Section of Public Health Nutrition, Dietetics and Micronutrients
Learn more about our public health and food security research.
Public Health
The Public Health arm of the Section includes work on:
- Analysis of nutrition survey data in relation to outcomes
- Iodine deficiency in pregnant women in the UK and the effect on cognitive development in their children
- Effects of selenium status on human health.
Food Security
This arm includes research on:
- The effect of cell wall polysaccharides on nutrient digestibility; this is relevant to the impact of consumption of plant foods on the risk of cardiovascular and metabolic disease
- Antimicrobial resistance and the antimicrobial efficacy of lactic acid bacteria against Campylobacter
- The feasibility of using lactic acid bacteria as a treatment/vaccine in wildlife against bovine tuberculosis.
Sport and Exercise Science
Research interests:
- Exercise interventions for type-2 diabetes, ageing and prostate cancer
- Exercise, vascular function and chemodynamics
- Effects of exercise and ageing on musculoskeletal health.
Meet the team
Section lead

Professor Margaret Rayman
Professor of Nutritional Medicine
Section members

Dr Kourosh Ahmadi
Reader in Precision Nutrition

Dr Sarah Bath
Senior Lecturer in Public Health Nutrition

Dr Ruan Elliott
Dean Doctoral College; Senior Lecturer in Nutrition

Dr Jorge Gutierrez
Senior Lecturer in Food Microbiology

Dr Kath Hart
Senior Lecturer in Nutrition and Dietetics

Dr Julie Hunt
Lecturer in Sport and Exercise Sciences