New possibilities for print media and packaging – Combining print with digital
The goal of this Action is to promote discussion on the benefits that may be achieved from novel combinations of print and digital. It will also be used to enhance innovations that will make use of the benefits of both print and electronic media as well as innovations where print and electronic media are combined.

Several examples exist where successful combinations have been achieved e.g. through the use of image recognition, augmented reality or printed electronics to bring interactivity into fiber based products. To give the forest industry a competitive edge this Action will focus on new innovations by combining knowledge of the end users with most recent technological achievements. New models of ongoing change in social interaction and in the cultural products of paper and electronic media will be elaborated and proposed. The results will promote critical and theoretical discussion on the changing meanings of contemporary media culture. The Action will explore new business opportunities for the fiber based products and the value chains of print media and packaging through novel, innovative uses. It will also serve as a channel for communication between industry and academia, thus contributing to the development of new commercial applications.
This Action is led by Anu Seisto from VTT, Finland. The Network is funded by the EU COST programme and runs from 1.4.12 for 4 years to 31.3.16.
Workgroup 1 is led by David Frohlich from the University of Surrey, with Pedro Isaias from the Universidade Aberta Portugal. This focusses on 'Customers and users' for augmented print and packaging, and how media habits are changing across Europe. In addition to a variety of workshops and international meetings already held by COST on this topic, further pending outputs include:
- A study of writing and reading on paper and screen, led by Jane Vincent from Surrey
- A literature review on 'New opportunities for augmented paper in a transmedia reading environment'
- A special issue of the Journal of Print and Media Technology Research entitled 'Audience, design and business factors in new media innovation'