Acrylamide in the Home: the effects of home-cooking on acrylamide generation
Consumer-facing research to date on acrylamide has focussed largely on scientific experiments to assess the effects of different types of cooking methods on acrylamide levels. There has been little so far, however, that assesses the actual methods that people use and how they impact on acrylamide formation. The aim of this research is to bridge the knowledge gap on actual cooking and preparation practices, in order to provide an indication as to how much acrylamide consumers are exposed to from food prepared at home, and whether this differs from the levels expected if
The aim of this research is to bridge the knowledge gap on actual cooking and preparation practices, in order to provide an indication as to how much acrylamide consumers are exposed to from food prepared at home, and whether this differs from the levels expected if food was prepared in accordance with manufacturer instructions.
Project members
Project Lead:
Surrey Researchers: