
Find out more about our staff.

Faculty Executive Board

Executive Dean

Paul A. Townsend profile image

Professor Paul Townsend

Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Executive Dean of the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Associate deans

Kathrin Cohen Kadosh profile image

Dr Kathrin Cohen Kadosh

Associate Dean (Doctoral College) and Associate Professor Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience

Deborah Dunn-Walters profile image

Professor Deborah Dunn-Walters

Walters Associate Dean (Research & Innovation) and Professor of Immunology

Dynatra Subasinghe profile image

Dr Dynatra Subasinghe

Associate Dean (Education) and Senior Lecturer in Small Animal Clinical Practice

Shelini Surendran profile image

Dr Shelini Surendran

Associate Dean (International) and Associate Professor in Biosciences

Heads of schools

Aimee Aubeeluck profile image

Professor Aimee Aubeeluck

Head of School of Health Sciences and Professor of Health Psychology

Roi Cohen Kadosh profile image

Professor Roi Cohen Kadosh

Head of School of Psychology and Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience

Kamalan Jeevaratnam profile image

Professor Kamalan Jeevaratnam

Head of School of Veterinary Medicine and Professor of Clinical Physiology

Roberto La Ragione profile image

Professor Roberto La Ragione

Head of School of Biosciences and Professor of Veterinary Medicine and Pathology

Professional services staff

Natalie Downey

HR Business Partner

Deborah Lawson profile image

Deborah Lawson

Director of Faculty Operations

Emma Reynolds

Faculty Finance Manager

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Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
Kate Granger Building
30 Priestley Road, Surrey Research Park
See map