principles of heat and work transfer are described and system thermal efficiency. Thermal properties of working fluids (both liquids and gases) are described. The 1st law of thermodynamics is introduced with applications to processes and cycles for closed and steady-flow systems.
View full module detailsYear 2 - BEng (Hons) with placement
Semester 1
This module provides an introduction to separation processes in general, but with particular emphasis on equilibrium staged separations of binary mixtures. Processes covered include binary distillation, liquid-liquid extraction and gas absorption and desorption in tray columns. This gives students an appreciation of what lies beneath chemical engineering flow-sheeting and design software packages. This appreciation is enhanced by hands on experience with HYSYS, an industry standard chemical engineering design simulation package. The module makes connections to real-world chemical engineering separation processes examples, and relates how chemical engineering design plays a role in sustainability of the chemical industry.
View full module detailsHeat Transfer: Knowledge of heat transfer is vital for Chemical Engineers. In order to effectively design and operate many unit operations, such as heat exchangers and reactors, a sound understanding of the fundamentals of heat transfer is required. This part of the module is intended to introduce students to the basic mechanisms of heat transfer and to allow them to apply this understanding to the design of heat exchangers. The laboratory element extends upon the skills developed in FHEQ Level 4 of the degree programmes, with particular attention to investigations that demonstrate and reinforce concepts of several FHEQ Level 5 modules.
View full module detailsThere is an increasing demand in the chemical and process engineering industry for computational tools to collect and analyse data, design, simulate and automate processes. To keep up with the development and implementation of new technological tools, the content new chemical engineers are taught needs to keep up with this constant change. This module builds on the modules ENG1084 Mathematics 1, ENG1085 Mathematics 2 and ENG1083 Transferable Skills and Laboratory Skills from FHEQ level 4 and contextualises this content with a focus on building the computational skills and digital capabilities for the modern chemical engineer. This, in turn, should lead to the students being able to correctly identify the computational tools required for a given problem, and allow them to use computational tools to model and simulate chemical engineering processes as well as solve process optimisation problems.
View full module detailsThe Engineering Systems sub-module introduces students to the systems approach for engineering design and analysis. It provides an introduction to the steps involved in chemical process design with detail on the preparation of graphical representations of processes i.e. BFDs, PFDs, and P&IDs. The design of pressure vessels is also covered. The Engineering Management sub-module provides an introduction to company financing, operation, pricing and costing, accounting and reporting, marketing, project evaluation and project management in preparation for working in a professional engineering environment. This sub-module also provides an introduction to the legal responsibilities of companies and employees to the health and safety of all in the workplace. It serves as an introduction to techniques used by engineers to evaluate and reduce levels of danger in the work place.
View full module detailsSemester 2
Today, control systems are widely used in engineering applications. Simple machines like a water dispenser and complex systems like a formula 1 car, an airliner, or a chemical production plant, all rely in some form of control system. A control system is a combination of hardware and software that operate together to provide the desired response from any system, and thus helps to develop and describe the relationship between input and output of any system. A simple example is a control system to keep the level of a tank at the desired level despite fluctuations in the input flow rate.
View full module detailsThis module aligns with the following Pillars of the Surrey Curriculum Framework: Sustainability; Employability; Resourcefulness and resilience. Mass Transfer: Mass transfer is essential knowledge for chemical engineers, governing the underlying operations in many industrial processes involving, for example, separation and reaction. The purpose of the module is to introduce students to mechanistic and semi-empirical descriptions of mass transfer, and to apply such understanding to the design of process such as gas absorption and drying. Fluid mechanics: The main part of the syllabus concentrates on developing the student’s understanding of internal flows. Knowledge of turbulent flow is extended by the introduction of the Universal Velocity Profile. Furthermore, more complex flows, which may include multiple phases or compressibility, are introduced. The issues of drag and terminal velocity of particles is tackled and the features and flow of some non-Newtonian fluids discussed. A short introduction is given on the simulation of real-life Mass-Transfer and Fluid Mechanics problems using commercial software.
View full module detailsThe module addresses the essential concepts and applications of thermodynamics that are required by Chemical Engineers. The course is divided into two distinct sections, the first (65%) focussing on Chemical Thermodynamics and the second on Applied Thermodynamics. The content enriches student understanding related to energy minimisation and utilisation to improve the sustainability of processes and operations. Moreover, fundamental principles of the thermodynamics of equilibria are used to appraise the optimum use of energy. Chemical Thermodynamics: Starting from the fundamental laws of thermodynamics, the course builds up to the prediction of equilibrium states for complex reaction mixtures, and vapour-liquid systems that exhibit both ideal and non-ideal behaviours. Principles are covered to effectively interpret thermodynamic packages and approaches used within commercial process simulation packages such as HYSYS and ChemCAD, thus enhancing student digital capabilities in the employment of such software. Applied Thermodynamics: This section of the module extends the material covered in the introductory lectures at FHEQ Level 4. Specifically, the use of the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics to analyse and design simple power and refrigeration cycles is introduced. The content provides basic understanding of efficient cycle design to maximise energy utilisation, as well as a review of the sustainable use of energy.
View full module detailsThe heart of any chemical or biochemical processes is often said to be the reactor. A comprehensive understanding of reactors’ performances is a pre-requisite for the process design. This Reaction Engineering module builds on the reaction kinetic knowledge from level 1 and applies it to the design of homogeneous chemical reactors and bio-reactors. The module creates connections to real-world chemical process design examples, and covers some important aspects of chemical engineering design called green chemistry and sustainability of chemical industry.
View full module detailsYear 3 - BEng (Hons) with placement
Semester 1
Energy and Industrial Systems is a module roughly divided into 2 related parts. The Industrial Systems section introduces the basic principles of industrial systems thinking and detail as applied to the chemical industry, providing real-world insights into how many of the theoretical content taught in previous levels is applied in industry. The Industrial Systems section introduces tools needed to understand the management of streams to be released into the environment ('waste management') under normal circumstances and to prevent accidental releases, teaching our future engineers the importance of sustainability and social responsibility. The Energy Systems section covers methods and tools employed in energy systems integration decision making. It addresses the issues surrounding energy supply. The content ranges from technical detail (the engineering) through to national and international policy making, discussing the energy transition, emissions reduction, and energy efficiency to ensure our graduates can contribute to creating cleaner and more sustainable process industries. The module is also important in preparing students for the Design Project, due to the focus on integrated systems, and industrial design.
View full module detailsThe module is designed to develop a student’s applied analytical skills and knowledge of the complex mass transport phenomena in selected types of liquid/gas, solid/gas and liquid/solid/gas contact equipment commonly encountered in chemical process plants. The complexity of the design procedure is covered with selected process examples in which simultaneous heat and mass transfer, mass transfer without chemical reactions, and physical fluid/particle separation are studied in depth. Students will be introduced to the design equations for various unit operations, including the evaporative cooling systems (humidifiers, air-conditioning systems, and cooling towers), crystalisers, filters, and centrifuges, which develop their engineering knowledge and competence in sustainability, digital capabilities, and employability.
View full module detailsThis module provides students with the knowledge and skills to complete chemical reaction engineering analysis on both catalytic and fluid-solid reactors when applied in petrochemical processing. The students will acquire knowledge about different heterogeneous reactor configurations and be able to apply chemical engineering principles to model kinetic behaviour applicable to reaction engineering. By completing this module students will develop a solid understanding of reactor design principles that are relevant to a wide variety of industries.
View full module detailsMulticomponent separation is the most commonly used industrial separation process world-wide and a sound understanding of the fundamental principles (material/energy balances, vapour-liquid, liquid-solid, gas-solid and liquid-liquid equilibrium, separation efficiency and system hydrodynamics) defining the operation of such processes is essential to a graduate engineer. This module extends students' knowledge and understanding to include multicomponent systems involving distillation and adsorption. It also introduces students to detailed separation processes specific to petroleum engineering such as dehydration and water treatment, desulfurisation, and dewaxing.
View full module detailsSemester 2
The financial and operational management of a chemical process is essential to Chemical Industry; students who have first-hand experienced these activities will become more rounded and employable graduates. Following a comprehensive grounding in the science of Crystallisation students will complete a number of Case Studies related to the performance and operation of the pilot plant rig processing a crystallising system. Following comprehensive training in the safe operation of the pilot plant students will then adopt a number of different rolls in the management and operating structure of the unique pilot plant and will manage/operate the unit in semi-batch mode for 4x12hr consecutive days of production.
View full module detailsThe detailed design of a chemical process paying appropriate consideration to sustainability, economic and operational feasibility and engineering practicality is a key skill for chemical and petroleum engineer and requires a detail and robust understanding of all aspects of chemical engineering in the petroleum engineering arena. This module comprises a sequence of learning opportunities designed to integrate and consolidate most of the fundamental science and engineering expertise acquired during the previous levels of the degree programme. The assessment is designed so that 60% is based on individual work and 40% is based on group activity.
View full module detailsProfessional Training Year (PTY)
Semester 1 & 2
This module supports students’ development of personal and professional attitudes and abilities appropriate to a Professional Training placement. It supports and facilitates self-reflection and transfer of learning from their Professional Training placement experiences to their final year of study and their future employment. The PTY module is concerned with Personal and Professional Development towards holistic academic and non-academic learning, and is a process that involves self-reflection, documented via the creation of a personal record, planning and monitoring progress towards the achievement of personal objectives. Development and learning may occur before and during the placement, and this is reflected in the assessment model as a progressive process. However, the graded assessment takes place primarily towards the end of the placement. Additionally, the module aims to enable students to evidence and evaluate their placement experiences and transfer that learning to other situations through written and presentation skills.
View full module detailsThis module supports students¿ development of personal and professional attitudes and abilities appropriate to a Professional Training placement. It supports and facilitates self-reflection and transfer of learning from their Professional Training placement experiences to their final year of study and their future employment. The PTY module is concerned with Personal and Professional Development towards holistic academic and non-academic learning and is a process that involves self-reflection. Development and learning may occur before and during the placement, and this is reflected in the assessment model as a progressive process. However, the graded assessment takes place primarily towards the end of the placement. Additionally, the module aims to enable students to evidence and evaluate their placement experiences and transfer that learning to other situations through written skills.
View full module detailsOptional modules for Professional Training Year (PTY) -
Students taking the PTY Year must choose either module ENGP011 or module ENGP018
BEng (Hons) with foundation year
Semester 1
This mathematics module is designed to reinforce and broaden basic A-Level mathematics material, develop problem solving skills and prepare students for the more advanced mathematical concepts and problem-solving scenarios in the semester 2 modules.The priority is to develop the students’ ability to solve real- world problems in a confident manner. The concepts delivered on this module reflect the skills and knowledge required to understand the physical around us. This is vital as mathematics plays a critical role in the students’ future employability and achievement on their respective undergraduate choices.
View full module detailsThis module introduces several principles and processes which underpin most physical science and engineering disciplines, which you are likely to study beyond the Foundation Year. Specifically, you will study topics that include S.I. units and measurement theory, electric and magnetic fields and their interactions, the properties of ideal gases, heat transfer and thermodynamics, fluid statics and dynamics, and engineering instrumentation and measurement. You will attend several lectures and a tutorial each teaching week alongside guided independent study opportunities to develop your understanding of topics more deeply, supported by the use of the university’s virtual learning platform.
View full module detailsThe emphasis of this module is on the development of digital capabilities, academic skills and problem-solving skills. The module will facilitate the development of competency in working with software commonly used to support calculations, analysis and presentation. Microsoft Excel will be used for spreadsheet-based calculations and experimental data analysis. MATLAB will be used as a platform for developing elementary programming skills and applying various processes to novel problem-solving scenarios. The breadth and depth of digital capabilities will be further enhanced by working with HTML, CSS and JavaScript within the GitHub environment to develop a webpage, presenting the student's research project narrative. The project provides students with an opportunity to carry out guided research and prepare an online article on one of many discipline-specific topic choices. Students will develop a wide range of writing, referencing and other important academic skills and learn how to use embedded and/or interactive online content to support the presentation of their online article.
View full module detailsSemester 2
This module builds on ENG0011 Mathematics A and is designed to reinforce and broaden A-Level Calculus, Vectors, Matrices and Complex Numbers. The students will continue to develop their ability to solve real- world problems in a confident manner. The concepts delivered on this module reflect the skills and knowledge required to understand the physical world around us. This is vital, as mathematics plays a critical role in the students’ future employability and achievement on their respective undergraduate courses. On completion of the module students are prepared for the more advanced Mathematical concepts and problem solving scenarios in the first year of their Engineering or Physical Sciences degree.
View full module detailsThis module introduces several principles and processes which underpin most physical science and engineering disciplines, which you are likely to study beyond the Foundation Year. Specifically, you will study topics that include vectors and scalars, equations of motion under constant acceleration, momentum conservation, simple harmonic motion and wave theory. You will attend several lectures and a tutorial each teaching week alongside guided independent study opportunities to develop your understanding of topics more deeply, supported by the use of the university’s virtual learning platform.
View full module detailsThe module covers the principles of chemistry relevant to degree-level study in disciplines requiring a strong background in this subject, (e.g. the BEng in both the Chemical and Civil Engineering programmes at the University of Surrey). There will be a strong focus placed on the fundamental principles of physical chemistry, with a basic introduction to organic and analytical chemistry techniques. Learning will include examples of industrial processes and case studies and there will be an overarching theme of sustainability running through the module linked to several topics (in particular, fuels, combustion and polymers). Module content will be delivered via weekly lectures, interspersed with opportunities for you to reflect on what you have just learned. Additional support is provided in weekly tutorials. There are guided independent study opportunities to develop your understanding of topics more deeply, supported by the use of the university’s virtual learning platform.
View full module detailsSemester 1 & 2
During this year-long module, students develop a range of laboratory and transferable skills through both individual laboratory work and group project work. The content of this module is designed to consolidate knowledge gained in ENG0013 (semester 1) and ENG0015/16/17 (semester 2) modules. Semester 1 focuses on core Engineering and Physical Sciences laboratory work and guides students through the basic skills of laboratory work, recording work in a lab diary, and lab report writing. Alongside this individual laboratory work, students participate in a group project; this involves working in a small group (5-8 students) to design an experiment, collect data, present their experimental findings as an academic poster, and report their findings to peers via a group oral presentation. Students are guided through the development of teamworking, project management, presentation, and digital skills (e.g., in using MS Teams as a group communication platform) whilst working on this project. Semester 2 provides an opportunity for subject-stream specific practical work (individual) where students will build on the laboratory and lab report writing skills developed in semester 1 to produce a full lab report. Students participate in a further group project in semester 2 where they build upon the skills developed in semester 1. Students work as a team to find and develop an engineering / physical sciences idea into a potentially viable business case. Student groups produce a written business case report and pitch their ideas to a panel including University Student Enterprise experts.
View full module detailsOptional modules for Foundation - FHEQ Level 3
For further information on FHEQ levels 4, 5 and 6 please view the programme specification for the full-time BEng (Hons) Chemical and Petroleum Engineeringprogramme.
BEng (Hons) with foundation year and placement
Semester 1
This mathematics module is designed to reinforce and broaden basic A-Level mathematics material, develop problem solving skills and prepare students for the more advanced mathematical concepts and problem-solving scenarios in the semester 2 modules.The priority is to develop the students’ ability to solve real- world problems in a confident manner. The concepts delivered on this module reflect the skills and knowledge required to understand the physical around us. This is vital as mathematics plays a critical role in the students’ future employability and achievement on their respective undergraduate choices.
View full module detailsThis module introduces several principles and processes which underpin most physical science and engineering disciplines, which you are likely to study beyond the Foundation Year. Specifically, you will study topics that include S.I. units and measurement theory, electric and magnetic fields and their interactions, the properties of ideal gases, heat transfer and thermodynamics, fluid statics and dynamics, and engineering instrumentation and measurement. You will attend several lectures and a tutorial each teaching week alongside guided independent study opportunities to develop your understanding of topics more deeply, supported by the use of the university’s virtual learning platform.
View full module detailsThe emphasis of this module is on the development of digital capabilities, academic skills and problem-solving skills. The module will facilitate the development of competency in working with software commonly used to support calculations, analysis and presentation. Microsoft Excel will be used for spreadsheet-based calculations and experimental data analysis. MATLAB will be used as a platform for developing elementary programming skills and applying various processes to novel problem-solving scenarios. The breadth and depth of digital capabilities will be further enhanced by working with HTML, CSS and JavaScript within the GitHub environment to develop a webpage, presenting the student's research project narrative. The project provides students with an opportunity to carry out guided research and prepare an online article on one of many discipline-specific topic choices. Students will develop a wide range of writing, referencing and other important academic skills and learn how to use embedded and/or interactive online content to support the presentation of their online article.
View full module detailsSemester 2
This module builds on ENG0011 Mathematics A and is designed to reinforce and broaden A-Level Calculus, Vectors, Matrices and Complex Numbers. The students will continue to develop their ability to solve real- world problems in a confident manner. The concepts delivered on this module reflect the skills and knowledge required to understand the physical world around us. This is vital, as mathematics plays a critical role in the students’ future employability and achievement on their respective undergraduate courses. On completion of the module students are prepared for the more advanced Mathematical concepts and problem solving scenarios in the first year of their Engineering or Physical Sciences degree.
View full module detailsThis module introduces several principles and processes which underpin most physical science and engineering disciplines, which you are likely to study beyond the Foundation Year. Specifically, you will study topics that include vectors and scalars, equations of motion under constant acceleration, momentum conservation, simple harmonic motion and wave theory. You will attend several lectures and a tutorial each teaching week alongside guided independent study opportunities to develop your understanding of topics more deeply, supported by the use of the university’s virtual learning platform.
View full module detailsThe module covers the principles of chemistry relevant to degree-level study in disciplines requiring a strong background in this subject, (e.g. the BEng in both the Chemical and Civil Engineering programmes at the University of Surrey). There will be a strong focus placed on the fundamental principles of physical chemistry, with a basic introduction to organic and analytical chemistry techniques. Learning will include examples of industrial processes and case studies and there will be an overarching theme of sustainability running through the module linked to several topics (in particular, fuels, combustion and polymers). Module content will be delivered via weekly lectures, interspersed with opportunities for you to reflect on what you have just learned. Additional support is provided in weekly tutorials. There are guided independent study opportunities to develop your understanding of topics more deeply, supported by the use of the university’s virtual learning platform.
View full module detailsSemester 1 & 2
During this year-long module, students develop a range of laboratory and transferable skills through both individual laboratory work and group project work. The content of this module is designed to consolidate knowledge gained in ENG0013 (semester 1) and ENG0015/16/17 (semester 2) modules. Semester 1 focuses on core Engineering and Physical Sciences laboratory work and guides students through the basic skills of laboratory work, recording work in a lab diary, and lab report writing. Alongside this individual laboratory work, students participate in a group project; this involves working in a small group (5-8 students) to design an experiment, collect data, present their experimental findings as an academic poster, and report their findings to peers via a group oral presentation. Students are guided through the development of teamworking, project management, presentation, and digital skills (e.g., in using MS Teams as a group communication platform) whilst working on this project. Semester 2 provides an opportunity for subject-stream specific practical work (individual) where students will build on the laboratory and lab report writing skills developed in semester 1 to produce a full lab report. Students participate in a further group project in semester 2 where they build upon the skills developed in semester 1. Students work as a team to find and develop an engineering / physical sciences idea into a potentially viable business case. Student groups produce a written business case report and pitch their ideas to a panel including University Student Enterprise experts.
View full module detailsOptional modules for Foundation (with PTY) - FHEQ Level 3
For further information on FHEQ levels 4, 5 and 6 and professional training year please view the programme specification for the full-time with PTY BEng (Hons) Chemical and Petroleum Engineering programme.
Year 1 - MEng
Semester 1
The Materials element of this module provides an introduction to a range of common material properties and outlines major classes of material. The Sustainability element provides an introduction to the fundamentals of sustainability and its engineering applications.
View full module detailsThis module is designed to give students entering the Chemical Engineering programmes a sufficient grounding in Physics, Chemistry and Cell Biology. An introduction of certain aspects of Physics is necessary as background to the fluid and particle mechanics taught in the course. An introduction to the essential basics of cell biology and chemical kinetics is required by all chemical engineers working in the environmental, pharma and related industries. We start with an overview of cell biology and biochemistry. Then we take a closer look at bacteria, fungi and mammalian cells, how they work, and how they behave and reproduce. We look at industrial processes that use, exploit or produce these cells. We introduce the concepts of solution properties and chemical, enzyme and microbial kinetics. An introduction to certain aspects of chemistry is necessary as a preparation for the Industrial Chemistry module and as a background in chemical kinetics for the reaction engineering modules.
View full module detailsThe conservation of both Mass and Energy are fundamentals on which all Chemical Processing is based. Being able to properly formulate and solve material and energy balances and in so doing integrate and interpret physical property data from different sources and in a variety of different units is an essential skills for an engineer. The module covers the fundamental concept used when analysing the mass and energy flows in chemical processing and allows students to apply them to the analysis of a wide variety of real-world situations such as distillation and crystallisation processes that are commonly found in industrial manufacturing plants.
View full module detailsA first level engineering mathematics module designed to briefly revise and then extend A-Level maths material and introduce more mathematical techniques to support engineering science modules.
View full module detailsSemester 2
This module consists of two parts. The first part, Laboratory Skills, contains experiments selected so as to support other parts of the level 1 curriculum and to develop a range of generic skills including practical laboratory skills, data handling and understanding experimental uncertainty. The second part, Transferable skills, is focused on academic research skills, writing skills and presentation skills. These skills, whilst of generic importance to undergraduate study, are examined largely in the context of presenting the findings of experimental work or information relevant to Year 1 Chemical Engineering students.
View full module detailsMathematics is an essential tool which engineers use to understand and solve problems. A good understanding of mathematics is therefore essential for us to tackle the complex problems which our world faces. This module builds on the foundations learned in ENG1084 – Mathematics 1 and will teach you the mathematical concepts used to describe the physical phenomena which are important for engineering applications. The mathematics covered will also open a window into the extraordinary discoveries of 18th to 20th century physics, ranging from Newtonian mechanics to Einstein’s theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. You will apply the knowledge of mathematics learned in this module to analyse applied engineering problems, reaching substantiated conclusions from first principles.
View full module detailsThe module is intended to: Provide an introduction to the fundamental science of the formation of crude oil and natural gas, the geology associated with these deposits, the physical and chemical properties of these fossil fuels and Upstream Processing required before refining and marketing. Provide the students with knowledge of the chemistry of crude oil and natural gas and how these fossil fuels can be separated, treated and converted into valuable products for energy and petrochemical uses.
View full module detailsFirst year common module in thermo-fluids for MES + Chemical Engineering students. FLUID MECHANICS: The basic concepts underlying fluid flows and behaviour are described together with simple fluid properties. The calculation of static fluid forces is the starting point before moving to dynamic fluid effects including mass-flow and energy conservation. Non-dimensional analysis methods, laminar and turbulent flows and pipe system analysis are considered, including fluid friction, momentum and energy losses in fittings. THERMODYNAMICS: Following an introduction on energy consumption, generation and supply from conventional and alternative sources the basic principles of heat and work transfer are described and system thermal efficiency. Thermal properties of working fluids (both liquids and gases) are described. The 1st law of thermodynamics is introduced with applications to processes and cycles for closed and steady-flow systems.
View full module detailsYear 2 - MEng
Semester 1
This module provides an introduction to separation processes in general, but with particular emphasis on equilibrium staged separations of binary mixtures. Processes covered include binary distillation, liquid-liquid extraction and gas absorption and desorption in tray columns. This gives students an appreciation of what lies beneath chemical engineering flow-sheeting and design software packages. This appreciation is enhanced by hands on experience with HYSYS, an industry standard chemical engineering design simulation package. The module makes connections to real-world chemical engineering separation processes examples, and relates how chemical engineering design plays a role in sustainability of the chemical industry.
View full module detailsHeat Transfer: Knowledge of heat transfer is vital for Chemical Engineers. In order to effectively design and operate many unit operations, such as heat exchangers and reactors, a sound understanding of the fundamentals of heat transfer is required. This part of the module is intended to introduce students to the basic mechanisms of heat transfer and to allow them to apply this understanding to the design of heat exchangers. The laboratory element extends upon the skills developed in FHEQ Level 4 of the degree programmes, with particular attention to investigations that demonstrate and reinforce concepts of several FHEQ Level 5 modules.
View full module detailsThere is an increasing demand in the chemical and process engineering industry for computational tools to collect and analyse data, design, simulate and automate processes. To keep up with the development and implementation of new technological tools, the content new chemical engineers are taught needs to keep up with this constant change. This module builds on the modules ENG1084 Mathematics 1, ENG1085 Mathematics 2 and ENG1083 Transferable Skills and Laboratory Skills from FHEQ level 4 and contextualises this content with a focus on building the computational skills and digital capabilities for the modern chemical engineer. This, in turn, should lead to the students being able to correctly identify the computational tools required for a given problem, and allow them to use computational tools to model and simulate chemical engineering processes as well as solve process optimisation problems.
View full module detailsThe Engineering Systems sub-module introduces students to the systems approach for engineering design and analysis. It provides an introduction to the steps involved in chemical process design with detail on the preparation of graphical representations of processes i.e. BFDs, PFDs, and P&IDs. The design of pressure vessels is also covered. The Engineering Management sub-module provides an introduction to company financing, operation, pricing and costing, accounting and reporting, marketing, project evaluation and project management in preparation for working in a professional engineering environment. This sub-module also provides an introduction to the legal responsibilities of companies and employees to the health and safety of all in the workplace. It serves as an introduction to techniques used by engineers to evaluate and reduce levels of danger in the work place.
View full module detailsSemester 2
Today, control systems are widely used in engineering applications. Simple machines like a water dispenser and complex systems like a formula 1 car, an airliner, or a chemical production plant, all rely in some form of control system. A control system is a combination of hardware and software that operate together to provide the desired response from any system, and thus helps to develop and describe the relationship between input and output of any system. A simple example is a control system to keep the level of a tank at the desired level despite fluctuations in the input flow rate.
View full module detailsThis module aligns with the following Pillars of the Surrey Curriculum Framework: Sustainability; Employability; Resourcefulness and resilience. Mass Transfer: Mass transfer is essential knowledge for chemical engineers, governing the underlying operations in many industrial processes involving, for example, separation and reaction. The purpose of the module is to introduce students to mechanistic and semi-empirical descriptions of mass transfer, and to apply such understanding to the design of process such as gas absorption and drying. Fluid mechanics: The main part of the syllabus concentrates on developing the student’s understanding of internal flows. Knowledge of turbulent flow is extended by the introduction of the Universal Velocity Profile. Furthermore, more complex flows, which may include multiple phases or compressibility, are introduced. The issues of drag and terminal velocity of particles is tackled and the features and flow of some non-Newtonian fluids discussed. A short introduction is given on the simulation of real-life Mass-Transfer and Fluid Mechanics problems using commercial software.
View full module detailsThe module addresses the essential concepts and applications of thermodynamics that are required by Chemical Engineers. The course is divided into two distinct sections, the first (65%) focussing on Chemical Thermodynamics and the second on Applied Thermodynamics. The content enriches student understanding related to energy minimisation and utilisation to improve the sustainability of processes and operations. Moreover, fundamental principles of the thermodynamics of equilibria are used to appraise the optimum use of energy. Chemical Thermodynamics: Starting from the fundamental laws of thermodynamics, the course builds up to the prediction of equilibrium states for complex reaction mixtures, and vapour-liquid systems that exhibit both ideal and non-ideal behaviours. Principles are covered to effectively interpret thermodynamic packages and approaches used within commercial process simulation packages such as HYSYS and ChemCAD, thus enhancing student digital capabilities in the employment of such software. Applied Thermodynamics: This section of the module extends the material covered in the introductory lectures at FHEQ Level 4. Specifically, the use of the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics to analyse and design simple power and refrigeration cycles is introduced. The content provides basic understanding of efficient cycle design to maximise energy utilisation, as well as a review of the sustainable use of energy.
View full module detailsThe heart of any chemical or biochemical processes is often said to be the reactor. A comprehensive understanding of reactors’ performances is a pre-requisite for the process design. This Reaction Engineering module builds on the reaction kinetic knowledge from level 1 and applies it to the design of homogeneous chemical reactors and bio-reactors. The module creates connections to real-world chemical process design examples, and covers some important aspects of chemical engineering design called green chemistry and sustainability of chemical industry.
View full module detailsYear 3 - MEng
Semester 1
Energy and Industrial Systems is a module roughly divided into 2 related parts. The Industrial Systems section introduces the basic principles of industrial systems thinking and detail as applied to the chemical industry, providing real-world insights into how many of the theoretical content taught in previous levels is applied in industry. The Industrial Systems section introduces tools needed to understand the management of streams to be released into the environment ('waste management') under normal circumstances and to prevent accidental releases, teaching our future engineers the importance of sustainability and social responsibility. The Energy Systems section covers methods and tools employed in energy systems integration decision making. It addresses the issues surrounding energy supply. The content ranges from technical detail (the engineering) through to national and international policy making, discussing the energy transition, emissions reduction, and energy efficiency to ensure our graduates can contribute to creating cleaner and more sustainable process industries. The module is also important in preparing students for the Design Project, due to the focus on integrated systems, and industrial design.
View full module detailsThe module is designed to develop a student’s applied analytical skills and knowledge of the complex mass transport phenomena in selected types of liquid/gas, solid/gas and liquid/solid/gas contact equipment commonly encountered in chemical process plants. The complexity of the design procedure is covered with selected process examples in which simultaneous heat and mass transfer, mass transfer without chemical reactions, and physical fluid/particle separation are studied in depth. Students will be introduced to the design equations for various unit operations, including the evaporative cooling systems (humidifiers, air-conditioning systems, and cooling towers), crystalisers, filters, and centrifuges, which develop their engineering knowledge and competence in sustainability, digital capabilities, and employability.
View full module detailsThis module provides students with the knowledge and skills to complete chemical reaction engineering analysis on both catalytic and fluid-solid reactors when applied in petrochemical processing. The students will acquire knowledge about different heterogeneous reactor configurations and be able to apply chemical engineering principles to model kinetic behaviour applicable to reaction engineering. By completing this module students will develop a solid understanding of reactor design principles that are relevant to a wide variety of industries.
View full module detailsMulticomponent separation is the most commonly used industrial separation process world-wide and a sound understanding of the fundamental principles (material/energy balances, vapour-liquid, liquid-solid, gas-solid and liquid-liquid equilibrium, separation efficiency and system hydrodynamics) defining the operation of such processes is essential to a graduate engineer. This module extends students' knowledge and understanding to include multicomponent systems involving distillation and adsorption. It also introduces students to detailed separation processes specific to petroleum engineering such as dehydration and water treatment, desulfurisation, and dewaxing.
View full module detailsSemester 2
The financial and operational management of a chemical process is essential to Chemical Industry; students who have first-hand experienced these activities will become more rounded and employable graduates. Following a comprehensive grounding in the science of Crystallisation students will complete a number of Case Studies related to the performance and operation of the pilot plant rig processing a crystallising system. Following comprehensive training in the safe operation of the pilot plant students will then adopt a number of different rolls in the management and operating structure of the unique pilot plant and will manage/operate the unit in semi-batch mode for 4x12hr consecutive days of production.
View full module detailsThe detailed design of a chemical process paying appropriate consideration to sustainability, economic and operational feasibility and engineering practicality is a key skill for chemical and petroleum engineers and requires a detail and robust understanding of all aspects of chemical engineering in the petroleum engineering arena. This module comprises a sequence of learning opportunities designed to integrate and consolidate most of the fundamental science and engineering expertise acquired during the previous levels of the degree programme. The assessment is designed so that 60% is based on individual work and 40% is based on group activity. The equipment design report (UOA 2) is based on a piece of equipment of advanced complexity (grade C or higher).
View full module detailsYear 4 - MEng
Semester 1
Module purpose: This module was conceived to answer the SARTOR 3 requirement that each MEng student participates in a multi-disciplinary design activity. It involves students from Aerospace, Civil, Chemical, Electronic, Mechanical and Medical Engineering working in groups which contain at least 3, and often 4, disciplines. The projects are conceived by Royal Academy of Engineering (RAE) Visiting Professors from Industry (who enjoy the active support of their sponsoring organisation). It aims to emulate an intensive Industrial Design Project.
View full module detailsNowadays, the design, planning and operations management relay on mathematical models the complexity of which depends on the detail of models and complexity of the problem they represent. In process industry these design and operation planning functions are particularly complex and a wide range of optimisation processes and methodologies are used to minimise risks and/or improve quality in making concomitant decisions. Consequently, the module intends to introduce to students the formulation of the decision making problems and application of optimisation techniques to support decisions with real-life worked examples.
View full module detailsThe module is intended to introduce students to research methods in Chemical Engineering, with a focus on developing research ideas and planning a research study. Students work with an academic supervisor to undertake a literature review of a research topic, and ultimately plan a research study to address identified research questions or test research hypotheses. The module is intended to develop the skill base and subject knowledge of the students so that research work can be effectively undertaken for the generation of original results or new understanding.
View full module detailsThe chemical industry can be divided into commodity chemical production, where the volume of production is high and the commercial margins are low and speciality chemicals production, where the volume of production is low but the commercial margins are high. The oil and gas industry and petrochemicals production can be regarded as being in the former category whereas pharmaceutical production falls into the latter. The purpose of this module is to provide students with the information that will prepare them for work in the speciality sector (hence the lectures) and then to give them an opportunity to use their total chemical engineering knowledge in project work related to several examples from the speciality chemicals industries. This can involve products that are made for only small groups of people to use and as such may require a consumer related approach.
View full module detailsOptional
This module provides students with a systematic framework of building, solving and applying mathematical models of process systems in a variety of contexts related to chemical engineering and the wider engineering disciplines. Students will acquire the knowledge of the main concepts, methods, and tools of process modelling and simulation, including state-of-the-art process simulation software. Apart from teaching the methods of mathematical modelling, the module develops general problem-solving and algorithmic skills applicable in many areas of employment.
View full module detailsAutomatic control is an essential technology to maintain safe, economic and environmentally benign operation of manufacturing processes. Process control is increasingly needed and challenging because modern plants have become more difficult to operate as the result of complex and highly integrated processes. This module aims to provide an introduction to process control, balancing theoretical and practical aspects. The module will review basic concept in control, including dynamics, feedback and stability, based on which more advanced and modern techniques will be introduced. It will integrate computer experiments, which closely simulate the operation of process plants, to enhance the understanding of process control principles.
View full module detailsSemester 2
The module is intended to provide a bridge between the research activities of CPE academics and the contents of the MEng programme in Chemical and Petroleum Engineering by providing students with an opportunity for independent research-based learning through individual projects. Advanced training is also provided on academic conferencing and publication skills, such as networking, research abstract / paper writing and presentation skills.
View full module detailsOptional
This module provides an introduction to the theory and practice associated with the exploration and production of crude oil and natural gas covering subsurface and topside operations.
View full module detailsGlobal competition has seen a shift from between individual companies to that between supply chains. This module will introduce the concept of supply chain and its management, including both qualitative and quantitative analysis. It will equip the students with the knowledge of fundamental supply chain processes, as well as the major components such as distribution, demand forecasting, planning, inventory, transportation, sourcing and coordination. Conceptual modelling of supply chain events toward sustainable and profitable supply chains will also be discussed. In this module, students will acquire in depth understanding of supply chain management and corresponding analysis tools that are used to achieve optimal supply chain performance whilst satisfying customers' need.
View full module detailsA teaching and learning module that covers all aspects of safety and reliability in the design and operation of process plant and equipment. Although generally applicable to the full range of business operations, the main focus is on offshore oil and gas platforms, refinery and petrochemical operations where knowledge and understanding will be gained in maintaining the highest standards of process safety and operations integrity.
View full module detailsOptional modules for Year 4 - FHEQ Level 7
Plan A - 90 credits of compulsory modules and 30 credits optional (choice of 2 from 3 modules)
Plan B - 2 compulsory and 2 optional in Semester 1; 1 compulsory and 2 optional in Semester 2.
ENGM001 - Compulsory, Plan A only
ENGM072 - Compulsory, Plan A only
ENGM072 - Optional, Plan B only
ENGM078 - Optional
ENGM275 - Compulsory
ENGM291 - Compulsory
ENGM282 - Compulsory, Plan B only
ENGM214 - Optional, Plan B only
ENGM217 - Optional
ENGM218 - Optional
ENGM255 - Optional, Plan B only
Year 1 - MEng with placement
Semester 1
The Materials element of this module provides an introduction to a range of common material properties and outlines major classes of material. The Sustainability element provides an introduction to the fundamentals of sustainability and its engineering applications.
View full module detailsThis module is designed to give students entering the Chemical Engineering programmes a sufficient grounding in Physics, Chemistry and Cell Biology. An introduction of certain aspects of Physics is necessary as background to the fluid and particle mechanics taught in the course. An introduction to the essential basics of cell biology and chemical kinetics is required by all chemical engineers working in the environmental, pharma and related industries. We start with an overview of cell biology and biochemistry. Then we take a closer look at bacteria, fungi and mammalian cells, how they work, and how they behave and reproduce. We look at industrial processes that use, exploit or produce these cells. We introduce the concepts of solution properties and chemical, enzyme and microbial kinetics. An introduction to certain aspects of chemistry is necessary as a preparation for the Industrial Chemistry module and as a background in chemical kinetics for the reaction engineering modules.
View full module detailsThe conservation of both Mass and Energy are fundamentals on which all Chemical Processing is based. Being able to properly formulate and solve material and energy balances and in so doing integrate and interpret physical property data from different sources and in a variety of different units is an essential skills for an engineer. The module covers the fundamental concept used when analysing the mass and energy flows in chemical processing and allows students to apply them to the analysis of a wide variety of real-world situations such as distillation and crystallisation processes that are commonly found in industrial manufacturing plants.
View full module detailsA first level engineering mathematics module designed to briefly revise and then extend A-Level maths material and introduce more mathematical techniques to support engineering science modules.
View full module detailsSemester 2
This module consists of two parts. The first part, Laboratory Skills, contains experiments selected so as to support other parts of the level 1 curriculum and to develop a range of generic skills including practical laboratory skills, data handling and understanding experimental uncertainty. The second part, Transferable skills, is focused on academic research skills, writing skills and presentation skills. These skills, whilst of generic importance to undergraduate study, are examined largely in the context of presenting the findings of experimental work or information relevant to Year 1 Chemical Engineering students.
View full module detailsMathematics is an essential tool which engineers use to understand and solve problems. A good understanding of mathematics is therefore essential for us to tackle the complex problems which our world faces. This module builds on the foundations learned in ENG1084 – Mathematics 1 and will teach you the mathematical concepts used to describe the physical phenomena which are important for engineering applications. The mathematics covered will also open a window into the extraordinary discoveries of 18th to 20th century physics, ranging from Newtonian mechanics to Einstein’s theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. You will apply the knowledge of mathematics learned in this module to analyse applied engineering problems, reaching substantiated conclusions from first principles.
View full module detailsThe module is intended to: Provide an introduction to the fundamental science of the formation of crude oil and natural gas, the geology associated with these deposits, the physical and chemical properties of these fossil fuels and Upstream Processing required before refining and marketing. Provide the students with knowledge of the chemistry of crude oil and natural gas and how these fossil fuels can be separated, treated and converted into valuable products for energy and petrochemical uses.
View full module detailsFirst year common module in thermo-fluids for MES + Chemical Engineering students. FLUID MECHANICS: The basic concepts underlying fluid flows and behaviour are described together with simple fluid properties. The calculation of static fluid forces is the starting point before moving to dynamic fluid effects including mass-flow and energy conservation. Non-dimensional analysis methods, laminar and turbulent flows and pipe system analysis are considered, including fluid friction, momentum and energy losses in fittings. THERMODYNAMICS: Following an introduction on energy consumption, generation and supply from conventional and alternative sources the basic principles of heat and work transfer are described and system thermal efficiency. Thermal properties of working fluids (both liquids and gases) are described. The 1st law of thermodynamics is introduced with applications to processes and cycles for closed and steady-flow systems.
View full module detailsYear 2 - MEng with placement
Semester 1
This module provides an introduction to separation processes in general, but with particular emphasis on equilibrium staged separations of binary mixtures. Processes covered include binary distillation, liquid-liquid extraction and gas absorption and desorption in tray columns. This gives students an appreciation of what lies beneath chemical engineering flow-sheeting and design software packages. This appreciation is enhanced by hands on experience with HYSYS, an industry standard chemical engineering design simulation package. The module makes connections to real-world chemical engineering separation processes examples, and relates how chemical engineering design plays a role in sustainability of the chemical industry.
View full module detailsHeat Transfer: Knowledge of heat transfer is vital for Chemical Engineers. In order to effectively design and operate many unit operations, such as heat exchangers and reactors, a sound understanding of the fundamentals of heat transfer is required. This part of the module is intended to introduce students to the basic mechanisms of heat transfer and to allow them to apply this understanding to the design of heat exchangers. The laboratory element extends upon the skills developed in FHEQ Level 4 of the degree programmes, with particular attention to investigations that demonstrate and reinforce concepts of several FHEQ Level 5 modules.
View full module detailsThere is an increasing demand in the chemical and process engineering industry for computational tools to collect and analyse data, design, simulate and automate processes. To keep up with the development and implementation of new technological tools, the content new chemical engineers are taught needs to keep up with this constant change. This module builds on the modules ENG1084 Mathematics 1, ENG1085 Mathematics 2 and ENG1083 Transferable Skills and Laboratory Skills from FHEQ level 4 and contextualises this content with a focus on building the computational skills and digital capabilities for the modern chemical engineer. This, in turn, should lead to the students being able to correctly identify the computational tools required for a given problem, and allow them to use computational tools to model and simulate chemical engineering processes as well as solve process optimisation problems.
View full module detailsThe Engineering Systems sub-module introduces students to the systems approach for engineering design and analysis. It provides an introduction to the steps involved in chemical process design with detail on the preparation of graphical representations of processes i.e. BFDs, PFDs, and P&IDs. The design of pressure vessels is also covered. The Engineering Management sub-module provides an introduction to company financing, operation, pricing and costing, accounting and reporting, marketing, project evaluation and project management in preparation for working in a professional engineering environment. This sub-module also provides an introduction to the legal responsibilities of companies and employees to the health and safety of all in the workplace. It serves as an introduction to techniques used by engineers to evaluate and reduce levels of danger in the work place.
View full module detailsSemester 2
Today, control systems are widely used in engineering applications. Simple machines like a water dispenser and complex systems like a formula 1 car, an airliner, or a chemical production plant, all rely in some form of control system. A control system is a combination of hardware and software that operate together to provide the desired response from any system, and thus helps to develop and describe the relationship between input and output of any system. A simple example is a control system to keep the level of a tank at the desired level despite fluctuations in the input flow rate.
View full module detailsThis module aligns with the following Pillars of the Surrey Curriculum Framework: Sustainability; Employability; Resourcefulness and resilience. Mass Transfer: Mass transfer is essential knowledge for chemical engineers, governing the underlying operations in many industrial processes involving, for example, separation and reaction. The purpose of the module is to introduce students to mechanistic and semi-empirical descriptions of mass transfer, and to apply such understanding to the design of process such as gas absorption and drying. Fluid mechanics: The main part of the syllabus concentrates on developing the student’s understanding of internal flows. Knowledge of turbulent flow is extended by the introduction of the Universal Velocity Profile. Furthermore, more complex flows, which may include multiple phases or compressibility, are introduced. The issues of drag and terminal velocity of particles is tackled and the features and flow of some non-Newtonian fluids discussed. A short introduction is given on the simulation of real-life Mass-Transfer and Fluid Mechanics problems using commercial software.
View full module detailsThe module addresses the essential concepts and applications of thermodynamics that are required by Chemical Engineers. The course is divided into two distinct sections, the first (65%) focussing on Chemical Thermodynamics and the second on Applied Thermodynamics. The content enriches student understanding related to energy minimisation and utilisation to improve the sustainability of processes and operations. Moreover, fundamental principles of the thermodynamics of equilibria are used to appraise the optimum use of energy. Chemical Thermodynamics: Starting from the fundamental laws of thermodynamics, the course builds up to the prediction of equilibrium states for complex reaction mixtures, and vapour-liquid systems that exhibit both ideal and non-ideal behaviours. Principles are covered to effectively interpret thermodynamic packages and approaches used within commercial process simulation packages such as HYSYS and ChemCAD, thus enhancing student digital capabilities in the employment of such software. Applied Thermodynamics: This section of the module extends the material covered in the introductory lectures at FHEQ Level 4. Specifically, the use of the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics to analyse and design simple power and refrigeration cycles is introduced. The content provides basic understanding of efficient cycle design to maximise energy utilisation, as well as a review of the sustainable use of energy.
View full module detailsThe heart of any chemical or biochemical processes is often said to be the reactor. A comprehensive understanding of reactors’ performances is a pre-requisite for the process design. This Reaction Engineering module builds on the reaction kinetic knowledge from level 1 and applies it to the design of homogeneous chemical reactors and bio-reactors. The module creates connections to real-world chemical process design examples, and covers some important aspects of chemical engineering design called green chemistry and sustainability of chemical industry.
View full module detailsYear 3 - MEng with placement
Semester 1
Energy and Industrial Systems is a module roughly divided into 2 related parts. The Industrial Systems section introduces the basic principles of industrial systems thinking and detail as applied to the chemical industry, providing real-world insights into how many of the theoretical content taught in previous levels is applied in industry. The Industrial Systems section introduces tools needed to understand the management of streams to be released into the environment ('waste management') under normal circumstances and to prevent accidental releases, teaching our future engineers the importance of sustainability and social responsibility. The Energy Systems section covers methods and tools employed in energy systems integration decision making. It addresses the issues surrounding energy supply. The content ranges from technical detail (the engineering) through to national and international policy making, discussing the energy transition, emissions reduction, and energy efficiency to ensure our graduates can contribute to creating cleaner and more sustainable process industries. The module is also important in preparing students for the Design Project, due to the focus on integrated systems, and industrial design.
View full module detailsThe module is designed to develop a student’s applied analytical skills and knowledge of the complex mass transport phenomena in selected types of liquid/gas, solid/gas and liquid/solid/gas contact equipment commonly encountered in chemical process plants. The complexity of the design procedure is covered with selected process examples in which simultaneous heat and mass transfer, mass transfer without chemical reactions, and physical fluid/particle separation are studied in depth. Students will be introduced to the design equations for various unit operations, including the evaporative cooling systems (humidifiers, air-conditioning systems, and cooling towers), crystalisers, filters, and centrifuges, which develop their engineering knowledge and competence in sustainability, digital capabilities, and employability.
View full module detailsThis module provides students with the knowledge and skills to complete chemical reaction engineering analysis on both catalytic and fluid-solid reactors when applied in petrochemical processing. The students will acquire knowledge about different heterogeneous reactor configurations and be able to apply chemical engineering principles to model kinetic behaviour applicable to reaction engineering. By completing this module students will develop a solid understanding of reactor design principles that are relevant to a wide variety of industries.
View full module detailsMulticomponent separation is the most commonly used industrial separation process world-wide and a sound understanding of the fundamental principles (material/energy balances, vapour-liquid, liquid-solid, gas-solid and liquid-liquid equilibrium, separation efficiency and system hydrodynamics) defining the operation of such processes is essential to a graduate engineer. This module extends students' knowledge and understanding to include multicomponent systems involving distillation and adsorption. It also introduces students to detailed separation processes specific to petroleum engineering such as dehydration and water treatment, desulfurisation, and dewaxing.
View full module detailsSemester 2
The financial and operational management of a chemical process is essential to Chemical Industry; students who have first-hand experienced these activities will become more rounded and employable graduates. Following a comprehensive grounding in the science of Crystallisation students will complete a number of Case Studies related to the performance and operation of the pilot plant rig processing a crystallising system. Following comprehensive training in the safe operation of the pilot plant students will then adopt a number of different rolls in the management and operating structure of the unique pilot plant and will manage/operate the unit in semi-batch mode for 4x12hr consecutive days of production.
View full module detailsThe detailed design of a chemical process paying appropriate consideration to sustainability, economic and operational feasibility and engineering practicality is a key skill for chemical and petroleum engineers and requires a detail and robust understanding of all aspects of chemical engineering in the petroleum engineering arena. This module comprises a sequence of learning opportunities designed to integrate and consolidate most of the fundamental science and engineering expertise acquired during the previous levels of the degree programme. The assessment is designed so that 60% is based on individual work and 40% is based on group activity. The equipment design report (UOA 2) is based on a piece of equipment of advanced complexity (grade C or higher).
View full module detailsProfessional Training Year (PTY)
Semester 1 & 2
This module supports students’ development of personal and professional attitudes and abilities appropriate to a Professional Training placement. It supports and facilitates self-reflection and transfer of learning from their Professional Training placement experiences to their final year of study and their future employment. The PTY module is concerned with Personal and Professional Development towards holistic academic and non-academic learning, and is a process that involves self-reflection, documented via the creation of a personal record, planning and monitoring progress towards the achievement of personal objectives. Development and learning may occur before and during the placement, and this is reflected in the assessment model as a progressive process. However, the graded assessment takes place primarily towards the end of the placement. Additionally, the module aims to enable students to evidence and evaluate their placement experiences and transfer that learning to other situations through written and presentation skills.
View full module detailsThis module supports students¿ development of personal and professional attitudes and abilities appropriate to a Professional Training placement. It supports and facilitates self-reflection and transfer of learning from their Professional Training placement experiences to their final year of study and their future employment. The PTY module is concerned with Personal and Professional Development towards holistic academic and non-academic learning and is a process that involves self-reflection. Development and learning may occur before and during the placement, and this is reflected in the assessment model as a progressive process. However, the graded assessment takes place primarily towards the end of the placement. Additionally, the module aims to enable students to evidence and evaluate their placement experiences and transfer that learning to other situations through written skills.
View full module detailsOptional modules for Professional Training Year (PTY) -
Students taking the PTY Year must choose either module ENGP011 or module ENGP018
Year 4 - MEng with placement
Semester 1
Module purpose: This module was conceived to answer the SARTOR 3 requirement that each MEng student participates in a multi-disciplinary design activity. It involves students from Aerospace, Civil, Chemical, Electronic, Mechanical and Medical Engineering working in groups which contain at least 3, and often 4, disciplines. The projects are conceived by Royal Academy of Engineering (RAE) Visiting Professors from Industry (who enjoy the active support of their sponsoring organisation). It aims to emulate an intensive Industrial Design Project.
View full module detailsNowadays, the design, planning and operations management relay on mathematical models the complexity of which depends on the detail of models and complexity of the problem they represent. In process industry these design and operation planning functions are particularly complex and a wide range of optimisation processes and methodologies are used to minimise risks and/or improve quality in making concomitant decisions. Consequently, the module intends to introduce to students the formulation of the decision making problems and application of optimisation techniques to support decisions with real-life worked examples.
View full module detailsThe module is intended to introduce students to research methods in Chemical Engineering, with a focus on developing research ideas and planning a research study. Students work with an academic supervisor to undertake a literature review of a research topic, and ultimately plan a research study to address identified research questions or test research hypotheses. The module is intended to develop the skill base and subject knowledge of the students so that research work can be effectively undertaken for the generation of original results or new understanding.
View full module detailsThe chemical industry can be divided into commodity chemical production, where the volume of production is high and the commercial margins are low and speciality chemicals production, where the volume of production is low but the commercial margins are high. The oil and gas industry and petrochemicals production can be regarded as being in the former category whereas pharmaceutical production falls into the latter. The purpose of this module is to provide students with the information that will prepare them for work in the speciality sector (hence the lectures) and then to give them an opportunity to use their total chemical engineering knowledge in project work related to several examples from the speciality chemicals industries. This can involve products that are made for only small groups of people to use and as such may require a consumer related approach.
View full module detailsOptional
This module provides students with a systematic framework of building, solving and applying mathematical models of process systems in a variety of contexts related to chemical engineering and the wider engineering disciplines. Students will acquire the knowledge of the main concepts, methods, and tools of process modelling and simulation, including state-of-the-art process simulation software. Apart from teaching the methods of mathematical modelling, the module develops general problem-solving and algorithmic skills applicable in many areas of employment.
View full module detailsAutomatic control is an essential technology to maintain safe, economic and environmentally benign operation of manufacturing processes. Process control is increasingly needed and challenging because modern plants have become more difficult to operate as the result of complex and highly integrated processes. This module aims to provide an introduction to process control, balancing theoretical and practical aspects. The module will review basic concept in control, including dynamics, feedback and stability, based on which more advanced and modern techniques will be introduced. It will integrate computer experiments, which closely simulate the operation of process plants, to enhance the understanding of process control principles.
View full module detailsSemester 2
The module is intended to provide a bridge between the research activities of CPE academics and the contents of the MEng programme in Chemical and Petroleum Engineering by providing students with an opportunity for independent research-based learning through individual projects. Advanced training is also provided on academic conferencing and publication skills, such as networking, research abstract / paper writing and presentation skills.
View full module detailsOptional
This module provides an introduction to the theory and practice associated with the exploration and production of crude oil and natural gas covering subsurface and topside operations.
View full module detailsA teaching and learning module that covers all aspects of safety and reliability in the design and operation of process plant and equipment. Although generally applicable to the full range of business operations, the main focus is on offshore oil and gas platforms, refinery and petrochemical operations where knowledge and understanding will be gained in maintaining the highest standards of process safety and operations integrity.
View full module detailsGlobal competition has seen a shift from between individual companies to that between supply chains. This module will introduce the concept of supply chain and its management, including both qualitative and quantitative analysis. It will equip the students with the knowledge of fundamental supply chain processes, as well as the major components such as distribution, demand forecasting, planning, inventory, transportation, sourcing and coordination. Conceptual modelling of supply chain events toward sustainable and profitable supply chains will also be discussed. In this module, students will acquire in depth understanding of supply chain management and corresponding analysis tools that are used to achieve optimal supply chain performance whilst satisfying customers' need.
View full module detailsOptional modules for Year 4 (with PTY) - FHEQ Level 7
Plan A - 90 credits of compulsory modules and 30 credits optional (choice of 2 from 3 modules)
Plan B - 2 compulsory and 2 optional in Semester 1; 1 compulsory and 2 optional in Semester 2.
ENGM001 - Compulsory, Plan A only
ENGM072 - Compulsory, Plan A only
ENGM072 - Optional, Plan B only
ENGM078 - Optional
ENGM275 - Compulsory
ENGM291 - Compulsory
ENGM282 - Compulsory, Plan B only
ENGM214 - Optional, Plan B only
ENGM217 - Optional
ENGM218 - Optional
ENGM255 - Optional, Plan B only
Teaching and learning
You’ll be taught by prize-winning academics and experienced former industrialists, and you’ll gain a strong base knowledge that’s relevant for a wide range of fulfilling careers in the global energy sector.
Methods of teaching and assessment in the early stages of the course aim to ensure you’re equipped with the necessary techniques and relevant knowledge, including practice in finding information and deciding whether it’s relevant.
The methods adopted in Year 3 and 4 (MEng) are influenced by the need to broaden and deepen the knowledge you’ve gained at the earlier stages, and to develop the higher-order skills you’ll need as a professional engineer.
Our courses equip you with problem-solving, analytical and other transferable skills, enabling you to succeed in whatever career you pursue. For example, you’ll learn to assess business proposals which require capital investment but bring long-term profits.
- Group work
- Practical sessions
- Project work
- Tutorials
We use a variety of methods to assess you, including:
- Coursework
- Essays
- Examinations
- Presentations.
General course information
Contact hours
Contact hours can vary across our modules. Full details of the contact hours for each module are available from the University of Surrey's module catalogue. See the modules section for more information.
New students will receive their personalised timetable in Welcome Week. In later semesters, two weeks before the start of semester.
Scheduled teaching can take place on any day of the week (Monday – Friday), with part-time classes normally scheduled on one or two days. Wednesday afternoons tend to be for sports and cultural activities.
View our code of practice for the scheduling of teaching and assessment (PDF) for more information.
This course is based at Stag Hill campus. Stag Hill is the University's main campus and where the majority of our courses are taught.
We offer careers information, advice and guidance to all students whilst studying with us, which is extended to our alumni for three years after leaving the University.
On average, chemical engineers earn more than any other engineering discipline, and graduates are consistently paid more than chemists and other scientists. The high salaries reflect the level of responsibility and importance that chemical engineering graduates quickly attain.
Demand for graduates in the oil and gas and petrochemicals sectors is expected to remain strong. New developments in these sectors include:
- Adaption of refineries to use more of the barrel as petrochemical feedstock
- Decommissioning of exhausted offshore facilities
- Liquefied natural gas projects
- Carbon capture and storage schemes
- New feedstocks for petrochemical plants.
We’ve worked closely with industrial organisations to design our courses around their needs, ensuring our graduates are highly attractive to employers when they leave. The Graduate Outcomes 2024, HESA found that 89 per cent of our chemical and process engineering undergraduate students go on to employment or further study.
Recent graduate roles
You’ll also be taught the latest technically literate approaches to future chemical production. Recent graduates have entered employment in roles such as:
- Associate Process Engineer, Fluor Corporation
- Chemical Engineer, Saudi Aramco
- Utilities Shift Supervisor, Qatar Petroleum.
We’re one of the only universities in the world with a chemical engineering pilot plant. This on campus facility enables you to experience the complete chemical manufacturing process, rather than just pilot-scale individual operations such as distillation.
In Year 3, you’ll carry out a realistic exercise operating our pilot scale processing plant, taking responsibility for factors such as safety, profitability and environmental impact. "Learning by doing" is very much our approach at Surrey.
In addition, in Year 1 and 2 you’ll complete laboratory experiments, including investigating the performance of a centrifugal pump, a heat exchanger and multiple stirred-tank chemical reactors. You also receive 24-hour access to our computer rooms.

Award winning chemical plant training at Surrey
Award winning chemical plant training at Surrey
Learn more about the qualifications we typically accept to study this course at Surrey.
Typical offer
- BEng (Hons):
- Required subjects: mathematics and chemistry.
- MEng:
- Required subjects: mathematics and chemistry.
- BEng (Hons) with Foundation Year:
- Required subjects: Mathematics and one of Chemistry, Computer Science, Electronics, Further Maths or Physics.
A-level General Studies and A-level Critical Thinking are not accepted. Applicants taking the Science Practical Endorsement are expected to pass.
GCSE or equivalent: English Language at grade 4 (C).
- BEng (Hons):
- Required subjects: A-level Mathematics grade B. BTEC must be in a relevant subject.
- MEng:
- Required subjects: A-level Mathematics grade B. BTEC must be in a relevant subject.
- BEng (Hons) with Foundation Year:
- Required subjects: A-level Mathematics grade C. BTEC must be in a relevant subject.
GCSE or equivalent: English at grade 4 (C).
- BEng (Hons):
- 33 - 32
- Required subjects: Chemistry HL5/SL6 and either Mathematics Analysis and Approaches HL5/SL6 or Mathematics Applications and Interpretations HL5.
- MEng:
- 34
- Required subjects: Chemistry HL5/SL6 and either Mathematics Analysis and Approaches HL5/SL6 or Mathematics Applications and Interpretations HL5.
- BEng (Hons) with Foundation Year:
- 29
- Required subjects: Chemistry or Physics HL4/SL6 and either Mathematics Analysis and Approaches HL4/SL6 or Mathematics Applications and Interpretations HL4.
GCSE or equivalent: English A HL4/SL4 or English B HL5/SL6.
- BEng (Hons):
- 78% - 75%
- Required subjects: Chemistry 7.5 and Mathematics (5 period) 7.5.
- MEng:
- 82%
- Required subjects: Chemistry 7.5 and Mathematics (5 period) 7.5.
- BEng (Hons) with Foundation Year:
- For foundation year equivalencies please contact the Admissions team.
GCSE or equivalent: English Language (1/2) - 6 English Language (3) - 7.
- BEng (Hons):
- QAA recognised Access to Higher Education Diploma with 45 level 3 credits overall including 30 at Distinction and 15 at Merit or 27 at Distinction and 18 at Merit.
- Required subjects: A-level Mathematics grade B. Access to Higher Education modules must be in relevant subjects.
- MEng:
- QAA recognised Access to Higher Education Diploma with 45 level 3 credits overall including 39 credits at Distinction and 6 credits at Merit.
- Required subjects: A-level Mathematics grade B. Access to Higher Education modules must be in relevant subjects.
- BEng (Hons) with Foundation Year:
- QAA recognised Access to Higher Education Diploma with 45 level 3 credits overall including 21 credits at Distinction, 3 credits at Merit and 21 credits at Pass
- Required subjects: A-level Mathematics grade C. Access to Higher Education modules must be in relevant subjects.
GCSE or equivalent: English at grade 4 (C).
- BEng (Hons):
- Required subjects: mathematics and chemistry.
- MEng:
- Required subjects: mathematics and chemistry.
- BEng (Hons) with Foundation Year:
- Required subjects: mathematics and chemistry or physics.
GCSE or equivalent: Scottish National 5 for English Language grade C.
- BEng (Hons):
- ABB-BBB from a combination of the Advanced Skills Baccalaureate Wales and two A-levels.
- Required subjects: A-levels in mathematics and chemistry.
- MEng:
- Pass overall with AAB from a combination of Advanced Skills Challenge Certificate and two A-levels.
- Required subjects: A-levels in mathematics and chemistry.
- BEng (Hons) with Foundation Year:
- Pass overall with CCC from a combination of Advanced Skills Challenge Certificate and two A-levels.
- Required subjects: Mathematics and one of Chemistry, Computer Science, Electronics, Further Maths or Physics.
A-level General Studies and A-level Critical Thinking are not accepted. Applicants taking the Science Practical Endorsement are expected to pass.
GCSE or equivalent: English Language at grade 4 (C).
This route is only applicable to the MEng course.
Applicants taking the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) will receive our standard A-level offer, plus an alternate offer of one A-level grade lower, subject to achieving an A grade in the EPQ. The one grade reduction will not apply to any required subjects.
This grade reduction will not combine with other grade reduction policies, such as contextual admissions policy or In2Surrey.
English language requirements
IELTS Academic: 6.0 overall with 5.5 in each element.
View the other English language qualifications that we accept.
If you do not currently meet the level required for your programme, we offer intensive pre-sessional English language courses, designed to take you to the level of English ability and skill required for your studies here.

International Foundation Year
If you are an international student and you don’t meet the entry requirements for this degree, we offer the International Foundation Year at the Surrey International Study Centre. Upon successful completion, you can progress to this degree course.
Selection process
We normally make offers in terms of grades.
If you are a suitable candidate you will be invited to an offer holder event. During your visit to the University you can find out more about the course and meet staff and students.
Recognition of prior learning
We recognise that many students enter their higher education course with valuable knowledge and skills developed through a range of professional, vocational and community contexts.
If this applies to you, the recognition of prior learning (RPL) process may allow you to join a course without the formal entry requirements or enter your course at a point appropriate to your previous learning and experience.
There are restrictions on RPL for some courses and fees may be payable for certain claims. Please see the code of practice for recognition of prior learning and prior credit: taught programmes (PDF) for further information.
Contextual offers
Did you know eligible students receive support through their application to Surrey, which could include a grade reduction on offer?
Explore UKCISA’s website for more information if you are unsure whether you are a UK or overseas student. View the list of fees for all undergraduate courses.
Payment schedule
- Students with Tuition Fee Loan: the Student Loans Company pay fees in line with their schedule.
- Students without a Tuition Fee Loan: pay their fees either in full at the beginning of the programme or in two instalments as follows:
- 50% payable 10 days after the invoice date (expected to be early October of each academic year)
- 50% in January of the same academic year.
The exact date(s) will be on invoices. Students on part-time programmes where fees are paid on a modular basis, cannot pay fees by instalment.
- Sponsored students: must provide us with valid sponsorship information that covers the period of study.
Professional training placement fees
If you are studying on a programme which contains a Professional Training placement year there will be a reduced fee for the academic year in which you undertake your placement. This is normally confirmed 12 to 18 months in advance, or once Government policy is determined.
Additional costs
- Books/stationery/admin: £10
- Safety equipment and/or uniform: £10 – PPE equipment.
Grand total: £20.
Scholarships and bursaries
Discover what scholarships and bursaries are available to support your studies.
Our award-winning Professional Training placement scheme gives you the chance to spend a year in industry, either in the UK or abroad.
We have thousands of placement providers to choose from, most of which offer pay. So, become one of our many students who have had their lives and career choices transformed.
Chemical and petroleum engineering placements
Our courses are enhanced by strong industrial links, both in the UK and overseas. These links contribute to our award-winning Professional Training programme, which has been running for more than 40 years.
On placement, you’ll get the opportunity to gain invaluable first-hand experience of how industry operates and apply your theoretical knowledge in practice. Taken by many of our students, the Professional Training placement gives you a head start in your future career.
Companies who participate
Companies that have participated in our scheme both in the UK and overseas include:
- Avery Dennison
- Bidco
- Crondall Energy
- Det Norsk Veritas
- EDF Energy
- ExxonMobil
- Fluor Corporation
- GlaxoSmithKline
- Grace
- Oiltech Engineering.
Applying for placements
Students are generally not placed by the University. But we offer support and guidance throughout the process, with access to a vacancy site of placement opportunities.
Find out more about the application process.

Discover, develop and dive in
Find out how students at Surrey developed their skills in industry by undertaking a placement year.
Discover, develop and dive in
Find out how students at Surrey developed their skills in industry by undertaking a placement year.
Study and work abroad
Studying at Surrey opens a world of opportunity. Take advantage of our study and work abroad partnerships, explore the world, and expand your skills for the graduate job market.
The opportunities abroad vary depending on the course, but options include study exchanges, work/research placements, summer programmes, and recent graduate internships. Financial support is available through various grants and bursaries, as well as Student Finance.
Perhaps you would like to volunteer in India or learn about Brazilian business and culture in São Paulo during your summer holidays? With 140+ opportunities in 36+ different countries worldwide, there is something for everyone. Explore your options via our search tool and find out more about our current partner universities and organisations.
Apply for your chosen course online through UCAS, with the following course and institution codes.
About the University of Surrey
Need more information?
Contact our Admissions team or talk to a current University of Surrey student online.
- BEng (Hons)View UFJ12F0009U
- BEng (Hons) with placementView UFJ12S0009U
- BEng (Hons) with foundation yearView UFJ12F0010U
- BEng (Hons) with foundation year and placementView UFJ12S0010U
- MEngView UFJ15F0009U
- MEng with placementView UFJ15S0009U
Terms and conditions
When you accept an offer to study at the University of Surrey, you are agreeing to follow our policies and procedures, student regulations, and terms and conditions.
We provide these terms and conditions in two stages:
- First when we make an offer.
- Second when students accept their offer and register to study with us (registration terms and conditions will vary depending on your course and academic year).
View our generic registration terms and conditions (PDF) for the 2023/24 academic year, as a guide on what to expect.
This online prospectus has been published in advance of the academic year to which it applies.
Whilst we have done everything possible to ensure this information is accurate, some changes may happen between publishing and the start of the course.
It is important to check this website for any updates before you apply for a course with us. Read our full disclaimer.